Monday, March 16, 2009

Eye Have a Big Problem

I got new glasses. I picked them up over the weekend, and guess what?....This is the third pair of glasses I have purchased and CAN NOT see out of these when I am at work, any better than the other two pairs I have had. I have a very stressful and busy schedule for the next two weeks and can not deal with this right now....I think I have a problem.

Oh, to be a dog.....maybe eye replacement is in the future!?


  1. Hmmmm. Love your photo of the day! Looks familiar, somehow....

    I had problems with my new specs too - I had to have them back off the prescription a bit - Everything looked like it was angled towards me, no matter which bi-focal I used! Shelves were tipped towards me, and I felt like I was way high above the earth!!! Astigmatism, they told me. Once they backed off the script, it was a bit better. I still have to be aware when I'm walking, though - don't want to fall down!!! Geesh. They said I'd get 'used to it' after a while. Don't think so!

  2. Hoping every thing gets better and you find glasses that work. If any hope, the older I get the less I seem to need my glasses.

    Roberta Anne

  3. I never have worn glasses so all I can do is sympathize.

  4. Awww Suzanne...I hate to hear DH had to have one of his RX redone at another doc's... Like SmilingSal, I don't wear glasses either...well, except the Dollar Store ones when I need to read the small print...hey, that's an idea...try a pair of those...
    they just might work. Hugs, ;-) Bo

  5. Sorry that you're having problems with your eyes, Suzanne. Hope it's a quick fix and nothing too major! Your puppy sure is sweet!

  6. That picture is so cute!
    So sorry you're having vision problems. Sure hope they get taken care of soon. laurie

  7. My brother-in-law is going through this right now. The eye doctor discovered that the lab has ground the prescription wrong twice!

  8. laser eye surgery? eek!

  9. That seems to be happening quite often!
    Hope you get it resolved!
    Luv the pic! :)
    Happy St Patty's Day!

  10. That is super-annoying! I thought I was having problems w/ my prescription, but found out last week that it's cataracts.

  11. Suzanne~
    I just sent you my home address, again. I hope you get it! If not, let me know! Have a good one!

  12. Sorry about the trouble with your's so weird that they can't get the perscription right. I hope they get you fixed up soon!


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