Saturday, November 22, 2008

Christmas Cheer Week #1 Giveaway Winner Announced

Hello Everyone!
This week went by very fast for me and before I knew it, it was time to draw the winner of my first week's giveaway. I would like to say thank you to everyone who blogged about the start of my Holiday Extravaganza and put my button on your blog. I was super excited with the response for the first week.
All of your wonderful comments made me feel like I was doing something special for the lucky winner. A Big Heartfelt Thank You once again.

As promised, I used the Integer generator. I put in the numbers, held my breath, closed my eyes, peeked....then hit the button. Here is what happened.... chose entry number 19

Well, I could not wait to count down the column of the entries and see who won this box of goodies......

Drum Roll Please.......

Oh my goodness, I could not believe it. The lucky winner is Sara, aka Gitzen Girl . I could not be more pleased.

Just knowing Sara is a gift like none other. I found Sara's blog shortly after I discovered what blogging was all about. Her attitude towards life and living with a life impairing disease is indeed more than I can even comprehend.
Sara is such a inspiration to everyone who reads her writings and I can not even begin to explain how her words touch my heart. Her words challenge me every week to be a better person.
Sara always whispers to me through her writing that my life is not nearly as bad as I sometimes think it is. She has a special gift, and she touches everyone in one way or another.
And I must say, she has the cutest dog named Riley. He is just adorable and he brings a lot of humor to Sara's writing. I think my Dora has a crush on him...Shhhhh just don't tell Riley that.
Congratulations Sara I hope you will enjoy this box of
Holiday Cheer.

Now I am sorry I do not have a box for everyone who entered, but you have four more chances to win one of my giveaways before Christmas. Tomorrow is the second giveaway announcement....please remember to stop back by and enter.


  1. A hearty congrats to Sara!!! Enjoy.

  2. Congratulations to Sara!!

    Hugs from Marian

  3. she is soooooo lucky! congrats to her
    have a great weekend

  4. You lucky devil SARA! Good for you! I am happy but jealous! :) Hey am I still in that hat for the next give aways?? :)

  5. All you bloggers are worthy of this and any other giveaways, but since Sara was chosen, it had to be the good Lords will.

  6. Congratulations to Sara! She is a lucky lady to win such a wonderful giveaway...and you are one generous soul! ;-) Bo

  7. Sounds like Sara is a worthy winner to me! :-) congratulations Sara!!


  8. oh, so glad for Sara to win this lovely and generous gift from you.
    CONGRATULATIONS to her and to you for being such a sweet lady.
    love, bj

  9. Congratulations to Sara. I added your button to my blog..maybe I will get lucky..:)

  10. Congratulations to Sara! Woohoo! I am so jealous. I hope she enjoys every bit of this wonderful giveaway.

  11. Congratulations Sara! How wonderful for you!


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