If you are new to this party, please take the time to read and follow the instructions for participating in Vintage Thingies Thursday, click HERE. I try and keep things fairly simple, so please make sure you follow the instructions. Please only ONE link per week. Lastly, if you link in, LINK back to my blog, so everyone can see all of the vintage goodies being showed that day. If you don't link back here, they won't know who to visit......thanks so much.
This week, I want to share with you some of my vintage fabric squares I received from my shameful begging from THIS post. I have to say, I have been amazed at the generosity and different fabric scraps that have come my way. It has been so much fun, I can not say that enough. (Please click the photos to make them bigger and see the details on the fabrics.)
Here are some of the vintage fabric scraps that were sent to me by a blogging friend. I was so excited to discover this package of vintage gems. I love the blue fabric with the little bird and the brown fabric in the middle, very 1960's.
Here are some more from the same package. Look at that vintage Mickey and Minnie fabric...oh, what treasures! All so different and oh, so special.
On Sunday evening, my Aunt LaVoice came over and brought me a sack of fabric scraps from her sweet little neighbor who lives across the street. Her name is Joyce, and we have known her for many, many years. Bless her heart, Joyce was sweet enough to send me some of her fabric scraps for my quilt. These are some of the prints she sent me. ALL vintage treasures. Just look at that adorable red fabric with the black chickens....it is so sweet....just like Joyce herself! But the real swatch to pay attention to is the one at the top.
On Monday, the postman delivered six packages to me from blogging friends from near and afar. I received 3 from out of the country and 3 from the USA. I was so excited I did not pay too close attention to what fabric came from which envelope......all I could think of was cutting them into 2 inch squares. I soon discovered this scrap of fabric in the pile I was cutting...I stopped....looked at it and thought, "I have seen this before"....then I remembered where.
What are the chances do you suppose of having a friend donate a true vintage fabric to your project and the very NEXT day, get the same pattern which happens to be the VINTAGE REPRODUCTION FABRIC to the very same project. I could not believe it.
I believe things happen for a reason, but I am still amazed by this. I have received hundreds of different prints, all different and then this like print happens to come to me. Amazing I say. And....if this print was in your envelope....please let me know.....I really want to take note of who sent this fabric. I have the envelopes separated from the others that I received on Monday....but I want to be sure. Excitement sometimes does get the best of me.
Now the question I pose to you is this...do you think I should sew these together as they are in the quilt, side by side, or do you think I should mix them up in the 4000 plus different fabrics in the quilt? What are your thoughts.
It is ironic how things come together sometimes, and this project is no exception. I have more very special stories to share about this quilt project and the fabric that has been sent to make this project a reality. Those stories will be coming in the future, I hope you will be interested in reading them.
Have a great Vintage Thingie Thursday everyone and a wonderful weekend.