Ever feel like this??? I have for years.....I talked about my "Lifestyle" change a couple of weeks ago...so much has changed....not so much by the "Lifestyle" change (but that has made a huge difference) but the change I am talking about is much deeper than that.
Several people emailed me thinking it would be good to have a weight loss addition each week, one to offer support, ideas, recipes etc....because I am so orgainzed...Oh, if you only knew..... I knew in order to do that, it would take a lot of courage on my part....and where to begin??.....that was another issue for me.
So, one night, I wrote and I wrote and I wrote.....the longest darn post this side of the Rockies....and the words that jumped onto the page rocked my world. In an effort to understand how I got to the point I was at with my weight, it was more important for ME to understand why I got there. These are the things that are hard to face, hard to deal with, and certainly hard to read on print when they are about your own life. But with that being said, it is about understanding, forgiveness, acknowledgment, and desire to move beyond all the junk that litters up our lives and throws us off balance. There is hope....
So.....Starting Sunday I will post my first segment. These writings are so important for ME,to stay focused and serve as a reminder to forge ahead. So before I start posting the actual weight loss progress and support and recipes....this is a must.....I warn you.....these next few segments ( I think 6/7) are dark, stormy, depressing and real......and if there is anyone who thinks that no one in the world understands how they feel.....well I am here to tell you someone does....believe me.
So, Sundays and Tuesdays will be the updates until I take this to the present.....I hope I have the courage Sunday to push "Publish Post". This has not been easy, and I am very apprehensive about putting all of this out there.....and please understand none of what you will read is really an excuse for letting ones self over the years, get so off balance, overweight and miserable...but more of an understanding about how events, emotions and struggles can certainly contribute to one spiraling out of control. When we lose control.....we lose hope. Thankfully, I have found my hope...and am gaining control....that is what is important........