I hope each and every one has had a lovely holiday season. Once again, it is time for the Secret Santa Soiree Swap to come to an end. I still have a handful who do not have their post up, it may be due to computer problems, camera problems, or out of town, however, I am confident I will be able to update the list to 100% soon. I have heard from every one who is lacking their post, so keep checking back.
I'd like to take a moment to share some thoughts I have had the past few weeks. Most of you who read my blog, know I tend to speak my mind and ramble on....so expect that would be no different with this post.
There have been situations I have either been a part of, or heard of someone experiencing the same type of situation and it has given me several things to think about. I decided to share them here on this last post and if it is something you can take away from my thoughts and find them useful, then that is great, if you don't get anything out of it, well...just chalk it up to me rambling as I am inclined to do.
Sometimes, the biggest disappointments come from expectations. Now, clearly, there are always expectations in most every thing we do, but I am talking about expectations from people we may not know personally, or expectations that are just too high and not attainable. Sometimes, people have unrealistic expectations of family or friends and when their expectations are not met for what ever the reason may be, they feel slighted or upset. I have learned in the last few years, expectations can lead to misunderstanding, disappointment, and a deeply wounded spirit if I let it.
Secondly, there are no two people on this world that have the same 100% taste in their likes or dislikes. I personally, throughout my lifetime have received gifts that were truly not my taste at all. I have received gifts that were deliberately given to me knowing I would not like them. (yes, I am afraid there has been someone very much like this in my life and I allowed them to treat me this way for years...no more.) But the key to handling this type of situation was always smiling, thanking them for the gift, (regardless of the motivation behind the gift) and simply letting it go. There is a huge difference in someone maliciously giving terrible gifts, and someone sincerely trying to buy something they think someone will like and just missing the mark. It falls back to no two people have the same taste in all things.
Thirdly, no matter what, no matter how your expectations were not met, no matter what you think should have happened, it is always good manners to thank anyone who does something for you. Period. No matter if it is a small thing, or a big thing. Showing gratitude is very important these days, as we live in a world where very little gratitude is ever displayed.
Likewise, we live in a world where so many types of people interact with each other on various levels. Within our own families, there are difficulties that arise and our own families seem to disappoint and leave us feeling like they just don't get us. It is a fact, I know lots of folks feel this way. When the people closest to us miss the mark at times, how can we possibly expect total strangers to get it 100% right? Yes, there is disappointment but I think it all falls back to unattainable expectations. Clearly, the only thing we can control is how graciously we hold our heads up high, and do the right thing and display a thankful and grateful attitude even if we wish things had been different.
My expectations in hosting this swap each and every year is to give bloggers an opportunity to get to know someone they may not already know. It is ideal if that person has many different interest than myself. I have found if I have someone very different from myself, I usually find that once I have shopped for them, I have truly enjoyed thinking out of my comfort zone in trying to please someone who holds different interest.
Do I always get it right? Maybe not, I really don't know for a fact if I always get it right, but it is not from lack of trying. I am wondering if this is not they way to do things, and maybe I need to try and swap people with similar interest. Please know, it is always in the past and again this year been done in random draw when I assign someone their person. I don't look at names, I use numbers to make the assignments. Please know hosting this swap is a lot of fun for me, and I enjoy all the fun seeing the gifts when the packages arrive. I have not visited all of the participants yet, but I will do that in the next few days. Please take a moment and check out all the participants post about their gifts, it is always great fun~ and thank you to my Secret Santa this year....I am still over the moon about my gifts!
Thanks again for participating this year, and I hope you enjoyed yourself and enjoyed shopping for your swap person!
Below is the list of who had who......please refer to the original LIST to see who's blog belongs to what number.
for example
31 was Coloradolady and she had 21 tweloquilting
1 - 8
2 - 25
3 - 15
4 - 11
5 - 32
6 - 27
7 - 2
8 - 4
9 - 23
10 - 26
11 - 28
12 - 30
13 - 37
14 - 35
15 - 20
16 - 10
17 - 3
18 - 14
19 - 17
20 - 18
21 - 38
22 - 9
23 - 22
24 - 5
25 - 29
26 - 7
27 - 1
28 - 13
29 - 34
30 - 36
31 - 21
32 - 16
33 - 30
34 - 33
35 - 19
36 - 12
37 - 24
38 - 6
Please if you have not done your post, let me know when you do. I had a hard time this year as some of you were in multiple swaps, and I hope I got the right post linked in to the original list! Forgive me if I made a mistake, if you let me know, I will fix that!
Have a very Happy New Year!! I hope 2014 is the best it can be for each of you! And, once again, thank you all for participating this year...I hope you experienced a little Christmas cheer along the way!

ReplyDeleteThanks for all the hard work. I agree with your post, we need to all remember that our SS only knows about out likes by our info sheet, maybe those that were disappointed need to give more details, you can't please everyone all the time. Needless to say I was very pleased with all my items and again THANK YOU again for all your hard!!!!! work.
ReplyDeleteI also would like to thank you for all of the work put into this swap! I hear what you are saying loud and clear....I love all of my items I received! Happy 2014! And I will see you next December! :):) A fellow blogger and myself are hosting a Valentines Swap...so please join us when the post goes up in a few days! I would love to return the favor...:) Sandy
my dear Suzanne,
ReplyDeleteI understand completely what you are saying, in fact it is something I could have written if I had the heart to do so. I am so very grateful for the gifts I have recieved and for you hosting this fun event. I look forward to it every year and in fact keep it in mind all year as I am shopping! I have had so much fun and appreciate all you do. Have a wonderful, blessed New Year.
thankyou Suzanne for a fun swap,happy new year.xx
ReplyDeleteI agree with all you say xx Thanks for organising us all once more xx Just on a personal note .. it can be difficult in this type of swap when the person assigned does not blog .. at least once a week and in that case you just have to jumpin make something .. and hope for the best xx NOT just this swap .. happens on others too Im afraid xx Fingers crossed its not too often xx Thanks again .. I AM happy with my presents xx
ReplyDeletevery good point Diane, and one I may consider moving forward. Thank you for your input!
DeleteSuzanne this is very well said, I had high expectations one time and can never forgive myself for the reaction I gave, You are so right I should have smiled and said thank you cause it was the thought behind the gift. I have learned a hard lesson cause I think I could have had a valued friend in this person. Never again will I be so thoughtless, sometimes the expected also learns this lesson. I hope others do too, I value all my gifts rec'd even if it is Just a smile...thanks for your posts and your your blog it is very well written. I was not in your swap but love to see what others get for idea's next year.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne, once again I want to thank you and let you know how much I truly appreciate all the hard work you do every year for the Secret Santa Soiree.IA labor of love is still a labor!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about expectations in general but I’m a little surprised it’s an issue here where we all are, for the most part, giving and receiving gifts from people we don’t know. I know for my part gifts don’t have to be perfect to my taste for me to see the care with which they’ve been chosen. I put the same care into choosing the gifts I give and I hope they are received the same way. But you’re right, we all have expectations and need to see past those expectations to what it really means to receive a gift at all.
I agree with Diane when participating in a blog gift-swap you really should blog at least once a week and be current. Blogs are how we get to know our Secret “Santee.”
Thanks so much for this swap. I had such fun. I loved everything I received and hope everyone likes what I sent also. I agree with everything you said. This is just a fun way to enjoy the holidays. I'm sure this is a lot of work for you and it's greatly appreciated. Happy New Year!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Suzanne! Certainly this swap is a lot of work for you, but filled with lots of love too. I am sorry for those whose expectations were not fulfilled, because mine more than exceeded any expectations I had. So glad to read that you are still over the moon. I thoroughly enjoyed being your Secret Santa, and if you host your soirée again next year, I'll be joining in again.
ReplyDeleteThanks and Happy New Year! :) Pam
Suzanne, thank you so much for organising this swap. I loved the gifts I received and I hope that what I sent were received as happily.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne thank you so much for all your hardwork you did a fantasric job....I was so very spoilt by the young lady who made for me, we have even shared a few emails since the swap.......Happy New Year to you...fantastic post....xx
ReplyDeleteYou put up with more than I would. I love doing this and appreciated all my gifts every time I participated. Happy New Year and trust it will be kind to you.
ReplyDeleteBravo Suzanne, once again you did an excellent job hosting this fabulous event. My secret santa sent me some wonderful gifts and I am truly grateful.
ReplyDeleteHappy new year!