Welcome to this weeks segment of Vintage Thingies Thursday. Thursday is the day to showcase your vintage treasures and to share your special things with everyone. If you are visiting and would like to join us, please do. It is very easy!
To participate, all you have to do is:
* * * * Please everyone, follow these guidelines!
(1) do a post about something vintage.
(2) Visit all the participates and leave a comment.
(3) Link in with the link at the bottom of this post, please use a perma-link to link in with, that way, anyone can refer back to your post if they can not get to it on Thursday.
(4) Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, and if you like include the VTT button in your post. Please be sure to have your post up before linking in.
It seems when I post about my Goodwill finds, I always get several comments on others wishing their local Goodwill had the sort of finds I happen to run across. I have to admit...I spend more time in Goodwill(s) and thrift stores than I do a regular mall. Seriously. . Be
consistent, stop in more than
once in a while, take a quick spin through the store...that is when I find most of my "good" finds....
when I am in a hurry.
Today, I want to share two figurines I happened to find at Goodwill......they are the sweetest little things.....

Now, when I saw this sweet little lady, with a
puppy, well, I could not put her in my cart fast enough. She is just so very sweet. The
sugar on top to this find was the label.........

A Josef Original.....I searched and searched on line to try and find one like her, but I never found anything close to this little lady. She could be a Calendar girl, but I really have no idea...I will keep looking and see if she turns up in my search. None the less...a real bargain at $2.00.

Now this is just so sweet. When I spotted this last year, I had to have it. You see, these little bluebirds remind me of the bluebirds we have at our cabin in Colorado. They had to come home with me, there was no doubt. I think their faces are so very sweet. This is a mint condition piece.

Here is the label on the birds....Again, I did a search, and did not find any like them. I did find however that these types of things made by this maker, varied so much in price and value. On ebay, some were listed for a mere .99 and well...then all the way to over a hundred dollars. These cute little birds only cost me $3.00 and I was happy to pay it.
Now this cutie is not mine. This was the closest thing I found on ebay that was remotely close to my bird figurine above. It is absolutely the sweetest thing....but it is listed for $95.00......WOW.....I often wonder what the value would be on the treasures I find and drag home.....but maybe it is better that I don't know, because I doubt I could part with them. If I pick something up and put it in my basket, it is because I love it and plan on keeping it......that is why I need a bigger house....
in the worse kind of way!
Have a great weekend and a very Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday!!