Due to circumstances beyond my control, I will not be able to host the Secret Santa Soiree this year. I really hate that, and feel really bad about it. We are in the process of being relocated due to the major storm damage to hour home. The packers will be here today, and all our belongings will go into storage off site. I still don't know where we will go to live....nothing short of being homeless at this point.
Things have been rocky here since the first of August, and seems to just have spiraled out of control to a full blown disaster. I don't know when I will be back online, or able to blog again.....and if I don't make an appearance before the first of the year, I want to wish all my blogging friends a Happy Holiday season and a wonderful new year.
Again, I know so many of you look forward to this swap, and I feel really bad about not doing it, but at this point, it is just not going to be possible....I won't even have my computer....
Much love and regards....