Sunday, September 19, 2010

"From Little Things" Brand New Fabric Line Giveaway!

Brand new line of fabric giveaway.....go enter. This is by Sarah Fielke of Australia and it is called "From Little Things". This is brand new and has not even made it to Houston yet...WOW what great fabrics in great color packs. There will be 5 total given away, one in each color family.

I don't know about you...but I am crossing my fingers!!


  1. Love the line, I am totally crossing my fingers on this one.

  2. Wonderful! Thank for the heads up Suzanne!

  3. Oh, how pretty. I'll go check it out {being the fabric addict..uuurrr {collector} that I am. :0)

    Have a wonderful day,
    Stephanie ♥

  4. Suzanne, Glad to see you back I was just checking to see....and also seen the post about sorry to hear this...I didnt know her but she has commented on my blog..again sorry for the lose of your friend
    Donna @ Red Apple Junction

  5. I'm glad to have you following my blog. I am following yours as well. We're moving and I can use your good ideas in my new home!


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