It was totally ridiculous...the mob of people waiting in excessive lines, the attitudes, the frantic store clerks and personnel trying to take charge of the crowds was at an all time high, we just left and went home. You would have thought Nolan Ryan himself was at the front of the line personally handing them out and then autographing them right on the spot. This type of frenzy is usually reserved for Black Friday sales....not for a Saturday afternoon in October.
Along with all the media coverage and the general excitement from almost everyone you meet about this once in a lifetime event coming, do I dare say less than 10 miles from my house in a couple of days....The World Series....less than 10 miles from my house......did you catch that????
....along with all of that, came memories from when the kids were smaller and we spent lots of time at the "old" Ranger Stadium. These were times long before even the concept of a World Series and the Rangers playing in it were even a mere thought. Remembering back to those days, brings a since of what true baseball has always been about....a smaller stadium, no real security at the park, just a simple baseball game with fans who enjoyed the game.
I remember taking my kids to the "old" stadium in the afternoons, when there was batting practice, or pitching practice. We were able to sit right on the front rows and watch the players practice up close and personal. I don't even know if you can do that now, but back then it was a big deal. I know for sure you could not get as close to the field or players in the new stadium as we could in the old one. That was a special place back when my kids were younger.
My son got his Ranger hat autographed from several players at these practices, the hat is still here in his closet....baseballs were dropped in my lap by players more than once when practice was over, we still have those too and more times than not, the player would also sign the ball for us before they left the field. Thinking back, that seems like such a long time ago, a much simpler time for sure.
We spent lots of time at the Ranger Stadium watching games, birthday parties, and taking family who was visiting from out of town. I remember it being a lot less expensive than it is today....the news said tonight that there were a few tickets left for game 3 of the World the rate of $800.00. Nose Bleed Seats. Certainly not the lower level seating we were used to all those years ago.
But aside from the cost being so much less....we certainly have lots of memories of spending family time at the baseball games so close to home. For my daughter, the food staple was always nachos and a coke, my son and husband, hot dogs and beer for my husband and coke for my son. Consequently, my son thought we could not leave the park without cotton candy and for me...well, I always wanted the roasted peanuts. Classic baseball food....always tasted best in the stands.
Every young boy my sons age during that time claimed Nolan Ryan as their hero. We certainly remember the games well when he was pitching. I have lots of photos of Nolan Ryan on the mound, wish I would have had the camera I have now back then...the pictures most likely be that much better. Over the years, we have collected signed baseballs, baseball cards, t-shirts, newspaper clippings.....the kind of things that went with the frenzy of the Nolan Ryan dynasty and the Texas Rangers. Today, it is a much more dramatized and media hyped frenzy with the World Series coming here...but it seems so fitting that the Hero who Pitched for the Texas Rangers back then, is still a part of this great organization and this once in a lifetime wonder.
My son has tickets to the World Series and I think my husband is going with him. Another great opportunity for a father and son to make a new memory, living the reality of Ranger baseball on a whole new level...the largest playing field for baseball of all time....less than 10 miles from my house. The World Series.....unbelievable.

Being aussie I'm not sure I understand the significance of this ...but all I know is that if lines are longer than the cabbage patch craze this is big right?
ReplyDeleteLess than 10 miles from your house you say?
Wanna hear something crazy? I don't really like baseball. It's 15 minutes of action crammed into three hours...and I have been a total baseball widow lately. And...I am going to game 5 of the world series! How did that happen?!! Mr. Sahm is over the moon excited, and I recognize that this is a once in a lifetime kind of event. Life is crazy!
ReplyDeletevery nice and very true
ReplyDeleteI married into the baseball craze, having grown up in a family that did not even TOLERATE sports well. We lived as newlyweds in Arlington, so we are excited for the Rangers, too!
ReplyDeleteNow living near NOLA, we had the experience of insanity last year when the Saints won the Super Bowl--people can just go NUTS over things.
I'm still not over the top in love with sports, but I can appreciate a good baseball story now(after fifteen years of marriage!). Somehow it brings the generations of fathers/sons together. I DO hope the Rangers win! :)
What a lovely paean to America's own sport!! And how wonderful that your entire family is enthusiastic and anticipating the Series.
ReplyDeleteI save up all my Sports-Watching for the year for a game or two of the Series---I CAN metaphorically sit still that long, though I'm usually folding clothes or ironing or doing some other mindless little task to keep me busy.
I'm SO glad for you and your TEAM. I'll have to call Sis---they are avid for anything TEXAS.
Nice post... & SO cool that husband & son got tickets.
ReplyDeleteI get to Dallas 4 - 5 times a year (going again in a few wks) & all my TX. friends are all a buzz.... hoping that they win & that I will be there when it happens. It will be fun to watch.
(PS... Colorado is beautiful in Oct. :)
In my opinion, baseball like every other sport has gotten way out of hand! The money involved is mind boggling. Plus I don't get the tearing down of perfectly good "old" stadiums" to put up new ones. The fact that they tore down Yankee Stadium which was practically a shrine breaks my heart.
ReplyDeleteand even though I am a Yankee fan, I am very happy for your Texas Rangers. It's time to give someone else a chance at the glory....good luck!
What great memories! I come from a sports family, no matter the sport, they are in the thick of it! I myself, just try to blend in doing what I like to do!! Mostly Sewing.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, when out kids were younger, we seemed to have great times with little effort or money. Kids today are subjected to MORE is best and the MORE MONEY it cost, then the better it HAS to be. I miss the simpler times too.
Good Luck Rangers - Time for some new blood to hold that title!!
How fun! I wish it was still that way.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne I understand! When the Atlanta Braves made it to the World Series it was so exciting to know that they were that close to me (not 10 miles but close). My Ex got to go to one game, I was so jealous! Still such a highlight in my love of baseball. Congrats to the Rangers and enjoy the hype but I too remember the 'good ole days'!!
ReplyDeleteI only have sisters (ann of tin and sparkle is one) so sports was not something we knew much about but my grandsons and sil are really BIG baseball and football fans. Just decided to visit many of the blogs I follow and let everyone know that in 9 more blogs I will be having a give away to celebrate my 100th blog . Debbie
ReplyDeleteI am your football fanatical counterpart. Oh yeah, and from the Bay Area (but not really a Giants fan. I root for the teams on the "other" side of the bay!)
ReplyDeleteIsn't it fab having a sports passion??
I have been a life long Yankee fan but I was tickled when the Rangers won their pendant and are playing in the big game. I have never been a fan of the new Giants. I also like to see some new and exciting teams in the series! I hope they can come home and do a great job! Thanks for sharing such sweet memories. It is a shame today everything is about the almighty dollar! Most people can not even afford to go to one game! Yet tax dollars pay for these mega stadiums. Kinda like mega churches, empty shells all dolled up with nothing of value inside. But when the Rockies went to the series it was an exciting here too. Living 20 minutes from the stadium is and was a fun perk of the big city! Anne
ReplyDeleteI'm sure your son and DH will never forget the World Series game. Our family has been season ticket holders for the D-backs since day 1. We too have many signed balls and bats from batting practice and before the game signing times. Our son loved his D-backs when he was a teenager. I'll never forget the Opening Game of the 2001 World Series. It's something I dreamed of as a child in Kentucky but had no idea I'd actually get to go to World Series games.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your post. It brought back many good memories of our son growing up. Good luck to the Rangers.
And within one mile of that same stadium!!! Too bad we did not sweep the Series, but it was such fun to watch so close to us. and I are neighbors!!