Monday, November 17, 2008

Blue Monday: Lots of Blue Today

Blue Monday is here again and that is the day we get to showcase our blue items and share them with you. Smiling Sally host Blue Monday every week. Click Here to view other Blue Monday goodies and visit with Sally.

This week, I thought I would show you my crochet needles. These two little blue needles have been getting a lot of use the past month. If you follow my blog, you know I have given a couple of homemade afghans away on my blog and they were made with these two blue needles. I think they are a lovely shade of blue.

The large blue needle is used for the body work on the afghans and the smaller dark blue needle is used for the trim.

These are a really neat find. I found these at an estate sale, and loved the colors. These are four little pins that would I assume pin to a lapel of a jacket. I don't know if I will wear them, but I fell in love with them when I saw them.

Here is a pretty pendent that has a large blue stone. I purchased this at the same estate sale for $3.00. I love the stone and the details of this piece.

This little work of art was made by my daughter when she was in elementary school. It works well for storing my vintage pins in, and I like the colors in the piece. It is a treasure!
Lastly, I want to remind you about my giveaway that started this week......

Be sure to click HERE to enter my giveaway for this week. Winner will be announced on Saturday. Be sure to leave a comment on SUNDAY'S Post to be eligible for the drawing. ~ Good Luck.


  1. All these pieces are so beautiful! What a find that necklet is!

    And I just wanted to congratulate you on your wonderful giveaway! I will not enter (even though we are an older couple and struggling mainly because we have to move into another rented home by Christmas.) At least I have a job and I am sure there are more needy people in the world than what we are! I'd just love to see them get some Christmas joy!

    At least we have each other!

    Happiness always to you for your wonderful gift!

  2. Love you daughter's pottery - I have something very similar! Great find on those lapel pins!!...Donna

  3. Color-ado-lady !
    Ado for adolescent (teenager) or/and adorator (lover).
    Nice blog !

  4. You've some pretty blue this week. That last pendant just jumped at me...I see an angel there. The pottery is, of course, so precious :0). I would love to enter your giveaway. I love afghans!

  5. The estate jewelry is the kind of sparkly that I appreciate. I wonder what it cost originally? I'll bet a pretty penny. Happy Blue Monday!

  6. I have earrings that mimic the setting of your pins. They aren't antique though, but they were made by the 1928 Jewelry Company which makes vintage looking items.

    Very pretty items in your Blue Monday post.

  7. Beautiful blues this morning.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  8. Your wieners are adorable!! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog - it allowed me to find you!!

    Hallie :)

  9. That blue jewelry is just GORGEOUS! You cold use the pins in home decor, also. Someone was showing vintage pins used as curtain tiebacks.

  10. You always have the neatest treasures!

  11. Good Morning to you! What great blue here today. I really love those sweet pins you picked up at the estate sale :0)

  12. What pretty pins! Luck was with you that day!

  13. Those pins are lovely, couldn't you imagine them pinned on a decorative velvet pillow, over a satin ribbon? Lovely.


  14. Very pretty blue things. Happy Blue Monday!

  15. Love all of your blue finds ! What a bargain on the pendant ! I especially like your treasure from your daughter . Those little treasures are so sentimental aren't they .

  16. What great blues..Happy Blue Monday..

  17. The vintage jewelry is exquisite. Your daughter's pottery is just wonderful. Happy Blue Monday.

  18. Love your pictures of "blue" and your puppies! Truly enjoy your blog!

  19. i never thought that little pottery thing i made in like 3rd grade would be on the internet.. YAY!

  20. Happy blue Monday to Coloradolady and all her blogger friends.

  21. Hello Suzanne
    I would place those pins on some ribbons like I did on my last pink post. They are stunning.
    Can't wait to see who wins this Sunday.
    Happy Blue Monday
    Claudie from Canada

  22. I added a link for your giveaways to my blog!! HAppy Blue Monday!

  23. Lovely blue post. I have some crochet hooks, but I think they are silver or ivory color. The blue ones are very pretty.

  24. Wonderful blues! Love the lapel pins - I have a tiny Christmas tree that I decorate with old jewelry just like that (though not blue). Makes the holiday very sparkly.

  25. Good evening, you never really know how valuable your jewels are that come from an estate sale?/ The going thing nowadays is to have the gold melted down and get paid cash for it.My daughter in Atlanta had a Gold party at her house, and one of her friends made 2300.00 dollars from her old gold that was never worn..

    Your daughter's pottery is a treasure to keep forever!!

  26. Your blue jewelry is very pretty and that piece of pottery your daughter made is just precious.

  27. Love your photos of your treasures! I think you must have a good camera! I enjoyed your Friday sky pics too. Thanks for stopping by earlier. I also crochet(a bit) and I am sure I will come back to your blog again.

  28. I love your crochet hooks. And I would love to be entered into your giveaway. It would be fun to win. Thanks for visiting me too. Happy Blue Monday!

  29. Beautiful blue!
    I'm wondering how you have time to blog and put together your neat giveaways and make so many afghans!

  30. Love the estate pieces! They are beautiful.

    I have tons of crochet needles. My huge blue one I use with cotton clothes line to demonstrate crocheting to a large group (when I have taught chocheting) I have to admit, I have never used it to crochet.

  31. I really like that second photo. nice composition!

    And the kid-made jar? Those are priceless.

  32. Those pins are really pretty! And what a treasure your daughter's art work is.

  33. Love your blue pieces. I too crochet, so I love the hooks. And I am a huge succor for vintage or vintage looking jewelry. Yours are beautiful.

  34. Lovely blue post! I like you special sparklies!

  35. Hi!
    Just wanted to say hello and to say that I think that it is very sweet of you to have this Christmans giveaway.

    I am new to the blogging world and I think that it is terrific to be able to share your thoughts with so many lovely people.

  36. I love your blue monday post. The box your daughter made is the very best! I'm glad to see that I am not the only one still on Blue Monday on the wednesday morning! : )


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