Welcome everyone to Vintage Thingies Thursday. If you have a love for vintage things, well....you have come to the right place. We have a really good time each and every week!!!
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With this week being Christmas, and my daughter home for the holidays, we were watching a marathon of Toddlers and Tiaras. We love that show....the momma drama....the beauty queen drama, the whole disgusting drama, we love it!
While we were in the middle of watching a particular episode, where the moms are pushing the kids to practice for the pageant and rather unsuccessfully I might add, I had a memory.
I looked at my daughter and said,
" I was in a pageant once."
daughter: as her mouth gaped open...
me: "Its true.....nanaw put me in a pageant....Little Miss Waco."
daughter: mouth still gaping open....
"WHAT???? Did you win?"
me: "No, I am pretty sure I did not win....I hated it."
daughter: "What???"
So of course, I had to prove that this impossible bit of information had a shred of truth to it. I found a couple of pictures that I am assuming the pageant took of the contestants. The back of the photo said,
"4 years old, 1966, First Beauty Contest"
My poor mother, I can only imagine she just knew I was the future Miss America and this was going to be my start to fame. Yes, it was my first beauty contest and I assure you my last.
It was not for me. I was a tomboy and wanted no part of this beauty pageant thing.
This is the Beauty photo. And exactly like the television show, my mom made me practice in our living room. She tried and tried to teach me how to curtsey. Even at four years old and still today, I remember I thought that was the silliest thing ever. I could not figure out how to do it correctly, and finally my mom gave up and told me just to bow at the end of the runway. Like I said, I did not win and was sure it was all my fault because I did not curtsey. I can still remember thinking that was the reason I lost, all because I did not practice that curtsey.
I have no idea what this was...maybe sportswear. Looks like a play romper and a sand pail. I do wish I still had that pail, but I don't think I liked the shoes. This is a far cry from what you see from a kids pageant today. I remember my mom telling me to stay in the middle of the stage and not close to the edge of the runway, as I could fall off......
so what do you think I thought about the whole time? I was sure I was going to fall off....and embarrass myself....or worse, my mom.....or worse....hurt myself.
My poor mom was probably disappointed that I was not a pageant queen. Luckily, she did not push the issue and this was the end of my claim to fame. Maybe she figured out I was not good at it, or maybe she just decided to let me choose. Mom's today however, don't give their daughters the same options.....pageants today are so over the top I swear it is the mom's who wish to be on the stage other than the daughters.
When my daughter asked why I never put her in pageants.....I just smiled and told her I did not put her in pageants because she would have cried.....alot!!!
Hope you enjoyed the vintage "Toddler and Tiara" photos of me as a four year old....but no trophies or crowns were won....it ended really before that career ever began!!
Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday!!