You may or may not know that my work schedule has changed this past week, and well...let's just say it has not been an easy all. I have worked evenings and nights most all of my married life. When the kids were small, it was so much more important to me to be home with them so I worked evenings so my husband would be here in the evenings with we did not ever leave them with a sitter. Was it easy? No, but it worked for us. Then, about 13 years ago, I accepted a job I never really thought I would have and of course the hours were nights.....have always been nights. It has not been fun, but just the way it was. And after all of this time, and now with the kids grown, it became a little more bearable.....Once I woke up during the day, I had all day to blog, surf the net, go to garage sales, estate sales, goodwill, get the picture, I had LOTS of "Me" time.....and well......I thought it was pretty darn good. Only downfall to that was I was so tired all the time, felt bad all the time and it was a real struggle to even go to work most nights. It was time for a change....just as the seasons change. My time finally came......I got a day job with the same company. Now, I was going to have to make lots of adjustments.
Someone forgot to mention that in exchange for better work hours, I would have to give up a lot of my favorite least on a day to day basis, or at least give up some of the time I spent doing those things. It has been hard. I have complained on my facebook statuses far too much. I am sure, once I get on a routine, all will work out. I just have not developed a routine that will work for all I want to accomplish yet. It will come. I feel like at this stage in my life, I need to be home at night. I need to be here for my husband, I need to not miss out on the most important things in family. I have been tragically reminded of that very thing this past week. A reminder of how quickly the seasons can change and it can all be gone in an instant has really caused me to pause and think of what is really important in this life.
And in a blink of an eye.....her life was over. She passed away on Valentines day, while riding in the car with her husband. She had a brain aneurysm and never lived to make it to the hospital. At 51 years young, my once very close friend was gone, leaving behind a husband, a teenage son, seven year old daughter and a close extended family. A life so full of laughter and joy, it was contagious. Someone who was so loving and kind to everyone she met, she never met a stranger. A person who loved any and all animals she ever came in contact with and if we could count the strays she took in during her time here among us, well it would be astounding. A life gone. The season over. No warning. Tragic. It has rocked my very soul.
Instead, make the best of each season in your life. Focus on the important things in life, not the small stuff.....remember we are not promised not even another second....and in that one second, it can all be over. I am working on this very is time to shed some of the things that cause me too much pain and worry. The seasons of this life are so short and change so rapidly, I don't have time to spend on things that don't count. Sadly, sometimes it takes a tragic event to make me stop and think about what is really important. is so short, make it count.
~Reminder to myself: If I have something to complain about that means I am still living....and can I complain about that!

Don't be too hard on yourself, Suzanne. You have had to make some very crucial adjustments lately and no one expects them to be easy. Complaining a bit get's it off your chest and you have that right with family (at least I think I do!!). You could not have foreseen any sort of tragedy (my condolences), and while I am glad it made you stop to reassess your feelings and thoughts, don't feel you have been doing anything incredibly wrong. We are human. I always say I want to live in the moment, while my mind reels 100 miles ahead...but I try to stop and remind myself the best I can. You will too.
Great post and so true.
ReplyDeleteNow - - - this is much more trivial than the kinds of things you were talking about, but those snow pictures are stunning and it IS THE SEASON FOR SNOW!!!! I love snow - - - in its season, though I DO once remember a few flakes flying in early June, which was a little OUT OF SEASON!
Suzanne, So sorry for the loss of your friend. Thanks for writing out your thoughts and feelings. Events like this are difficult but there is always something to be learned. Take care and enjoy your new schedule and nights at home!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for the loss of your friend. Life is so quick to vanish before our very eyes. Your snow pics are gorgeous though. I worked 4 to 12 and my hubby worked days for years so the kids would only have us to contend with. I have never looked back and I miss that old shift but not tonight when the snow is falling so fast! But like your marriage it also worked for us. I enjoy stopping by. Have a good weekend and again my sympathy for the loss of your friend.
ReplyDeleteGreat post...sorry for your loss....this post served as a reminder that I really did make the right decision to become a full-time's painful sometimes, but I'm glad and have a happy heart..
ReplyDeleteWhat a great reminder to stop and think....Suzanne, I needed this tonight, I really did. I am sorry for your sadness and worry over all the change, but your words spoke straight to my heart. You are such an inspiration....I just wanted you to know that! Blessings my on-line friend.
ReplyDeleteI was sorry to read about the loss of your dear friend. You wrote a beautiful post.
So sorry about the loss of your friend. Your words are a timely reminder for all of us.
ReplyDeleteDear Suzanne,
ReplyDeleteLife is a beautiful, messy and unpredictable thing. It is what it is and we only have this one moment..., now.
Those photos are really beautiful, especially the last one because it's like the road of life and it's yours.
Make good choices and live each day as if it was the last (or the first). Every day has value.
Peace and love....
I know that feeling all too well. Someone you love, whether or not you are in each other's life daily, is here one day and gone the next. It shakes you to your core. Sorry to read about your friend.
ReplyDeleteHi. I found you through Texas Blogging Gals and came by to say hello. You can find me at, so come by and say howdy sometime.
Suzanne...I am sorry about the loss of your friend and thank you for this post. I have found myself complaining a whole lot more than I need to lately. I above all, have been blessed with so much, I need to show more gratefulness and less whininess.
ReplyDeleteBless you dear lady...especially as you adjust to your new work schedule and learn to eek out a little time for the things you enjoy.
The loss of your friend is very sad and I am glad to have gotten that reminder from you today that life is short. Your post was heartfelt and I hope with time you can get into a routine more enjoyable. Judi
ReplyDeleteI'm so terribly sorry about the loss of your friend. Her unexpected passing is bound to make you re-assess and reflect on your own personal changes and the blessings we have in life, just because we're fortunate enough to still be here on this earth. I think sometimes we all take that for granted. Minor annoyances, day to day living, other people's attitudes and interactions with us sometimes make us lose sight of the bigger picture.
I have felt in the short time I have been reading your blog, that you're a positive person who gives a lot of herself to others and oftens puts others first. If you want to have a gripe about your computer problems, or you're feeling a bit discombobulated by work changes, then please feel free to share that without guilt or reservation.
I completely agree with your sentiments on this post and I think you summed it up in a heartfelt and beautiful way. Thank you for reminding us all to be grateful for each day no matter how challenging it may appear to have been.
I hope the recent changes in your own seasons are the start of big bright wonderful things for you and yours.
I am sorry to hear of your friend's passing. My condolences to her family and to you. Don't be ashamed of your reaction. I think most of us privately react that way, thinking about how we might react or re-evaluating our own lives. It is the people who outwardly react, at all times, about how every event affects them that should be concerned about their behavior. Sadly, those who think their lives are more important than anyone else's never have a clue how boorish they are.
ReplyDeleteI think most of us constantly struggle with balance in our lives. That you were focused on your new schedule and computer woes does not make you a bad were struggling with establishing a new balance. An unexpected tragedy does make the daily struggle seem trivial, but the unexpected and tragedy are not what we deal with daily.
As we work our way through grief and find a day when we laugh again, or were simply busy with daily activities and not consumed with thoughts of a passed loved one, it does not mean we love them any less or miss them less. It just means the scales of balance are readjusting again.
Peace to you, dear lady.
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend's family! My mom also passed away with a brain aneurysm, in 2004! Oh, how I miss her!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteA very thoughtful post! Hoping you are settling better into your schedule changes as each day passes.
Blessings & Aloha!
(And your photos are ever so beautiful!)
Beautiful post.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for the loss of your friend. Such a young life gone in the blink of an eye.
I too am working on the very same things you are. My surgery opened my eyes and made me realize some very important things in my life.
Suzanne, I am so very sorry for your loss. I'm sure you have some beautiful memories to treasure. Yes, right this moment is truly all we have and yes, we're all human. Sometimes when these things happen, the blessing is that we take notice and make whatever changes feel right for ourselves. I hope that you will take good care of yourself and have peace. Sending healing energy your way ~
Thank you! What a beautiful post during a difficult time. The pictures are fitting as well. I'm anxious for my husband to return home so I can share your words with him. He has been struggling lately trying to find the happiness in this crazy stressful world. I'm sure your heartfelt words will help. Blessings to you Suzanne, I'm sorry you lost your dear friend.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne what a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. It seems harder when they are so young. My BFF passed away when she was 51, and I still miss her so much. Life is a vapor, and it is gone all too quickly.
Suzanne, I don't normally "read" blog posts, I just like the pictures! But, for some reason, I read yours today - it is beautiful, and I'm so glad you shared it with us.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful heartfelt post. Sorry to hear about your dear friend. Thank you for the reminder that life is short. I had to be a stay at home mom for my kids, because I didn't want them to be in daycare. My husband is a fireman, and couldn't count on him to be home. I know I made the right decision. Enjoy the time with your hubby now, and hope things fall into place for you soon. They will.
Excellent post... and such a good reminder!
ReplyDeleteOh Suzanne, Im so sorry! How incredibly tragic.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about the loss of your friend. It is those kind of losses that show us exactly how precious life is.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, in time you will adjust to new working hours, it just takes time.
Hi Suzanne -- Sorry to hear about your friend; 51 is definitely too young. Thanks for stopping by our blog and commenting. All the best.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to hear of your loss. I do appreciate this post. It echoes some of my recent thoughts. 3 friends have lost their moms recently, we lost my f.i.l in Nov, etc. Life is so short and unpredictable. I am Trying to learn to take joy in every moment.
ReplyDeleteI'm very sorry to hear about your friend. It's true. Life is short and we never know when it will end. Like you I always worked opposite shifts from my husband. After our children were grown I switched to days. It took me a good six months to adjust so give yourself time. I remained on days for about ten years and then our nephew died suddenly. He was only 35. I started wondering why I was working. It was all for material things. I retired at 58. I didn't know how I would like being home but it was the best decision I ever made and I wish I would have done it sooner. Now I do all of the things I have always wanted to do and enjoy life and my family to the fullest.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear about your loss and the changes you are going through.
ReplyDeleteHowdy Suzanne
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry about your sad news and for all those it has touched.
Seasons vary from one person to the next ,from one moment to the next.
I will be lifting you up in prayer and just try to breathe a little as you examine yourself .
We all go through times of self examination and it is good for us to have these times but please don't beat yourself up.
Simply embrace your new found awareness and go forward .
I am sorry I have been so long in visiting ,my own life has been full of changes this past year which carried over into the new year.
I am still trying to catch up with new changes myself.
God be with you sweet lady !
Big hugs from Texas
Happy Trails
I am so sorry for you and your friends family - Life is hard but it is good that you are taking a good look at your life - you know your friend would want you to do that!! Live your best life.
ReplyDeleteMay you find peace in your head and in your heart..
That was a sad and lovely post. Beautifully sweet and touching like tears
ReplyDeleteSuzanne, when I was reading your first section of the post, it could have been written by me, I too worked night for years for the benefit of not having to ever leave the kids with a sitter. I also loved the me time when everyone was gone and I did what I wanted. But a time came when I realized I needed to be home with DH at night and I was amazed how much better I felt physically and mentally when I switched. Yes it is an adjustment, but it will happen and you will find time for what you love, you just have to prioritize.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for the loss of your friend, it is sad that it takes something like this to make us realize how limited our time here is. My Dear friend lost her 28 yr old son in a blink of an eye 3 days ago. Life is always reminding us to slow down, smell the flowers and don't sweat the little stuff, it isn't important anyways.
Love to you
Oh sister, I certainly can empathize with you. And it doesn't help that it is winter and gloomy. Praying for you...spring is just around the corner :)