Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter Greetings ~ Vintage Style

Vintage Happy Easter Greetings!!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter. No matter what you do today, take a minute and pause and remember what this day is all about.

...And may the food on your table be so good, that someone pops a button or two and they end up in your button stash!


  1. So THAT'S how they get all the buttons for the cute prim crafts!!! Happy Easter to you and yours!

  2. A couple of chocolate bunnies and I'll be popping buttons! Easter blessings to you!

  3. Happy and blessed Easter to you and yours.

  4. It's been a lovely warm & sunny Easter day and i've eaten way too many chokky eggs heehee!!..i hope you've having a lovely Easter with your loved ones too, Suzanne!!..btw your vintage bunnies are adorable :) xx

  5. I wish you a Blessed Easter as you celebrate our risen Lord.

  6. Happy Easter to you dear Suzanne!

  7. What pretty vintage Easter goodies! Hope you are having a great day!

  8. This was a great Easter greeting.


Sometimes someone says something really small, and it's like it fits into this empty space in your heart!

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