I'd like to give you some insight on this Christmas swap. The purpose really is to meet new folks through this swap. The person you are shopping for, may not be in your blogging circle, they may be new to you all together and not have any of the same likes, or hobbies that you do. That is ok, and I have found that if that is the case, I really enjoy thinking about what I am going to send my SSS person who is a little different from myself.
The swap person you have, will not have your name. That is to keep it a secret as to who had who. You will know when I post at the end of the swap who had your name. The questionnaire form that I send you to fill out will be sent to the person who has your name and vise versa, that is how you know a little of what your partner might like or what hobbies they may have. It is a chance for you to get creative in your gifts, and you will find, many of our swappers enjoy things that are not necessarily new, but recycled, or thrifted. (I myself love those gifts so much) First, and foremost, it is an opportunity to meet new people and send someone a little Christmas cheer. I get many emails each year thanking me, as some participants only receive the gifts through the swaps and they really do mean a lot to a lot of folks.
It's NEVER to early to start thinking about Christmas...
The signups for the SSS will begin tonight. PLEASE before you sign up, read these directions in their entirety and make sure you are able to participate.
Signups run through October 31st or when we reach the allotted number of swappers, which this year will be 75.
If you want to show the bloggy world you are participating and send some folks this way to join in the fun, there are some buttons to grab at the bottom of the page. I have no idea how to add a code to these for the link part, so you will have to add the photo and link it back to this post. IF anyone does know how to do that and wants to help a technical challenged blogger out, let me know!!
This is going to be A LOT of fun and I am so glad you all want to be part of the Third Secret Santa Soiree hosted here at The Coloradolady...so on with the show...
*How It Works*
*** All updates and announcements will be posted in a blog post so you won't miss anything as the swap goes on.
*** All updates and announcements will be posted in a blog post so you won't miss anything as the swap goes on.
You will need to sign up this evening when the link post goes live. ( Please when putting in your link, completely fill out the link part with your name, blog address and EMAIL address.) Feel free to spread the word of our Secret Santa Soiree here at The Coloradolady. This will be limited to 60 bloggers who sign up. The cut off time to sign up is Thursday, October 31st. ALL PACKAGES NEED TO BE IN THE MAIL BY December 5th. (earlier if you are shipping to an international swapper)
1) You must have a blog so that when your gift(s) start rolling in you can post pics and blog your lil ♥ out about how GREAT your Secret Santa Soiree exchange partner is. Some folks did not do this last year after I begged them to do so. If you failed to do this part of the swap, I am sorry, but you won't be able to join this year. This is one of the most important parts for your swap partner and there were many who were very disappointed that their partner did not do this. In my opinion, it is just plain rude to not do this part of the swap, and it really hurts others when you fail to do this part.
2) You must not share your partner's address with anyone else-
The only two people who will ever see your full name and address will be myself and your partner. Under no circumstances are you to share that private information with any other blogger.
3) The spending limit will be $20.00 (not including shipping) if you choose to spend more that is fine, but PLEASE do not be upset if your SSS partner does not. You can spend the money anyway you'd like by buying small gifts or one gift. The choice is yours. I have found that most people do enjoy several smaller packages to open as opposed to one, but the choice is yours.
4) When you're ready to ship your gift, make sure you send it with tracking, I believe now it is included with priority shipping, it used to be called delivery confirmation, but however you send your package, make sure you have the tracking number.. This will serve as proof that you actually did ship your gift to your partner, you will then need to email me the delivery confirmation number.
5)a) In order to sign up you must leave a comment to the post this evening and Be sure to link in at the bottom of the post using the linky as well. Complete linky in its entirety.
b) BUT ALSO you will need to email me. If you link in and do not email me the information I have asked for I will delete your link. I can not and will not try to hunt anyone down this year, I just don't have the time to do so. You can click on the "contact me" on the right sidebar with your shipping info-this will be the ONLY way I can be certain you want to be a part of the SSS. PLEASE put SSS in your subject line and also include a link to your blog-obviously I don't know everyone's real names yet so it's helpful if you give me the name you post under along with your blog link. Once I receive your email with your shipping information, I will email you a short questionnaire that needs to be filled out in a day or two and returned to me via email. This will give your swap partner some ideas of your likes, dislikes and so forth. **** If you are willing to be a Secret Santa to a international friend. Please let me know in the email with your shipping information. I really want to include international bloggers as well, so I need to make sure you would be willing to ship/swap with an international blogger. Simply - (I will exchange with a International friend) is enough to let me know you are willing to ship internationally.
6) You MUST ship by Dec 5th-feel free to get creative with your return address (remember, it is a Secret Santa exchange) while keeping in mind the rules and regs of USPS or your shipping carrier of choice
7) Probably the most important bit of 411-This is a SECRET Santa soiree so PLEASE do not share who your exchange partner is...you want to keep them guessing right?
*How to Participate*
1. come back here tonight and sign up.
2. email me your information
3. when you receive your questionnaire, fill it out and email it back to me.
4. watch your email for your partners information
5. shop for your partner
6. send your gifts on time with tracking
7. blog about your gifts
1. come back here tonight and sign up.
2. email me your information
3. when you receive your questionnaire, fill it out and email it back to me.
4. watch your email for your partners information
5. shop for your partner
6. send your gifts on time with tracking
7. blog about your gifts
Feel free to grab a button and link back to my blog to spread the word~
Please, please if you sign up make sure you are going to follow through. This is really a lot of fun during the holidays and once you commit to being a Secret Santa, make sure you will be able to follow through. It makes things a whole lot less stressful on myself and others.
My time is VERY limited this year and I almost decided not to host due to the amount of time it takes to run this swap. I don't have the time this year to beg people to do what they agreed to do. Please make sure you are able to do this and follow through with all that is required without me having to email about what needs to be done over and over.
I know that sounds a bit gruff...but I don't mean it to come across that way. This is very time consuming and it can run rather smoothly if all do as asked! It just makes is a lot easier on everyone and no feelings are hurt!! Now.....Let The Fun Begin!!!
The Secret Santa Signup Link will go live this evening. See ya then, and thanks to all who have emailed me about being excited for this to take place again this year.

Oh I will be here! My favorite participation ever! Both years I had terrific Secret Santa's and I think I was a good Secret Santa for both of them too! Yeaaaaaaaa I am so happy to do this again!
ReplyDeleteso excited waiting for the "GO LIVE" post xx
ReplyDeleteMe too! I had such a good time last year!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteOk I'm ready to go. This is do much fun