Earlier this year, my
blogging friend, Anne asked me to help her with a project making a quilt block for a sick little girl....you may remember the story about
Shannon and then baby Crew needed a quilt too and we were able to make two quilts and share them with the families. I pieced the quilts and
Sue quilted them and with the efforts started by Anne, we were able to get them to the families.
During the process, and one of the emails back and forth to my friend Anne, she made the statement that she knew the families would treasure their quilts. She also said that she had a quilt from Walmart (
help us all) that she used to snuggle with and she knew someone put time and effort into making it special too.
Sorry....Anne... but I just don't buy that! So I started brainstorming and trying to find a pattern that I could make Anne a quilt. Not a quilt like you would buy from...
ahem...Walmart but a quilt made with love and one she would think it to be special when she received it.
(Click photos to enlarge)
One day while out thrifting, I found this book, and honestly did not even know if I could make the blocks in the book or not.Nonetheless, I purchased the book and thumbed through it. I soon found it had a tea cup block and was thrilled to discover it had a tea pot block too! The last photo in the collage picture shows the books diagram of how to make the blocks work together.
Now, it just so happens that Anne collects tea pots and tea cups and loves all things tea! So the plan was formed and I decided to try and make the blocks.
The blocks turned out to be rather easy and I was proud of the fact I was able to make them. One day, I posted the pictures online in a flicker group and stated I was making a quilt for my friend who was a collector of tea cups and tea pots.
(This is where my politically incorrect statement comes in)
Shortly after posting pictures of my blocks, I received an email from a lady who rather abruptly told me that if my friend was indeed a collector of all things tea, then she would surely notice that these are not "Tea cups" but more like plain ole MUGS.
Seriously, I see tea cups and saucers, she saw MUGS, but then again I am not a collector. She also told me the blocks were politically incorrect and any collector would know the difference.
Okay...well, Thanks.
Wow. wow. wow. I was really disappointed in my efforts as I started doubting myself. First I questioned the blocks and was sorry they did not look more like dainty English tea cups. Then, as there was no plan or pattern for the quilt, I had to make everything work....and a math wizard I am not...so it was lay it all out and MAKE IT WORK for me! I really was worried from that point on about my abilities to finish and it be "correct" if not Politically anyway.
I responded to that lady, who was not very nice with a simple email that said my friend would love her quilt and further more...my friend was not very worried about anything being politically correct, least of all the tea cups on this quilt. Then I hit send and hoped I was right in my efforts and thinking.
I finished the top, and sent it off to Sue to do the quilting. She agreed to do the quilting for Anne's quilt and it really for me added an extra touch of specialness to the quilt that I was hoping for. I felt it fitting since we worked together on Anne's projects together earlier in the year with the other quilts.
The quilting is so pretty on this quilt, it is so hard to get it to show up in these photographs.
I used nothing but scraps for this quilt and thought it turned out great. I represents for me the blogging world and how we are all so different, but when we decide to do something together, it all turns out beautiful. And sometimes, you just have to ignore the ones who want to rain on your parade!! Best just pour yourself a cup of tea and shake it off!
Once the binding and the label was on the quilt with the label, I mailed it off to Anne in Colorado last week. A quilt made by two of Anne's Texas friends to warm her heart and to keep her warm this winter!!
When Anne received her quilt she emailed me and was thrilled!! And guess what....she never mentioned the fact the these tea cups looked like mugs....
thank goodness!!
Tea and friends are a great combination......and I am glad Anne now has a quilt that was not made specifically by an unknown working for a company that supplies Walmart!! This quilt was made by special blogging friends who wanted to surprise their friend, and did it in a big way.
Anne, my Aunt Lavoice, and Me
This photo was taken when we met Anne for the first time last fall! That was a special and very unforgettable day!! We had such a good time!!
This quilt is now at its new home in Colorado with Anne, and hopefully warms not only the body this winter, but the heart as well every time it is used!!
Surprising others is what makes my heart sing!!! Thank you Sue for all your hard work in helping to make this come together!! It turned out beautiful, just like our blogging friend, Anne.