If you are new to this party, please take the time to read and follow the instructions for participating in Vintage Thingies Thursday, click HERE. I try and keep things fairly simple, so please make sure you follow the instructions. Please only ONE link per week.
Lastly, if you link in, your post needs to include:
1. the LINK back to my blog and or the button for Vintage Thingie Thursday. I have been visiting lately and when I click on a link, there is no mention of Vintage Thingie Thursday or my blog.
2. make sure your post has something to do with something vintage. All advertisements will be deleted. If you'd like to advertise on my blog, email me, we can work that out. No more free advertising by linking in. Shame on those who do this, nothing is free in life.
Starting this month, if you fail to either have the button on your blog, or in your blog post and/or have not linked back to my blog in your post. I will delete your link.
First, I'd like to thank you for all the comments on my post last week, my mom was thrilled that so many said so many nice things. She tends to worry over aging, but to me, she looks just as beautiful as always. Your comments really made her day....no matter I decided to show her on "vintage day" :)
Today, I have a couple of vintage ponies. These are from the 60's. I remember a lot of my friends had horses, and loved to collect them. I myself never did have a horse of my own, but I did have a few ponies that I loved. I had a couple of smaller ones too that I used to keep in a little shelf, but who knows what happened to those.
I think they are cute.....and I have them on a curio shelf in my "bear" room. Why? Well, because they go with bears....right?
Here is the mark on the one that has the bridle attached.
And this unusual mark is for the other one. Who knows where these came from originally. I certainly can not remember.
Finally, it is the last of March and time to announce the giveaway for this month. I took all the participants in Vintage Thingie Thursday, and all the comments I received from these post. And drew out of a hat (bowl) haha
The winner this month is :
Anna, from Cottage 6 Studio. Congratulations!!
Anna, you have won this gift set, which includes a super cute apron, a tart pan, mini grater, and the recipe for Chocolate Raspberry Tart with Chocolate Cream. I really hope you like this little surprise!! Send me a email with your address and I will get this out to you soon.
Next week, we start a new month, and a new giveaway. Keep playing along, you just might be next!!
Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday!!!