Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vintage Thingie Thursday: A glimpse of A Vintage Big Tex

Welcome everyone to Vintage Thingies Thursday

If you have a love for vintage things, have come to the right place. We have a really good time each and every week!!!
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It's State Fair time in Texas....and as you can imagine, it is a pretty big deal here in this state. Big Tex has always been a noticeable icon of the Texas State Fair.

He is the beloved greeter at the gates leading in to the state fair. Of all the icons of Texas, I would be willing to bet, he is the most recognized.

Big Tex has looked like this photo for as long as I can remember. His shirt might change from year to year, but he has always looked like this. However, his origin was far removed from the front gates of the fair.

Big Tex was originally from Kerens, Texas. The Kerens Chamber of Commerce built what they claimed was the world's largest Santa Claus, a 49-foot-tall figure constructed from iron-pipe drill casing and paper mache with 7-foot lengths of unraveled rope for a beard. The thought behind this huge Santa was to attract Christmas shoppers to shop locally in Kerens and not travel to neighboring towns to spend their money. 

The promotion was a big success during the 1949 holidays, but the novelty wore off the following year, and community support waned. In 1951, State Fair president R. L. Thorton purchased the Santa's components for $750 and hired Dallas artist Jack Bridges to create a giant cowboy out of the material. Thus the birth of Big Tex and he has stood proud overseeing the guest at the fair ever since.

Tragically, last year, there was a fire which destroyed the beloved icon in a matter of minutes. The Big Tex we have all known and loved for years is no more.

But like everything else in the times we live in today, the Fair, and the City of Dallas has promised a new and improved Big Tex. Mind you, there was nothing wrong with the old Big Tex and many felt he should have been made like he was for all of those years, however it was not to be.

The news media is all hyped up as the unavailing of the "New Big Tex" will be Friday, opening day of the State Fair of Texas. The news covers this story each and every day, as you can expect that is how they cover a takes days to lead up to an event and you have to hear about it each and every day. ahem. 

So, this is my vintage thingie today...the vintage Big the new one steps up to the gates this Friday to do the job the old one did for years, greet each and every guest with a BIG OLE HOWDY FOLKS. 

Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday! 


  1. This will be my first year to go to the state fair. I've lived in TX for six yrs and am moving to MO in Nov. so this is my last chance! LOL

  2. Suzanne, So sorry to hear about Big Tex. I was enjoying him as I scrolled down and poof he was gone. So glad he will be back bigger and better.
    Thank you so much for hosting, Ginger

  3. Sorry about Big Tex too, but like Ginger says, he will be back better and bigger, lol! Thank you for the fun party, my friend. Hugs,

  4. Sorry about Big Tex. Now he looks like something that belongs at Burning Man.

  5. Sorry to here Tex went to the round-up in the sky, but I'm sure his predecessor will be just as impressive.Hope you can come by for my giveaway

  6. Sorry to hear about Big Tex ! I look forward to seeing the new one!

  7. I don't know why we can't keep vintage Big Tex in today's world they destroy all vintage things in my town
    I am sure the new modern big tex will do just fine

  8. I'm anxious to see the NEW Big Tex. Hopefully it will have all the charm as the vintage one!!

  9. So sad about the Old Big Tex! I hope that they don't try to modernize the new one.


  10. Big Tex has a counterpart in Las Vegas....Vegas Vic, a neon cowboy at one of the hotels downtown. Been there forever.


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