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This is the second half of my post from Tuesday, if you somehow missed it, click HERE to catch up and know what all this rambling is about......
This past week, my daughter was home and we stopped by a couple of Goodwill stores on half price day. We were at one store that I hardly ever go to anymore, and we had several things in our hands to pay for. Mostly, home decor items that could be reworked into something wonderful, nothing that was in the form of a vintage treasure.
In fact, we were finished shopping and were in line waiting to check out. It just so happens that I glanced at a little older lady who was in the next line waiting to pay as well. In her hands was a Sunbonnet Sue Quilt. I could not believe her stroke of luck.
I was stunned because I have never seen a quilt at Goodwill before and more importantly, I could not figure out how I could have possibly missed spotting this.....I guessed it was another example of being at the store a little too late.
Unknowing to me, I guess the little older lady noticed I was looking at the quilt......looking a little too close from across the isle. I nudged my daughter to look at that.....she asked What? So I pointed out the quilt the lady had in her hands. Again, the lady noticed the two of us staring at the quilt a little too much.
Suddenly, the little older lady asked me if I would like to see the quilt.....rather dumbfounded, I said, oh, yes, I'd love to see it.
All the while, I thought it was going to be pure torture to actually have a close up look and see it walk away with the little older lady.
As soon as I got over to where the lady stood waiting in line, she held the quilt out and said, "It is all hand quilted....and nicely done too." Oh, I had to agree, it was a real beauty. The quilt was really yellowed from being stored and aged. The lady quickly pointed that out, and I just said, yes it was....never even telling her how easy it would be to clean it up like new. Shameful.
I was completely taken with the fabrics in the Sunbonnet Sue's....vintage fabrics that were just stunning. I told her she had a great quilt there and how wonderful to have found it and how beautiful it was. I was polite enough to thank her for letting me see it up close.
As I turned to walk back to where my daughter waited, she did something that totally caused my heart to clinch in my chest. I thought surely, I had not heard her correctly. I must have misunderstood. Completely.
She asked me if I would like to have the quilt. I turned and I am sure looked rather stunned and asked her did she not want it?? She just smiled and said if I wanted it, I could have it....she said she did not need it and she could tell I really was taken with the quilt. She said she did not have the time to try and clean it up and it might not survive the washing.....shamefully, I did not offer her instructions on cleaning it..... I asked her once again, if she was sure and she exclaimed she was. Told me to enjoy it. I hugged her, told her it would have a wonderful home and thank you so much.
Rather quickly, I retreated to the line my daughter was in to pay before she changed her mind. There was a lady in front of us that heard the exchange between myself and the little older lady and she rather loudly exclaimed, if I did not want the quilt, she did....I held on to it a little tighter and gave it to the checker to pay. Remember, it was half price day, and the quilt was $4.99...so half price was $2.49......unbelievable.
My daughter was just as stunned as I was. She said she could not believe that lady just gave me the quilt after she saw us staring at it. She asked me had I ever given anyone anything that was in my buggy like that before.....and that is when it happened.....the guilt of my past actions overcame the joy of this quilt.
I suddenly remembered all the times I got so angry at people for this very thing I did today, staring at someones great find. And I admitted to my daughter no way would I have ever done this in the past. She just looked at me and said did I feel bad?? Feel bad?? I guess I sorta did to a certain degree.....I was thrilled with my quilt, and thrilled that the lady saw fit to give it up, but also, felt pretty shameful for my inappropriate behavior in the past.
I brought this little treasure home, and soaked and washed it in my vintage linen solution and it is white and good as new. There are only two little Sue's that have some fabric damage, but not much. The hand quilting is amazing and the colors stunning. I am in love with the border of this quilt. But aside from all its loveliness, it is also a reminder to play it forward in the future. And I will.....because with my track record at thrift stores, I am sure the situation will present itself. This time, I vow to not let it get my hackles up when someone eyes my buggy with treasures in it. I will try to be as sweet as this little lady was to me.
But if I am being honest here, I hope the situation does not present itself when I have a buggy full of things I just LOVE....but you know, I have a feeling that is when it will and that is where the lesson and blessing will be.
I wanted to say I so enjoyed reading all the comments from Tuesday's post. You guys really made me feel a little better about my reacting to rude people in general. None the less, there has been a lesson in all of this for myself....and I need to stop reacting and start to act a little more compassionately. Have a great Vintage Thingie Thursday and I hope you enjoyed my vintage quilt today....the story is almost as good as the quilt.

Suzanne I love the quilt. I must say God works in very interesting ways! While I can't say I've given up anything I was in line to buy, I can relate to her giving the quilt to you. See I love to give and the joy of seeing someone love something wonderful is a joy that you can't get any other way. Once a friend told me she loved a really cute ladybug anklet I had on. I took it off and gave it to her, she was stunned. I know had it been a special gift from someone to me I probably would not have done that. This lady probably liked the quilt and recognized the beauty but seeing your face when you looked at it she knew you LOVED IT! Still a wonderful lesson and I agree it's important to give back! Still I think the 'rude' people get what they deserve!
ReplyDeleteShe is an amazing woman. I do not think I could give a quilt away. The Lord is speaking to me I think. These objects are just objects after all. This quilt will be a treasure for you Marty for many reasons now. What a GW Story! Oh an the quilt looks beautiful. Thanks bunches for the link event. bighugs♥olive
ReplyDeleteWhat a great story. What a beautiful quilt. I dare you to look at it and not remember the lady!!
ReplyDeleteHi Suzanne. I just had to come back for part 2. That's amazing. I'm thinking the little lady really didn't want it, but couldn't bear the thought of GW throwing it out one day, or it getting trashed by someone who doesn't value it. I've bought 3 vintage juicers for $1 a piece, just so they wouldn't end up in a landfill. I'm so glad you had a great experience. Its a beautiful quilt. Thanks for sharing this story.
ReplyDeleteWOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the quilt! :-)
Ah yes...the camel cannot receive goods until it goes down upon its knees.
ReplyDeleteGod does tap us on the shoulder at odd moments, doesn't He? -smile-
Lovely quilt and you're right...pay it forward,
Suzanne, just fire me on the spot. I have confused you with Marty. Oh my I am horrified. I corrected and edited my link. So sorry!!! Please Forgive me. Cringing here. olive♥
ReplyDeleteMy jaw was dropping as I read your post. Somehow you had to have got your hands on the quilt because you had pictures and it looked VERY clean. Hooray for you, Suzanne! This lady is an angel. And I think that you handled the situation fairly. The quilt is gorgeous and so was the price! :-)
I am completely in shock that you got this old quilt for that price. I wonder about this story. You probably told the poor little lady a sob story so she would give it to you. Regardless, you knew I would love and want it. I am going to find me a goodwill store next week. Lucky you.
ReplyDeleteOh wow! I love this quilt!!
That's a great story and a great quilt. You sure were lucky.
ReplyDeleteWell you're a bigger man than me! I was a nervous wreck throughout your story, and can't believe she let you have it! I hope you just feel fabulous about it! I had a lady offer to buy the thing in my basket for twice what I paid, and since it was for the shop I thought, why not? I've regretted it ever since! But that's just me--I'm sure you're so much nicer! Jacqueline
ReplyDeleteDid you see the lady leave and drive off? Or was she just suddenly not there?
ReplyDeleteWhat a happening and the quilt if quite a gift.
Wow! That is quite a story. So now you are going to pass the good deed on??
ReplyDeleteI need to know two things:
1. Is there an unwritten rule that you should not look at someone else's purchases in their basket or at the checkout? I can't see any harm in stating what a nice purchase some is making.
2. What is your secret for cleaning quilts? I have one from my husband's childhood that has yellow stains on it. I would give anything to get it "unstained".
Loved your story!
Ladybug Creek
What a fabulous story and what a generous woman!! You are so lucky; I would feel some sort of guilt also. I like the idea of playing it forward!
ReplyDeleteHi Suzanne!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful lady that was to let you buy the quilt! And what a great price to pay! Wow!!
That is a beautiful quilt Suzanne and I don't think I could have given it up either once I had the chance to snag it. I can't believe that price either. I have never seen prices that good around here. I read your Tuesday story too and there is one thrift store I avoid because I had a run-in similar to yours with T-shirt lady. It was a beautiful bowl with a wrought iron tole top. I had been waiting politely for the guy to unpack everything and she came up while I was waiting. He then took it out of the cart and she grabbed the top. I still have the bottom. I have not been back there since as I have heard many bad stories about that particular store and I don't want to be involved. I have also had items removed from my cart so I am always very careful now. It's not you my dear, it is just a rampant lack of civility in society these days.
ReplyDeleteLoved the quilt story. Don't feel guilty, I am sure that she thought she was doing something great by letting you buy it. It is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting the party :)
Great story and what a wonderful deal on such a gem. I am so glad it fell into the right hands. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteDon't you just love the stories that are behind so many quilts!!
ReplyDeleteI do love sunbonnet sue quilts!
Thanks for letting me link up today!
bee blessed
Oh my Suzanne,
ReplyDeleteWhat a great story! The quilt is gorgeous!! It was your lucky day!!
I'm so glad that the quilt came home with you and that you were able to clean it up so nicely! What a treasure!!! I can't believe you got that for less than $3!!!
ReplyDeleteOh My Gosh! What a bargain, and what a nice lady. The quilt is so pretty, and you have turned this into a wonderful lesson. I STILL don't think that admiring what someone else found in the store is the same as following them around, or asking them if they planned to buy it "or what". I have often admired something someone else is buying, and others have admired my finds when I'm checking out. Beautiful quilt and beautiful lesson. laurie
ReplyDeleteHow sweet is that!
ReplyDeleteI think there was a Angel in the GW that day watching over you! Sometimes we are blessed in different ways. Enjoy your beautiful quilt and be thankful for little old ladies with wings. Blessings, Vicky
ReplyDeleteThe quilt is a real stunner! I just love the bar setting-you know my vintage Umbrella Girl quilt also has a bar setting...wonder if it was a style for these type of quilts?
ReplyDeleteI think the lady was buying the quilt just to rescue it...to make sure it didn't end up cut up!When she saw how much you liked and admired it-she felt it would be in good hands with you...and she was right.
I s thinking along the lines of Miri - mybe the woman just could not bear to see anything bad happen to the quilt and she was going to find a good home and someone who appreciates it. You just happened to come along sooner than she expected. And you saved her the trouble of cleaning it up.
ReplyDeleteI think people appreciate being told they found a treasure, as long as you don't say "but I deserve it more than you." We all love the thrill of the hunt, but sharing a great find is a big perk.
Oh, that's gorgeous! I might have fought for it!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely quilt and a lovely story as well. It's such a pleasant reminder to all of us to be kind. Happy VTT and thanks for another fun party!!
Susan and Bentley
The quilt is gorgeous and you are very blessed to have received it! However, the lesson learned brought tears to my eyes...thank you for sharing that. What a great reminder, every time you look at your quilt, to be kind and compassionate.
ReplyDeleteHave a happy VTT!
How wonderful for you! From now on, I think I'll try some of that prayerful Holy staring when I see someone at the thrift store with something that I truly covet.
ReplyDelete(Hmmm! It might not work because it seems to be that "Holy" staring and coveting are oxymorons and cancel each other out.)
Oh well! Back to crying as I follow them throughout the thrift store!!
I am in awe! what a wonderful story....it is things like this that help me remember there IS good still left in this world of ours....beautiful quilt Suzanne!
ReplyDeleteDon't feel bad, we have all done that at one time or another whether at the store or at a lawnsale. You're thinking if only I got here sooner or how did I miss that. Its okay, it is human nature. What a lovely way to end your story. But I have to ask one thing, how do you clean the linens, I would love to know. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThat is a beautiful quild and the colors are so amazing! Thanks for sharing a bueaty....Julian
ReplyDeleteSuzanne, there is a big difference between admiring an item from afar and taking items out of someone's cart or being hateful with them because they didn't put an item back on the shelf. You were merely looking. :-)
ReplyDeleteI don't think most quilters would be able to resist admiring this vintage beauty. And I can't believe you got it for $2.49! It's truly a treasure.
You have an amazing thrifting karma. You always have the best stories. That quilt is quite sweet. Congrats! Happy VTT!
ReplyDeleteWonderful story! You may have "entertained" an angel in disguise in that elderly lady and her generous gesture; she certainly proved a positive influence in your life.
ReplyDeleteSpectacular quilt, too!
What a great find! I'm so glad the little old lady passed it down to you!
ReplyDeleteYou should not feel bad. If she really wanted it she would not have given it up under any circumstances. Enjoy that beautiful quilt.
ReplyDeleteWow, wow, wow!!! That is such a beautiful quilt, and the story of how it came to be yours is priceless.
ReplyDeleteWow! What a story - not only did she give you the quilt but the price!! Crazy. I love, love the fabrics on the girls you featured - what a treasure!!
ReplyDeleteLove this quilt! And the story! I was horrified Tuesday to hear that someone actually removed something from your cart.
ReplyDeleteThe quilt lady was a true angel. :)
I am absolutely dumbfounded! First, I cannot believe this quilt was at the thrift store (shame on whoever donated it); and 2nd, I cannot believe the thrift store was giving it away for $4.99, and at 50% off that! I am floored!! Having said that, everything that happened at that moment in your life was nothing short of divine inspiration. I believe you gained so much more than just a quilt on that day ... and the quilt is a reminder of it all. That quilt is absolutely lovely and I know you will treasure it. What a wonderful story and post ... thanks for sharing!