Thursday, October 30, 2008

SkyWatch Friday ~ Ghostly News

Don't forget to click HERE to see all the Skywatch post from around the world.

*** Friday is the last day to enter my giveaway this week. If you have not done so, click HERE to enter on MONDAY'S post. Anyone can enter, International Friends are welcome to enter as well. I will announce the winner on Sat. ***

Now~ My SkyWatch Photos of the week!!

These photos were taken on a cold morning at our cabin in Colorado. The fog was very thick, and by the time I got my camera, it had started to lift a bit. I have never been too fond of the fog. I feel very claustrophobic in foggy conditions.

However, on this particular morning, it made for some great snapshots with the fog lifting. I tell ya' there is nothing compared to the mornings in the mountains. Happy Skywatch to everyone this Halloween Friday.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Now.....For some Local News:

Click on photo to enlarge:

~ ~ ~ Trick? or Treat? ~ ~ ~

Melkoski Mountain Retreat ~ Do you see a Indian War Chief?

.........Of course not.....Gotcha!!

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Pumpkins & A Jack-O-Lantern Lamp

It is time for Vintage Thingie Thursday which is hosted by Lisa at Confessions of an Apron Queen. Since is is the eve of Halloween, I decided to show you some vintage Halloween decorations that I truly love. Be sure to visit The Apron Queen's site for more vintage goodies, I can not promise they will all be Halloween related, but I can promise it will be lots of fun.

*** First, let me remind you of my giveaway going on this week. If you have not entered, be sure to do so. Click HERE and leave a comment on MONDAY'S post for an entry. The contest ends Friday, October 31st. ***

Now, let me show you my cute little Halloween Lamp that I have fond memories of as a child. This was my mom's and I talked her out of it a few years ago. I think it dates back to the late 60's or early 70's. I used to love looking at this cute Jack-o-lantern man and used to envision the witches flying around and around the lamp. I really think he is cute.

I can remember thinking what a scary looking skull head and why was the cat standing on it? ~ funny how you look at things differently as an adult.

This is a cute pumpkin I purchased about 21 years ago. It is made out of an old quilt scrap. You can even see a little bit of old rust spots on the fabric. I really like this little pumpkin and use it every year.

Here is a shot of two of the pumpkins. I usually leave these out all the way up until Thanksgiving. I think they are a cheery pair.

Have a safe and Happy Halloween. I hope you enjoyed my vintage Halloween decorations. I do have an old Jack-o-lantern that holds candy that my mom gave me too, but I could not find it......I think it is tucked away in the shed in a big box....sorry. You will have to trust me, it's cute too.
Have a great weekend and Happy Halloween.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Cemetery Ghost? : Gone But Not Forgotten

Wordless Wednesday???
Not this week.
I just have too much to say for this Wednesday's post to be wordless! Wordless Wednesday will be back next week.

*** I want to first remind you about my giveaway going on this week. If you have not entered, please click HERE and enter your comment on MONDAY'S post for your chance to win my prize package this week. ***

........Now, Let me tell you what happened over the weekend. Steve and I went driving on Saturday. I wanted to take some pictures to use this week in my posts. After a not so productive afternoon, we were headed home. Steve suggested we stop at a cemetery close to our home. It is the Historic Handley Cemetery located in the heart of Ft. Worth, Texas. It is very small, with lots of old graves, and the sad thing is, it sits right at the base of a power plant now. Sad in my way of thinking.

The cemetery is really small. It has old graves and the last person buried there was in the late 1960's. You can just tell be walking around that these graves are long forgotten by distant relatives, or maybe not forgotten, just never known. I always get a sense of forlorn when I see that no one visits old cemeteries.

As usual, Steve went on his way and walked the whole thing long before I had ever got started. There is really nothing I love to do that rivals walking through an old cemetery. I just love doing that. I find it very interesting. I always am curious about the people, where they lived, their stories, and what their lives were like. In this particular cemetery, most lived very short lives. It makes you stop and think how hard and brutal life must have been just a few short 100 plus years ago.

I had great fun snapping photos at this location. I could not believe I had lived over 20 years near this place and had never stopped to have a look around.

There was one grave in particular which drew my eye. It was situated in the back, under several small shade trees. This particular grave had the most beautiful ornate iron work around it. The iron gate was amazing in itself. I stood several moments before I ever took a single photo. I learned this was the grave of a man named Henry Butler. He was born May 4, 1841 and died March 19, 1880. Very young indeed. As I was reading his headstone, the bottom inscription said "Gone but not forgotten."

I looked around at the despair of the grave and said out loud, "Well, Henry, it looks like you were certainly forgotten, I am sorry for that." Then I started snapping photos. I was concentrating on trying to get the beautiful iron gate and the headstone in the frame of my camera, and in a fleeting instant, I felt something cold touch my right arm......and I am here to tell you, I was not touching anything but my camera. I was not scared, and it was so fleeting I did not think too much of it. But it did happen and it was enough for me to take notice of it.

I soon met up with Steve and we decided to head home. Once we were in the truck I was rattling on about how much fun that was, and I asked him if he felt anything in the know like a presence or something... He just looked over at me like I had sprouted horns and said, "NO." He thinks I am a bit strange at times I am sure.

I was eager to get the photos downloaded onto the computer so that is what I did as soon as I got home. Once the images were on the computer and I was looking over the photos from the cemetery visit; I got chills of a different kind.

When the shots of Henry's grave came on the screen, I sat there frozen. Then I started yelling at Steve to "Come here quick!" "Hurry!" He strolled into the office like he did not have a care in the world, he was not too interested in any of the photos, after all, he had seen it first hand.

Me: "LOOK!"

Steve: "What?"

I could not believe he did not see it.

Me: "Don't you see it?"

Steve: "What?"

Me: "The orb. It's Henry of course!"

Steve: "Henry? Don't you think that might be a sun spot?"

Me: "No. I was totally in the shade. It's Henry!"

"See, here he is, the blue orb on the right side of the photo, the same side I told you I felt a cold feeling when I was taking the photo."

Steve: "They have padded rooms available for folks like you."

He walked out the door shaking his head. I stared back at my photo, smiling because in my mind this was Henry saying hello, and happy someone paid him a visit. I can not help but smile and wonder what Henry would think about his headstone being posted on the Internet some 128 years after his death.
I think he would be honored.....and yes, happy he is not forgotten.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Guacamole: The best you will find ~ north of the border

***Before I send you on a quest to learn how to make The Best guacamole you have ever had, I want to remind you about my giveaway this week. If you have not entered, please click HERE and enter. All you have to do is leave a comment on MONDAY'S Post.
Simple. Really Simple.***
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The best ~ that is really a tall order don't you think? I have to say with confidence, that my husband will strongly profess that this is a true statement. He always measures other people's guacamole dip up against mine, and very seldom finds any that he says is as good....he is just too sweet.

In fact, when we first got married, we were invited to Sunday dinner at his parents house with the whole family. They were having Mexican food - fajitas - and his mom was going to make guacamole. My husband told her to stop and let me make it......can you imagine......I was horrified. He announced that no one made it like I did and he wanted my guacamole. And bless her heart, she graciously let me make it. Bless her heart. I will never forget that day. Ever.

The horror of the moment was over shadowed and I have to admit, replaced with beaming love for my husband. I don't recall another single moment when he professed he liked something I did better than his own mother. Sometimes, the man can amaze me.

Below is the details on how I make my guacamole....and to be honest, this recipe is adapted by the version my mom used to make. It is really good.

List of amigos: Avocados, tomatoes (mine are fresh from the garden) onion, garlic salt, black pepper, hot sauce, lemon and chips

First, slice the avocados down the center. Remove the seed.

Important step: next score the inside of the avocado halves with a knife in a cross grain pattern.

Next, using a large spoon, scoop out the insides into a bowl. This process makes removing the avocado from the shell easy and none of the good stuff goes to waste.

See, this is all that is left in the shell......this step makes it easy peasy, and we did not waste any of the goodness, it's all in the bowl.

Cut up some fresh tomatoes, like I said, these are out of my garden and offer great flavor in this recipe. You don't have to cut them up too small, mine are about 1/4 to 1/2 in chunks. Also, slice finely about a half of an onion. Sorry, the onions missed their photo shoot, just know you have to slice them up small.

Throw all in a bowl, see the onions, they are peeking out to say hello. Now add your spices to taste. Add garlic salt, pepper and you can throw in a dash of kosher salt if you like, don't skimp on the spices. Add a few dashes of hot sauce, go less if you don't care for too much hot. I usually add about 4- 5 good shakes of the hot sauce. Add a generous amount of lemon, you can use fresh if you have it, if not the bottled will do. This is important to keep the avocados from turning brown, but it does add to the taste. Trust me.

Now, mix with a hand mixer. Mix well. I only use a hand mixer. I know some use a food processor (the way my mother in law did) but I don't like how the dip will all turn all mushy, I like to see the good veggies in the dip.

Mix until all the avocado is mixed well with the tomatoes and onions. Don't worry about the chunks of tomato, that's is what makes it so good, just let them be as they are. Chunky.

Viola ~ does this not look good? And this is really quiet easy. It looks so pretty and I promise you if you are having this for a special occasion, it won't last long....

Um, see what I mean. I just left the room to take another photo and look who is stealing a bite...or two. Have I ever told you that happens a lot around here? It drives me nuts.

I told you, this won't last is that good.


you will need:

4-5 ripe avocados
2 large tomatoes, or 3-4 small tomatoes - diced
1/2 of a large onion chopped small
garlic salt
kosher salt - optional
hot sauce - your choice of brand

How to:

Chop avocados, tomatoes, onion and place in a mixing bowl. Now add lemon juice, and spices to taste. Shake in hot sauce to your liking. Mix with a hand mixer until blended to a nice consistency. Serve with your favorite tortilla chips. Try and keep a bite stealing husband out of the bowl.
~Hope you enjoy my version of this great favorite.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Blue Monday: Bloggy Carnival Giveaway! Don't Miss It !!

Happy Blue Monday Everyone! I am combining my post with my giveaway for the week. See Below. Please visit Sally at Smiling Sally blog and check out all the wonderful blue items up for viewing this week. It is great fun.

Remember I gave a hint a couple of weeks ago....well here is my giveaway for the week. It is navy blue, so it does qualify for Blue Monday. I am super excited to offer a homemade crocheted Afghan for you to either keep for yourself or give away. This is handmade by me, with my blog readers in mind. Remember...Christmas is coming. Nothing would please me more than for the winner to be able to share this with someone they love.

This completed size is 64X54. Perfect for two to cuddle with.

Also, included in this weeks giveaway is a package of Whip Stirs Chocolate Hot Cocoa complete with its own little whisk. All you need to make this a perfect package is a cuddle partner. A warm afghan and a hot cup of cocoa will surely chase the chills away on a cool autumn day.

Please note, the cute blue edge around the label, in keeping with the Blue Monday theme. I'm sure a mug of this hot chocolate would really hit the spot.

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The moment you all have been waiting for has finally arrived. This is the week for the Bloggy Carnival Giveaway. What is so great about the carnival is the fact that you do not have to have a blog to enter. That's Right! All you need is an email address so you can be notified of all the loot you have won. And you must stop the lurking and leave a comment for your entry. Simple. Really Simple.

Colors: Combination of Soft Navy and Painted Desert.

I started my blog in July, and missed the last Bloggy Carnival Giveaway, but I was determined to make this one. This was important to me because I can not explain how adding this one element to my life has made such a difference in the way I look at things. I had no idea when I first started my blog how much fun it would be. I never dreamed how many wonderful people I would meet. I certainly never thought anyone would have any interest in what I wrote. This has been a wonderful addition to my everyday life and I wanted to share something I have made with a reader in this Carnival Giveaway.

How to enter:

1. Post a comment in this post. This contest is opened until October 31, 2008.

2. Be sure to add your email address in the post if you do not have a blog. If your email is not displayed openly on your blog, be sure to leave it in the comment section in your entry. I need to be able to contact the winner easily.

example: Sophie at yahoo dot com.

This contest is open to all who live in the US and includes our international friends. Best of luck. Winner will be determined by a random drawing and will be announced on November 1, 2008.

If you are not sure how to post a comment, click HERE for instructions. It's very easy to do.

Now, visit More giveaways at the Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival and be sure to check out all the wonderful items up for grabs and visit some new blogs and make a few new friends. You will be glad you did.

Good Luck everyone.....if you have any questions.....please contact me at
CLgiveaways at yahoo dot com.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Simple Sunday

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.
~Jimmy Johnson

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Skywatch Friday: Colorado Sunset

Welcome to this weeks addition to Skywatch Friday. Visit the Skywatch site for more wonderful pictures from around the globe. Click Here and start your journey.

This week, I have two photos taken in Hartsel Colorado at our cabin in the mountains. These shots are of the sky just before sunset.

This was taken about 8 minutes before the next shot was taken. The colors of the western sky are very vibrant.

It is amazing how you can look at the sky one minute and look back again, and you will see something totally different.

Have a great weekend everyone! Happy Sky Watching ~ And thanks for stopping by.

Be sure to stop back by next week, Monday will be the start of the Bloggy Carnival Giveaway, and I am having a giveaway on my blog. Be sure to come visit and sign up....then check out all the great items up for grabs at the carnival....You just might win some fabulous stuff.

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage Red Hair Doll

Happy Thursday. You know what today is..... Vintage Thingie Thursday hosted by Confessions of an Apron Queen. Be sure to check out all the goodies listed today on the Apron Queen's blog. It's great fun to take a peek at other people's treasures.

This week, I have a vintage doll that belonged to my mom. She passed this doll on to me several years ago. I think she is so cute. I remember I used to enjoy looking at her when I was a child. My mom told me she was given the doll as a gift, because she had red pigtails just like my mom wore when she was little. And yes, my mom has red hair. She is indeed a vintage treasure.....the doll and my mom.

See, she looks like she is ready for the first day of school with her satchel over her shoulder. Now besides the red pigtails, there is one more thing this doll has in common with my mom when she was little. Just take a look at the socks.....and then look at this picture below.

Here is a vintage Photo of my mom with a doll, just not the doll I am showing you today. She is the one on the right. Notice the hair, and the socks.....Yep, can you now see that this doll even looks like her?

I have no idea who the other two in the photo are. I am guessing the one on the left is my Aunt Joyce, but what the heck happened to her hair? A home perm? I feel sorry for little guy hiding behind the teddy bear. I am quiet sure he was embarrassed as heck for standing in between two girls and their dolls....seriously, who would do that to a kid???

Hope you enjoyed a peek at my vintage doll and my mom as a child. I am hoping when one of my family members sees this photo, they will leave a comment and share the identity of the other two children. It would be nice to know! Have a great weekend.

***Be sure to check back in on Monday....The Bloggy Carnival Giveaway starts, and I have a giveaway that will last all week.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Nothin' like a little "Not So Tough Love"

I wanted to show you my rough and tough son. This is a photo of him at work looking like a real tough dude. Don't get me wrong, he is rough and tough. I think I have mentioned before he works in the drilling industry, and we all know that is not an easy job. Don't you just love it when someone you know can appear to have a tough looking shell, but you know that deep down, they are not so rough and tough?

I am most grateful today for that very thing. My sweet boy spent the afternoon on Sunday with me during the football game, patiently working his magic and helping me tweak my blog. He added the second side bar I wanted and worked until everything looked just the way I wanted it.

And bless his heart, he never lost his patience with his nervous mama who was so afraid that with a push of a button the whole thing would be erased...and gone forever. Besides being a whiz on the blog tweaking thing, he even went out and purchased more memory for my computer to speed things up. Oh, and that has made me very happy.
Now I can navigate my way to all my favorite blogs in record speed. He is such a great guy. I decided I would not say boy again. He might not like that too much.

And no good deed goes without reward at my house. I would have gladly paid him a web design fee...but he was happy with a nice dinner instead. I tell ya' this big ole dude is so sweet sometimes, he melts my heart.

Here's to you Jeff.....and for taking the time on a Sunday afternoon to help your ole' mom out with her blog. I know you had plenty of other things you could have been doing. ~Good Stuff
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