Sunday afternoon, I was working on finishing up a quilt and had it spread out on the living room floor. All four of my dogs know they are supposed to stay off the quilts when I lay them on the floor to work on them. They KNOW the difference in a quilt I am working on and a regular ole blanket laying on the floor.
My husband called me outside to help him do something and we closed the doggie door to keep the dogs inside as we had the side gate to our backyard open and did not want the dogs to get out.
That was not a popular choice for the dogs, in fact they were really not happy to be left indoors while we were outside. Dora especially. Dora is a toot, and knows how to really show you her displeasure. Believe me, she gets her point across.
When I walked back inside after helping my husband, I headed back to the living room to finish with the quilt I was working on.....and this is what I was greeted with.....
Dora had gone to the laundry room and picked up my husband's dirty sock off of the floor and plopped it right down in the middle of that quilt and just stood there looking at me. Just the look on her face alone speaks volumes. (glad I had my phone in my hand so get a picture)
It was as if she was saying...."yes, I did that because I wanted to go outside with you guys and I got mad at you for a minute, now what are you going to do about it."
Sometimes, I swear the dogs are becoming smarter than we are. Do your dogs let you know when they are mad? Dora has no problem with all!
.....and if you are wondering what I did about these antics....I just opened the doggie door and let the dogs out, I mean after all, that is what they wanted to begin with. ahem.