Hello Friends ~ I'd like to thank each of you who has taken the time and effort to send a block for the quilt for Shannon. During the logistics of getting this worked out and live on the blogs asking for help in this project, I am sad to have to report that Shannon lost her battle with brain cancer and has left this world. She is free from all the pain and suffering and now whole and free.
It is my desire to make this quilt in hopes of it becoming a remembrance quilt for her family. I have been informed that the family has requested their privacy and to be allowed to grieve in private in the days to come. I can only imagine if I walked in their shoes, how I would feel and can only respect that.
During this same time, the opportunity came to light about a baby boy named Crew, who was born with his bladder outside of his body, he is so young and has undergone lots of surgeries in a short amount of time. You can read about this sweet boy
HERE. Be sure to scroll back in the post to get the whole story if you'd like.
Since, I have received an abundance of blocks, and I know more are on the way. My thinking is I'd like to take the blocks that are gender neutral and combine them with a few boy blocks for this little baby and make two quilts that I hope will bless these two families. I think with the blocks donated, we should be able to hopefully give the parents a boost and encouragement that there are folks praying for their baby and care. I plan on including names and locations of the donated blocks with each quilt and let these folks know that love, prayers and concern came from all over during their walk down these dark days.
I want to let you know my plans and if you sent in blocks for one quilt, you may find them placed in the second quilt for the little boy, and I hope that does not offend anyone. Some blocks that were sent may be split up and will go into both quilts. Please pray for both of these families and the days ahead.
If you have any thoughts or concerns, please let me know either by email or in the comment section. I so appreciate the outpouring and love everyone displayed in this project. Some things just are not in our hands and we have no control over.
Blessings~ When these tops are constructed and ready to be off to the quilter I will post the photos here on the blog. I am working on these now and hope to make some good progress this week.