Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage Platter

Welcome everyone to Vintage Thingies Thursday

If you have a love for vintage things, have come to the right place. We have a really good time each and every week!!!
If you are new to this party, please take the time to
read and follow the instructions for participating in Vintage Thingies Thursday, click HERE. I try and keep things fairly simple, so please make sure you follow the instructions. Please only ONE link per week. Lastly, if you link in, LINK back to my blog, so everyone can see all of the vintage goodies on display that day. If you don't link back here, they won't know who to visit......thanks so much.

Most know I have an obsession with platters. I have a wall of platters, and I have talked about it in this post. The only problem is, in the pictures of the precious post, there are only one platter in each slot, now, I am afraid there are three in most all. While I was moving some things around the other day, I noticed this one that I have hanging on the wall. It is one of my favorites. 

I love the window and the flowers growing on the trellis. I really need to think about thinning my collection down, but I can not find the gumption to know what to decide to get rid of....I love them all! Yes, it is a problem.

Have a great Vintage Thingie Thursday!! 


  1. Thank you so much for this awesome party, dear Suzanne.
    Big hugs,

  2. I absolutely love that platter. So cute and "cottagy"!

  3. Be careful about thinning things out. When I prepared to move I gave a few things away that I now wish I had not. That platter is really sweet and I love the open window and trailing flowers too!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  4. Thanks for hosting Suzanne. I love the vintage platters with the sweet scene. Have a great week.

  5. I haven't joined in a while, but just had to this week because of my key that looks so much like the one in your button!!! Thanks for hosting. HOPE the rest of your week is awesome!!!

  6. Hi Suzanne!
    I love that platter too, but guess what I have a digi pic I found while back that matches it. You could reprint it to frame or use as an embroidery pattern...I'll e-mail it to you.

  7. Your platter is lovely. I have a similar one but it's in storage. Not enough wall space to display all my pretties. Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Suzanne, I love that platter! It really is so unique. I just did a grouping of 5 platters on a wall in a spare bedroom in the basement. So happy to have you share it with Share Your Cup.


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