This month, I actually had to really think about this only for a short while. You see, last year at this very time, I had the idea of sending a letter to someone and letting them know what they have meant to my life, if only for a short while and how they have never been forgotten. I had every intention of doing just that, but then I got second thoughts. What if they thought this was weird? What if they wondered what my motive actually was or was not? What if they thought this was about someone else and not really about them?
I quickly talked myself out of sending the letter. But that has haunted me for a solid year. So, I am sending the letter this month. I think in the world we live in we don't let the people who made a difference in our lives know their importance. Years and years have past since I last saw these people, but their memory of long ago stays etched in my heart always. They were important once, and I feel they have the right to know that. Luckily, the internet is my friend, and I was able to locate their address out of state. It will take a big leap of courage to send that letter, and frankly, I may not put my return address on the envelope, I just can not decide. I really don't want them to feel they have to respond to the letter, I just what them to know they were very important to me long ago. I hope that once they read my words, they will know what a role they played in my life and how important they have always been to me.
I am also sending a second letter this month that is way over due. Another someone who was most important to me and whom I have never forgotten from childhood. I have felt so sad thinking about how much time has passed and how quickly it has happened. There are wonderful memories I have never forgotten about this wonderful person and I hope it touches them in some way to get my letter and hear my words of how they made a difference to me and how much I have always treasured them from my childhood.
A funny thing happened when I was thinking of constructing these letters, suddenly memories I had long forgotten came flooding back and filled my heart with such a melancholy for they days of long ago. But along with missing the past, I was soon reminded of how I took something from each of these wonderful people with me on my journey in life and how time and time again, I have been reminded of each one in a different way. Also, each one of them are getting on up in age and I finally came to the realization that what a sad thing it would be to miss the opportunity to tell them what they meant to me and to my life. Some things should not be put off, but done when the spirit tells you to do them.
There are several letters I need to write just exactly like these, but the one I will send in February will take a bit more time to write. I already have one to send next month, and will be adding to that list as this month goes on.
I have a couple of thank you notes to write as well, so I will be sending out a few extra things this month. All hand written.
I have a link up if you'd like to join in this month. I am looking forward in seeing how we will be inspired with this journey and see where it leads each one of us this year. Blessings....

This is a truly wonderful idea. Can you imagine how terrific it would feel to be the recipient of one of these letters/notes!
ReplyDeleteHi Suzanne, as I mentioned before I love this idea and will most definitely participate and I did write about it on my blog and included a link back to you!
ReplyDeleteSuzanne this is such a great idea. I have some people in my life I want to let know how much they mean to me and this is perfect. I will get my letter written and link back up later. Thanks for such a great idea, inspiration and motivation to really write those letters! hugs, Linda
ReplyDeleteHa! I sent my first one yesterday and I had very much reservations about sending it for fear I would go from preaching to meddling, but the person is important to me, so I did it! Put your return address on that envelope. If you don't, you're taking the choice to respond away from them. If you do, they can decide whether to write you back or not...unless you're afraid they've become a serial killer, that is. Lane
ReplyDeletethe way you write about how each person on your path of life has given you something - that is how I see things too. I'll have my mail post on Monday.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea. I know that I still right cards at least. And since I make cards I am constantly sending one to brighten someone's day.
ReplyDeleteReally great idea, I am going to try to join in with this one! Thanks for the suggestion.
ReplyDeleteI will get this all figured out before the next 5th. I am slow on some things as you know.
ReplyDeleteI'm so inspired by what you have written. This is one of those "random acts of kindness" that we have lost. This may become a revolution of letter writing.
ReplyDelete(Do put your return address on the letter... Just in case they decide to respond. Give them the option of writing back.)
What a great idea. It got me to thinking about people in my past. This is my first visit to your blog and I am now a follower. I went through all of your dachsund tales-so adorable. I have two and a chiweinie-they certainly are wonderful companions.
ReplyDeleteI'm in Oceanside taking care of my brother who had a major stroke. His wife went to go visit their daughter. When I get home, my first letter will be written and sent out :)
ReplyDeleteYour giving me the push I need Thank you. My first will be thnak you notes to the people that went out of ther way to send small gifts and great letters around the holidays.
ReplyDeleteAll my Christmas Thank You Cards were mailed out. My husband even wrote to a friend in Overdinkel The Netherlands that he hadn't written to in a year. I love writing letters and as a Postmaster, it's why I have a job! I even wrote two letters today to customer's of mine. Enjoy letter writing, it's an art!!!