If you have not visited her blog, what a blessing you are missing out on. Stop by, and read her story, her life dealing with chronic disease and how when all the limits that could possibly be put on you in this lifetime She never let them stop her, she chose to keep moving forward with an attitude and outlook that was a real testimony of her faith, love and hope. I have never had the pleasure of knowing anyone like her and fear I never will again. There was only ONE GITZ. How blessed we are, those who had the privilege of sharing a small part of her life.
The loss I feel is terrific. I lost a friend who not only inspired me, but caused me to look at life differently. She is and always be my hero, my special Gitz. Oh, sweet girl how I will miss you. We never got to meet this side of heaven, but you were such a big part of my life, we connected and you taught me so much. One day, we will meet and it will be a glorious reunion.
Below is a recording of Sara singing my favorite song. She recorded this a few years back when she still was able to use her beautiful voice.......
07 Breath of Heaven by gitzengirl
be inspired today.......choose joy in all things......That is the Sara way! Please keep Sara's family in your hearts and prayers

I was just reading some of her blog. What a beautiful and optimistic outlook she had despite the challenges of her disease. She was, and still is and will be, a great inspiration.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne -- Sorry for the loss of your friend, Sara. We all need to change to positive outlooks as she had. Big hugs.
ReplyDeleteSo very beautiful. How self-less of you to write such a lovely tribute for your friend. Bless you.
I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like an amazing inspiring person.
ReplyDeleteHello Suzanne,
ReplyDeleteShe has a beautiful voice and I am sorry for the loss of your friend.
What a sweet tribute.
Suzann ~xoxo~
My prayers go out to you and Sara's family. Hugs
ReplyDeleteIm so sorry for the pain you are feeling, but am happy to think of her singing praises in the sunshine to God. I visited her site a few times since you first linked it, and she was an amazing presence on this earth.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne, I am sorry for you losing someone who meant so much to you. you, her and her family are in my prayers. Aren't we so blessed to have certain people in our lives...
ReplyDeleteOh Suzanne I am so sorry for your loss. I have read some of Sara's blog and have also found such inspiration in her faith and outlook on life. God has a new angel for sure this morning! Praying for her family and all her many friends. This is also one of my favorite songs and I feel so blessed this morning to hear this! Thank you and God Bless. Linda
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss and I am keeping Sara's family and friends in my prayers. I appreciate that you shared Sara's story with us. I visited her blog and was so inspired. I wrote "chose joy" on the chalkboard over my desk. I hope I can carry Sara's inspirtion with me always. There are certain people and stories that change lives forever. Thank you Sara! And thank you Suzanne!
ReplyDeleteBreath of Heaven is her atmosphere NOW. She truly had a lovely voice---you are right, she is in the choir today. Just finding out her story and praying for her and her family these last two weeks has really touched me. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to her.
Thank you for sharing your friend Sara with us. It is truly amazing how connected one can become to someone we have never met. I too have a friend like that, she is much older than I am and lives far away but I know we will meet some day in another world and life. That's God's promise and I believe it.
So very sorry Suzanne. life just isn't "fair" but then we were never promised fair were we?
ReplyDeleteHard to watch a loved one suffer, hard to say the final good bye, harder still to miss them every day.
We rejoice in Sara's new life in Christ.
ReplyDeleteIt takes a very special friend to help someone pass onto the Lord. Thank you for being one of God's instruments in Sara's life. May God bless your heart as you continue to help the family in pray and petition with the passing. Someday we will all be dancing in heaven.
I am sorry for the loss of such an amazing person...sorry for you, sorry for her family, sorry for everyone she touched through her blog. It seems likely that it is a bittersweet day for her as well. She seemed to love this life, despite the incredible hardship and pain for her, which would make it bitter to leave. However, imagine the joy of being pain free and healthy once again! Best wishes.
ReplyDeleteOh Suzanne, I am so sorry for it seems the world has lost a beautiful spirit today. So very many lives were touched by someone who never left the house...how amazing is that? We are all a little sadder right now but joyous in the knowledge that she is soaring in peace. Blessings to you.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry for the loss you are feeling. Sara will be your guardian angel for real now. Blessings on you.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend Sara. I had read her blog when you first posted about her, and she sounded like a beautiful strong young woman. How blessed you were to have known her. Isn't it amazing how, sometimes we meet someone who will leave footprints in our hearts forever. Warm thoughts are with you at this sad time.
Oh. This is so sad. I have been away for a weekend and I didn't know. :( I loved her blog. She was always so inspiring! I am praying for her family and friends.
Sara's story was so amazing and I am still praying for her family as those left behind need the strength and encouragement only Our Lord can offer. Anne