Saturday, June 19, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For

Because it just might come true.........

I'm not saying that is a bad thing....but just be sure you are ready for "come what may"......sometimes when wishes come true....reality and the dream are totally different.


  1. Beautiful pictures and an insightful post. If you get the opportunity rent or buy the DVD called "Extraordinary Vision" by Dewitt Jones. He's a Nat'l Geographic photographer. The pics are unbelievable and his story will make you look at everyday life and a much better way. Btw, love your blog.

  2. Love your pictures. Been a while since I've visited. I've been terribly busy lately so I have had to put off some things I like doing at a more leisurely pace (like blogging). Anyway I love your new blog look.

  3. Suzanne, love the post, hope you were wishing to win my journal, because YOU DID. E-mail me your address at and I will get it off to you Monday.

  4. Lovely pics! And the sentiment is oh so true.

  5. when we wish for the dream we forget about the work :) its lovely to meet you!!! kindest thoughts

  6. Sounds a bit ominous. Hope all is well, friend.

  7. There has to be more behind this, than you are reporting. You are full of surprises. Dreams are wonderful, but it is the reality that is difficult to control.

  8. It's the same when you pray for something. The Lord might answer your prayers in a way you didn't expect. I prayed for years for my husband to find God, not knowing what I would have to endure for that to happen. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. He's now a believer.

  9. So true! Thanks for sharing the photos.

    Hope you have a blessed Sunday ~


  10. Very true Suzanne!

    Are you getting ready to tell us something?

  11. @ gitz...all is well.

    @ Becky....I want to share, but just not yet....and don't think for one minute it is not hard to keep all to myself....soon I hope!

  12. lovely and pensive post suzanne....
    so nice to hear from you!

  13. So true.

    BTW love the cabin pictures you posted below. So cute! Love the bear theme.

  14. I used to ❤ blowing those dandelions seeds everywhere! I'm sure people are still pulling weeds that I "planted." LOL

    Thanks for the memories.

  15. You are so right! Sometimes you get what you wish for and it is nothing like you thought it would be! Of course, sometimes it's better.


Sometimes someone says something really small, and it's like it fits into this empty space in your heart!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your thoughts here, they really mean a lot to me!


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