Before you get too bored with my rattling on....there are wonderful videos below, please don't miss them!!!
Wow, it is already the fifth day of a new month...March. Hard to believe isn't it??? So, you know what the fifth day is for The Coloradolady blog, it is a recap and a thought on a new month and who you can bless with a hand written letter or card.
Since my post yesterday was a little on the heavy side, I am going to give you a thing or two to smile about today. But first, I'd like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for the heartfelt messages and emails. I know soul searching post make a few people I know very uncomfortable, and for that I am sorry. But I am a firm believer, that when someone reads what others feel, experience, and deal with, it helps to know they are not on to a lighter note.
I have, over the past year participated in a "card shower" for a senior citizen having a birthday that has been hosted by a friend. I am here to tell you, what a blessing this is for our seniors and myself included. And after much thought on the subject, I decided to kick off a campaign of something similar here on my blog. I call this endeavor "One Fine Blessing" and if you missed the post, you will find it HERE. Please check it out.
I am still looking for senior citizens to add to the calendar for the rest of the year. I know you should know at least ONE senior that can be blessed with a surprise for their birthday. Please check out my POST here and let me know what you think.
So often, I have thought that just a simple thing of sending a card to someone, really was Not. A. Big. Deal. It takes such little effort on my part, but honestly, you really never know if it was just what that person needed at that very moment in time.
This January, was the second year I was fortunate enough to send Mr. Peak a card for his birthday. No, he does not know me from Adam, but I am sure he was thrilled with my card and my $1.00 I sent him. You see, I learned from the videos below that he loves to frequent garage sales, and what a neat thing to have a little extra "mad money" for that very thing.....I tell ya, a guy after my own heart.
Please take the time to watch these videos, Mr. Peak is just adorable, and his smile and chuckle certainly is contagious and made my heart just a little bit lighter. He and his friends and family are enjoying him opening all his cards too....these videos and Mr. Peak are a real testament to how something so small, really does brighten someone's day. I can only wish to touch so many more of our seniors with this project.
To view the videos, (which there are 3 short ones) go HERE, HERE and HERE
I'd like to thank Mr. Peak and his lovely daughter for allowing me to share these with you. I know you will enjoy them as much as I have and what a treasure to have in the years to come to be able to look back on these special birthdays and enjoy the moments again.
Along with a Birthday card this month, I have several thank you notes to get in the mail and another letter. This time, a long over due letter to someone who means the world to me. (that's all I am gonna say on that one)
I hope you are joining me in this letter writing journey, and I really would love to have you on board for the "One Fine Blessing" project. Together, we can bless those who need it most, one card at a time. If you'd like to link in below, that would be great, or you can comment in the comment section as well. Have a great letter writing journey this month....remember, all it takes is a little time to bless someone, and everyone can take a little time for that! Happy Weekend everyone....enjoy your loved ones and family.

Hubby said since we live in a retirement community it would be better to send a card and dollar anonymously to some of our neighbors here. Like everyone else those on a fixed income are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet. This is a very worthwhile project and I'm glad you shared it with us.
ReplyDeleteI have taken this challenge to heart. I plan to do better each month. This month I sent 9 notes and cards and 1 package. I have another package ready to send, but this is a new month.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to reach in the computer and give him a big ole bear hug. What an amazing opportunity to be involved with this project, no matter how it came about, it is great! I am going to email you.
ReplyDeleteMr. Peak certainly made my day and brought smiles to my face. Love it.
Thanks for hosting this again Suzanne. I am not able to view the videos as I do not have Facebook. Is there another way to watch them?
Count me in. I love how you always are so thoughtful to other people. I will email you my address. I want to get on your mailing list.
ReplyDeletePat Collins-Fine
Suzanne, Pat sent me your Blog link and I shared it with Daddy a few moments ago. What wonderful & kind things that you make time for in your busy life! Thank you for sharing with us and brightening up Daddy's life today for a third time! After all is "said and done", you will know that you have blessed many lives and given many faces brand new smiles.
ReplyDeleteThank again,
Peggy Peak Sharp. Muskogee, Oklahoma
One thing for sure Mr. Blair had a field day with is cards. Also, had a little more spending money. Sorry, I was late linking in. Please understand.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure what you mean by this project, if we link in are we meant to send letters to a particular person? Or find a person and then link in? I WILL however, take this up in my own town, and you have just inspired me to create a similar opportunity with my homeschooling group.
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely bang on when you say how important a written note can be! Even an emailed thank you or acknowledgment can be such a kind and appreciated thing to do, but the written word is that much more special on pen and paper. I have encouraged my boys since day one (now seven and four) to write thank you cards (in addition to making all the valentines etc that are more common) for gifts or gestures and was so proud when after his (fourth) birthday last weekend, Liam announced that he would have to make thank yous for everyone and got down to work!
I think everyone would be on board with my getting the kids in the group to do a "note" writing party to do a card for somebody in a senior's center... what a great thing for kids (and their parents) to be involved in! Thank you so much for the inspiration!
(Also thank you for the kind comments on my blog, it was so nice of you to visit :) )