If you have a love for vintage things, well....you have come to the right place. We have a really good time each and every week!!!
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This week, I have a remarkable find to share. I have talked before about buying back my childhood a little at a time. Things I fondly remember and am replacing them as I see them if it suits me. It usually suits me.
I have also done a few post on the significance of owls to me these days and did a post just recently about that.
Right after I had written that post, I stumbled across another treasure from my childhood and tried to win the bid on ebay. I lost the bid and was crushed I was not going to get it. But last week, my luck was with me and I was able to purchase this one......and low and behold, it was still in the original packaging. New, never used.
In the 70's, my mom must have ordered these for us and although I don't remember the packaging at all, I am thrilled to have it now! I found this light switch that I had as a kid in all of its original packaging. I had not thought about this in YEARS. It is funny how sometimes things come to mind that years ago were long forgotten.
I don't know what ever happened to my original owl, but I am guessing it must have been sold in a garage sale when I deemed myself too old for it and never thought for one minute I'd want it in my adult life.
The most unusual thing about this owl switch plate is the eyes glow in the dark. I tried and tried to get a photo, but it would not show up. The white circles glow in the dark, and this one still glows after all these years. I guess that is so you can see where the light is in the dark, but I distinctly remember thinking as a kid the owl was watching for "boogie men" in the dark.
I am over the moon to have found this and to have found it in original condition. It was waiting no doubt, for the right home and for me to find it! This is going up in my home soon, and I am most likely going to put it in my laundry room.
I tell ya, I have lots of treasures from my adult life, but slowly but surely I am buying back my childhood one treasure at a time!
Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday!!