Friday, June 24, 2011

Five Minute Friday: "Wonder".......

Today I'm linking up to Lisa-Jo aka the gypsy mama, who chooses a topic every Friday and writes for five minutes.

Only five minutes
And the rule is that whatever you write about in that five minutes is what you posts. No editing your thoughts. Today, her topic choice is "Wonder....."

Ready. Set. Go......

The wonder of parenthood and what it brings is an amazing thing. From the time of your child's birth, on into adulthood you are forever wondering about this and that, or at least I am.

I often wonder to the fact that when my kids were small, I used to wonder what it would be like when they were grown, gone from home. I would wonder and imagine how quiet and less stressed my life would be when that day came. I'd imagine the "magic" of having just my husband and myself alone with not a care in the world....finally. I seriously wonder why in the world I ever thought those thoughts.

I have wondered why there was no "magic" when the day finally came and my kids left on their own to start their own lives....far from it. I wondered why the stress was magnified one hundred percent. Now that they were gone, out of my sight, let me tell you how stressful that is. You always worry about their well being and hope they make good choices.

I wonder today, how long this melancholy feeling will last as my son pulled out of the driveway to go back to his home. I am thankful he was here for his vacation, and we got to spend time with him, but I miss him so when he leaves. He is a sweet boy wonderful man and he is the "son"shine to my days.

The one thing I did get when my kids left home was the peace and quiet.....and I seriously wonder how I ever thought that was going to be a good thing.....stop......

~Footnote~ If you are a young parent.....don't rush your kids into growing up. Enjoy them now when they are small...even if you are so tired and stressed you think you can not make it....this is the best time of your will know I am right when they are grown and gone from home.


  1. Thanks for sharing Suzanne! A great encouragement to moms with young kids...

  2. This one stung. I am always telling myself when my kids are gone. Oh my. I feel so bad. You always seem to teach something that needs to be heard. Thank you.

  3. I AM BIG BIRD!! i want to be little again!!!

  4. Awwww Mom - he is a wonderful young man with a great heart! You did good Mom!


  5. Thank you so much for sharing (and I absolutely love the picture of your kids in costume!!). I remind myself often of this- that I will miss these days when they are gone. But your words described it all so very beautifully. It's a wonderful reminder to me to hold these days so tightly.
    Stopping by from The Gypsy Mama linkup.

  6. That old "Say you never will miss until I am gone" is very true in more ways than one.

  7. What a sweet post! I'm impressed that you wrote that in only 5 minutes. I know lots of parents who say the same things.

  8. Oh Suzanne, I sometimes can't wait until I can have a clean house when my kids get older but I know I will miss it. Right now I have legos, stuffed animals, balloons, lincoln logs, cars and misc other toys on the floor in my living room! I can't stand the clutter but my kids are happy! lol

    Have a Great Weekend!

  9. You are so right Suzanne. My mother in law always used to tell me - You think you worry about them when they are small, wait til they are grown. It's hard when you are in the middle of diapers and homework to think that time will ever end. But it does, sooner then we like.

    Jocelyn @

  10. I would give anything to be able to go back in time and have my girls with me again. We are a military family and as a result are all living in different states. My fondest wish is that when we retire, we are all in the same state so drop by visits could happen naturally, not requiring multiple flights to get to each other. One can dream right??


Sometimes someone says something really small, and it's like it fits into this empty space in your heart!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your thoughts here, they really mean a lot to me!


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