Forget the fact that she openly and publicly (1) admitted to it and (2) sincerely apologized for it. As you read this and as I type this post, how many, just HOW MANY would do the same. How many would admit to a racial slur, a lie, a theft, an affair, dishonest acts far worse than what she has been hung out to dry over.
You don't have to answer me.....but you get the idea. If Paula Deen had any fear about the situation, she swallowed that fear and did the right thing. I commend her for that. The whole US of A should commend her for that. I could admit to a lot of things myself..but FEAR keeps my mouth shut, and I am sure I am not alone. I mean after all, we are living in a world were we could be stoned or shot in our own front yards over someone not liking or taking offense to something we said. It is time to wake up here!
I love Paula Deen, and I enjoy her show. I enjoy her cooking as it reminds me of my own grandmothers cooking from long ago. Simple, wonderful dishes that can be shared with your family. She is a Southern Lady and a true inspiration in every way. I feel she has been treated unfairly and this is just an example of how out of control our society is in general. How and when is enough, enough.
Once the media get wind of a story, they blow it up into preposterous proportions. That is when The Food Network, Walmart, Home Depot or QVC and other endorcements.......decide it is a good business move to drop her. Really? I wonder how many of the top CEO's of these very companies or owners would honestly stand before a television news camera and admit to any wrong doing of any kind in the last thirty years. Pardon me, but there was only one perfect man and that man walked on water.
Well, you know, I have rights too. If I want to turn on her show and watch it on television, I have that right, why does the Food Network think they can take that away? Does Walmart, Home Depot, QVC, Target or Sears think they can take away my right to walk into their store or go online and purchase her products if I so choose? It appears most of these do think they have the right. But I also HAVE THE RIGHT to not spend my money with these retailers, even if it means driving out of my way to shop elsewhere. When does this stop? We as consumers have rights too....the retail world seems to forget that.
If I was a major corporation, I'd sign Paula Deen in an instant, but since I am not and I am a nobody, I have been wondering what I can do to show my support.
I went to Amazon and per-ordered Paula's new cookbook coming out in October. I went back and ordered five more copies. I am going to give the other five copies away here on my blog. It is not a lot, but it is what I can do. Go to the website and order yourself a copy, then win one I am offering here and give it to a friend. Everyday folks like you and my do have a voice.
If you would like to enter my giveaway for a chance to win one of these Paula Deen & Friends Cookbooks coming out in October, just leave a comment. You can leave your own thoughts, you can tell me your favorite southern dish, or you can just say I want to enter. If you tweet about this giveaway, share on Facebook or blog about the giveaway, leave another comment that you did that! It is not required, but it will give you extra chances. Please only leave one comment for each way to enter.
And if the comments climb over 2500 (yes, I know that is ambitious) but if it does, I will give one lucky winner a set of Paula Deen cookware along with a cookbook. How sweet is that??
Please if you are a no reply blogger, make sure you leave an email address so I can contact you if you are chosen. All cookbooks will be mailed when they are shipped out in October.
I will close the giveaway on the last day of July. You have lots of time to enter, and lots of time to tell your friends. I know this really does not have a huge impact, however, it is showing my support and I am looking forward to sharing with all of you. If you'd like to read about ways to let the retailers know your thoughts on this subject, you can go HERE to Support Paula's Facebook page. Hop over and like that is climbing with new people supporting the Queen of the South every day!
Good Luck Everyone...spread the word. Giveaway ends July 31st!
For the record: Paula Deen does not have any affiliate with my blog. She does not know me or I am sure never even heard of me.This is not a sponsored post. This is a post and giveaway sponsored by me and the money out of my own pocket. I think it is being well spent and I hope it makes a small difference.