This is the final installment of
Love on Wednesdays for the Month of February. I would like to thank each and everyone who participated in this every week and thank everyone who visited every week to see what all the Love was about this month! I enjoyed reading every one of the post and some of them really warmed my heart. Thanks again...It was great fun.
Use the Mr. Linky to link in after you have your post up, and please link back to my blog. I will have the link and post up on Tuesday nights, so our friends in different parts of the world can participate if they like.
This week, I want to show you just how much love you will find at our house and it comes in a
pint size. Don't let the size fool you...the love is abundant.
If you have been reading for a while, I told you the story last year how I acquired my first dachshund. If you missed that story, you can read
the long and the short of that tale
Here. Sorry...I could not resist. But to sum it up..these two little pint size dogs at our house are loved by everyone and the love they bring to our lives is so much more than that.

Alisha, my beautiful
baby girl really is the cause of all the dog business around here. When she went off to college.....well, you remember the story...I was so sad....that it took a wee little pup to cheer me up. Alisha is a shining spot in my life for sure and I love her dearly. So it seems fitting that she is behind
somewhat of Sophie having found us.

Shortly, Dora came along....you know how it is....one is never enough. At least that rings true around here. She originally was going to be Alisha's dog...and I suppose for all practical purposes she is...but I can assure you, she will be Alisha's dog
living here with me...
for always.Now, when I say that everything revolves around what these two little dogs want or don't want around here...I really mean that. They are the center of attention.....
they demand it. It would never be any other way. Remember they are the princess and the queen of the house!

Here is my wonderful son Jeff, whom I love dearly. He is the apple of my eye and has the biggest, warmest heart of any one you will every meet. He is special to me in every way. Sophie thinks so too. She would not even let him open his Christmas presents in peace....she was not giving up her spot in his lap for nothing. It takes a special person to grant this little queen her every wish....or at least
a smart one!

See how much love Sophie gives my son?....you can see it in her eyes. She is such a sweetie and she loves Jeff. The funny part of this relationship between my son and Sophie is,
he is the Alpha dog.....and with everyone else in the family....well, Sophie assumes that role. Maybe, we have a small problem.....

The saying we have adapted around my house is:
Have dog's will travel. Here is Steve driving last summer on our way to Colorado. Luckily, these two are small and he has room for both in his lap. It might be a problem if they weighed more than 8 lbs. You know, men for the most part like large dogs...masculine dogs and Steve falls into that category of men. He does like big, bold, rough looking dogs.But he has a heart as big as gold and he loves these two little dogs as much as I do.
And to me, nothing is sexier than seeing this:

Seeing this manly man I married, walking two of the prissiest little dogs you can imagine down the street like it is nothing. I tell ya' it is a
very sexy sight to see. I am so glad, Steve does not think anything of it...because we might just have a little problem if he did.
This is love to me....seeing my two little dog's walking down the street with my husband.....
it warms my heart like nothing else.

Here is another shot of two vacation dogs. Alisha and Matt could not even take a picture without these two hams joining in. Sophie was asking Dora if she was smiling for the camera, and I snapped the shot too soon!

Yes, Sophie and Dora are the shining lights of our household. They stand watch when someone leaves, worried they might not return, I am sure, or worried about their safety. Begging them to stay and not go.
Devotion. At it's finest.
And they greet us at the door when we come home. Happy to see us, and wanting to take a peek into our grocery sacks to see what treats we brought them. See how excited Sophie is watching Steve take bags out of the car? She knows that plastic sacks means treats.

And along with the love we give and receive from these two pups, they have a unique devotion and love between the two of them. They are like sisters in every way....in fact, my husband's nick name for them is
"twin girls" They might not have been born of the same litter, but the were born with each other in their hearts and are the best of friends.
Love for me....is the pitter-patter of four paws scampering across the floor, wanting belly rubs, hoping for treats, and eagerly wanting to lick my troubles away.....it just does not get any better than that.
~Good Stuff.
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