Forget the fact that she openly and publicly (1) admitted to it and (2) sincerely apologized for it. As you read this and as I type this post, how many, just HOW MANY would do the same. How many would admit to a racial slur, a lie, a theft, an affair, dishonest acts far worse than what she has been hung out to dry over.
You don't have to answer me.....but you get the idea. If Paula Deen had any fear about the situation, she swallowed that fear and did the right thing. I commend her for that. The whole US of A should commend her for that. I could admit to a lot of things myself..but FEAR keeps my mouth shut, and I am sure I am not alone. I mean after all, we are living in a world were we could be stoned or shot in our own front yards over someone not liking or taking offense to something we said. It is time to wake up here!
I love Paula Deen, and I enjoy her show. I enjoy her cooking as it reminds me of my own grandmothers cooking from long ago. Simple, wonderful dishes that can be shared with your family. She is a Southern Lady and a true inspiration in every way. I feel she has been treated unfairly and this is just an example of how out of control our society is in general. How and when is enough, enough.
Once the media get wind of a story, they blow it up into preposterous proportions. That is when The Food Network, Walmart, Home Depot or QVC and other endorcements.......decide it is a good business move to drop her. Really? I wonder how many of the top CEO's of these very companies or owners would honestly stand before a television news camera and admit to any wrong doing of any kind in the last thirty years. Pardon me, but there was only one perfect man and that man walked on water.
Well, you know, I have rights too. If I want to turn on her show and watch it on television, I have that right, why does the Food Network think they can take that away? Does Walmart, Home Depot, QVC, Target or Sears think they can take away my right to walk into their store or go online and purchase her products if I so choose? It appears most of these do think they have the right. But I also HAVE THE RIGHT to not spend my money with these retailers, even if it means driving out of my way to shop elsewhere. When does this stop? We as consumers have rights too....the retail world seems to forget that.
If I was a major corporation, I'd sign Paula Deen in an instant, but since I am not and I am a nobody, I have been wondering what I can do to show my support.
I went to Amazon and per-ordered Paula's new cookbook coming out in October. I went back and ordered five more copies. I am going to give the other five copies away here on my blog. It is not a lot, but it is what I can do. Go to the website and order yourself a copy, then win one I am offering here and give it to a friend. Everyday folks like you and my do have a voice.
If you would like to enter my giveaway for a chance to win one of these Paula Deen & Friends Cookbooks coming out in October, just leave a comment. You can leave your own thoughts, you can tell me your favorite southern dish, or you can just say I want to enter. If you tweet about this giveaway, share on Facebook or blog about the giveaway, leave another comment that you did that! It is not required, but it will give you extra chances. Please only leave one comment for each way to enter.
And if the comments climb over 2500 (yes, I know that is ambitious) but if it does, I will give one lucky winner a set of Paula Deen cookware along with a cookbook. How sweet is that??
Please if you are a no reply blogger, make sure you leave an email address so I can contact you if you are chosen. All cookbooks will be mailed when they are shipped out in October.
I will close the giveaway on the last day of July. You have lots of time to enter, and lots of time to tell your friends. I know this really does not have a huge impact, however, it is showing my support and I am looking forward to sharing with all of you. If you'd like to read about ways to let the retailers know your thoughts on this subject, you can go HERE to Support Paula's Facebook page. Hop over and like that is climbing with new people supporting the Queen of the South every day!
Good Luck Everyone...spread the word. Giveaway ends July 31st!
For the record: Paula Deen does not have any affiliate with my blog. She does not know me or I am sure never even heard of me.This is not a sponsored post. This is a post and giveaway sponsored by me and the money out of my own pocket. I think it is being well spent and I hope it makes a small difference.
Oh Suzanne, I could not AGREE with you more! Virtue and honesty is virtually NON existent these days...and I applaud Paula. It is much more difficult, obviously, to be truthful than to lie. It makes me just as frustrated and angry as you, how they are treating Paula. BTW, Target is still backing her.
ReplyDeleteI just found out Target has also dropped her. Unbelievable!!!
DeleteShared this wonderful blog post on my FaceBook page. Looking forward to watching this post hit 2,500 comments.
ReplyDeleteYay!!! I agree 100% with all that you have said. I am sick with how the media and so many others have just blown this way out of proportion! I support Paula Deen also. What a great way to support her with this giveaway! I'm in and I'll help promote this!! I have seen news reports that Target and Home Depot are not supporting her. So sad to me!
Thank you so much!! I feel much the same way....what has our country come too these days...but truth always wins in the end!! Thanks for organizing this for her...I am sure she will appreciate the support!!
ReplyDeleteI don't cook much (but the cookbook might help with that :) So I don't really watch her all that much.. BUT this whole thing is Ridiculous! RIDICULOUS!!
ReplyDeleteSO, as ridiculous as these companies that dropped her, are... I will choose to spend my money elsewhere...
I so agree with you. I think someone is on a mission to destroy her, what a shame. Who has not at one time or another said something they wish they could take back. She apologized, asked for forgiveness what more can she do. I do plan to buy her book. This give away is a great way to support her.
ReplyDeleteblessings to you.
I support her ALL the way and I am not shopping at Wal Mart QVC Hone Depot
ReplyDeleteor watching Food Network or Today show for Matt Lauer being so smart axx to her , I said it
I support her on every facebook page that comes up. I go to Savannah every October and going again this year if I have to eat beans for a month when I get back LOL
Thank you for showing your support for Paula Deen , guess I will order the new book also, In her shop every cookbook of hers is autographed by her , I bought 3 last year for gifts and will buy 3 more this year for gifts
I can't wait to see who the 2500th person is that gets Paula Deen cook ware, I want the lime green set and guess I'll order it . I wonder if it comes from a wal mart warehouse or a cookware warehouse???
anyway Thanks for the love ,ps I read the law suit deposition online and it's all about another person and Paula got caught in it all and is taking the fall
She has the cookware set on sale on HER web-site.
DeleteI agree with this post. A person should not be held accountable for something they said 27 years ago. I would be proud to use her cookbook. So sad what is happening to Paula.
ReplyDeleteHi Suzanne,
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to see the post in support of Paula Deen. I too feel like she got a raw deal, just because she spoke the truth. We cancelled the Food Network from our channels at Dish because of it. I didn't know she had a new book coming out, thanks for having the giveaway. I would love to be entered!
Dorothy @
I so agree with you! It's so ridiculous!! We have all said something that we regret. Every.Single.One.Of.Us.
ReplyDeleteWell said. I don't know any facts, but I miss her show and the food network decided for me without asking. She stepped forward and took responsibility and she has my backing. Love you Paula Deen and God Bless.
ReplyDeleteOh I so agree with you. 30 YEARS ago! Come on people, get real. I'm sure all those pointing fingers have said something they would regret too IF only they could remember it.
ReplyDeleteI support Paula !!!!!!!!!!
Hi Suzanne! Bravo to you. I actually went on line and found the leaked deposition that accuses Paula of using the language more recently. The person who wrote that in her deposition actually AMENDED it six months later to include that word. It was not in her original statement. Interesting, huh?
ReplyDeleteI try to watch my language, but if someone pointed a gun at my head, I cannot promise what words might come out of my mouth! Although thirty years ago my knowledge of colorful words was just about nil LOL. Darn that cable.
You do not have to put me in the drawing for the cookbook; I plan to buy my own. And although I had vowed to restrict my magazine subscriptions, I also plan to subscribe to her magazine again. This is so much of a witch hunt.
I have heard congressman quoted as using that word, yet the storm blows over. Is this because she is a successful woman?
It's a feeding frenzy, people seem to like to watch someone crash & burn, and then rise out of the ashes again. Like Tiger Woods... human beings are so ready to judge others for their mistakes and sit back and watch the train wreck. I do think the way she apologized, sort of a non-apology apology is what caused this tidal wave of corporations pulling their endorsements. But it is definitely hypocritical because there is not one of us who has made mistakes, said the wrong thing or hurt another person whether by accident or on purpose. She'll come back stronger than before.
ReplyDeleteI think all of us have said something at some point in our life that we regret. It happened 30 years ago. She apologized, people should give it a rest and concentrate on what she has done since then.
ReplyDeleteWhat a GREAT idea- putting your money where your mouth is...........I admire you and need to come up with something somehow myself. I COUDLN'T AGREE WITH YOU MORE.
ReplyDeleteI just think of certain loved past presidents saying "I never had s*x with that woman! of "I never inhaled" his perjury forgotten and forgiven? And he ruled the country????
And I won't even get into the lies of our current government, just Google it for the facts.
Paula Deen made a mistake. Boy how we love to love the celebrities and love even more when they are pushed off their pedestals. She has apologized. Now please let her BE forgiven.
Colossians 3:12-14
Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
Now let's see if we can act like God wants us to act.
Make a linky pic/post for this, I would be honoured to put it on my sidebar!
ReplyDeleteWe all make mistakes she just happens to be in the public eye and the press likes to have a field day with things like that. I feel bad she has to go through this and commend her for her honesty.
ReplyDeleteI respect your opinion and everyone that left one, or that will leave one. That said, how do you commend someone who judged others? This didn't happen just one time, this happened more than one time with her and it didn't just happen YEARS ago. Did you see the interview she did where she basically embarrassed her supposed black friend of many years by saying he was as black as the background she was sitting in front of and yes she said that in front of people...WHO DOES THAT? Or where she said THOSE PEOPLE, really!? What year do we live in? A mistake is something you learn from you don't continue doing the bad behavior, if she uwould have said the n word once and nothing else after that then maybe the backlash wouldn't have been so bad but when your on tape speaking that way you put yourself out there for all the world to see especially when your in the public eye. Also, just because your southern or from the south does not give you license to be ignorant. I have read over the past week that it was exceptable to say the n word and other things YEARS AGO....that doesn't make it right, it just makes it tolerated at that time. I was never taught that word growing up and I have never insulted anyone with that word or any like it. I was taught you respect others... by using words like p deen did she was showing very poor judgement and disrespect. I believe she fell from grace by her own hand...I don't feel sorry for her, she did all this herself and now she'll have to live with the consequences. Had she been taught how to respect all people YEARS AGO may be this wouldn't be happening to her now. I was born in the 60's and have never used that word let alone heard the word back then. The south was very racist years ago and maybe still today and judging by a lot of the southern blogs I have read justifying Paula Deens behavior makes me think some things never change. We all make mistakes and we all have to suffer the consequences of our actions, Paula Dean is no different.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous ~ Thank you for your comment. I too respect your comment as well. We are all different, and our backgrounds play a big part of how things influence us in life.
DeleteI don't agree with what she did or said at all, I just don't agree that she deserves this as there are a whole lot of folks who should be in the same boat and are not.
Thank you for leaving your opinion.
Super idea, Suzanne!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. "We" don't know the exact facts and situations. She has apparently apologized. We should not be judging her. Gosh, if we didn't impeach a president that had an supposed affair, why would we be this critical of her. Let's sell out her book on Amazon. BTW, my grandma who is 89 sometimes refers to African Americans as Negros. She doesn't say it in a derogatory manner. That's how people from her era learned to describe people of black color. It's hard to change an 89 year old. Just like now, everyone is so confused: Are they African American, are they black? I know on our state ethnic reports they are classified as black. Maybe we should just call everyone "Americans."
ReplyDeleteIt is so nice to see someone supporting her. I think every single person on this planet is guilty of using a racial slur. The only difference between her and us is that we aren't rich and famous and telling on us would not get them a nice cash settlement. I love Paula Deen and my opionon hasn't changed. My opinion of Food Network, WalMart, Home Depot, etc. has definitely changed for the worse! Enter my name...please and thank you!
i am with you all the way girl!!! these big box stores think they can do that, but we can shop elsewhere. i know some people need those 4 dollars drugs and i can understand buying that but we can slow down their millions of dollars that they make off of us
ReplyDeleteThank you for doing the giveaway. Please enter me.
Hi there, Way to go to another Colorado lady!!!!! I'm right with you-I had heard about the fuss some were causing and didn't know the reason she had used the word. However, we've got family in the south and let me tell you that these words(even though it is wrong)are still used all the time. Racism is alive; I know that when we lived in Ca. it was there, just swept under the carpet. I applaud Paula for her courageous honesty! I've heard rap songs currently that still use this word. I think that Paula's sponsors may have been looking for a reason to discontinue the show. I am so with you! In fact, I am going to check out Amazon and see what I can order.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your thoughts and for this giveaway.
Hugs, Noreen
Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit!! I couldn't agree with you more Colorado Lady! Nice to see someone take a stand! Please include me in your giveaway...... And keep up the great bloggin'!! Martha :)
ReplyDeleteSuzanne I just read that her publisher has cancelled the book deal and will NOT be publishing this cookbook. I am so angry about this backlash and hope that she will get it published by someone else. I will buy a copy now for sure from whoever publishes it! This has got to stop!!!!
Major Loss: Paula Deen's upcoming cookbook, currently the No. 1 seller on, has been dropped by its publisher. Ballantine Books announced on Friday it had cancelled publication of "Paula Deen's New Testament: 250 Favorite Recipes, All Lightened Up." The book was scheduled for October.
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for her...she told the truth about something that happened so long ago. Seems some people do something so much worse and people do not bat a eye. I hope she comes through this, she is a strong gal.
ReplyDeleteBecause I live in Australia I don't know Paula Dean or anything about her, but I think you are right to take the stand you have. I agree totally with you on how society judge others. What did it say in the bible? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
ReplyDeleteBRAVO!! Suzanne, well said..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
ReplyDeleteI'm in totally agreement with you. This has been blown why out of sight. I'm not casting any stones. It would be interesting to see the sins of the people firing her. What happened to forgiveness in this nation of ours?
ReplyDeleteI too live overseas (Sri Lanka) so the subject is new to me. I agree however with your views and everyone has a right to take a stand on whatever they think is right.
ReplyDeleteI love so many of Paula's recipes and have allot her cookbooks.
ReplyDeleteI love Paula and applaud your support of her! I support her too. We ALL make mistakes, it takes a big person to admit them. I'm hoping that she will prevail, like Martha Stewart did.
ReplyDeleteI have always loved Paula and want to one day make it to her restaurant in GA. I support her 100%. I was looking forward to an up coming trip to Vegas because I heard they opened one of restaurants in one of the Casinos there. But now, it's going to be closed :(
ReplyDeleteI was going to order her new cookbook too but then I read today that the company that was putting it out has now said they were not going to release it. WHAT!
This dear lady is losing everything! For what! My heart breaks for her.
Yet, Alec Baldwin goes off on Twitter with rants about gays and no one says a thing.
Why can some famous people say and do what they want but then Paula says one thing years ago and loses her life.
So sad.
Well if by some chance the book is released I would LOVE a chance to win it.
Thanks for your write up. It's nice to know others think like I do out there in blogland :)
I heard on CBS News this morning that even though the presales for this book have skyrocketed, that the publishing company will not be publishing the book now! Crazy!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree! She owned it. So many people throwing rocks. I hope their houses are made of brick! I do not condone her words or actions, but I have made many mistakes in my life and I'm sure I'll make many more.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Oh, my goodness. It seems that the jackles are out and circling. Why are people so tender? Sticks and stones, and now I'm a grown up so I am going to ruin your life. When did the U.S. become such a bunch of sissies? So now she didn't break any laws did she? She apologized, and they are going to break her career. This is what I would call bullying on the largest retail and media scale. Such a shame this is what we have become here in the United States. You should put up your G+, FB, and Twitter share on the bottom of your post so we can share on these other medias easily.
ReplyDeleteThanks for standing up and taking a stand. Although, I don't agree with her word she used, it seems to be a public stoning my a mad mob. Much, much worse. Shame on them.
I so agree with you!!!! This is why our nation is going apathy for the issues that are important and witch hunts for people like poor Paula....Where is the compassion and empathy this country used to have????
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with your thoughts. It has become a politically correct society for those that squeak the loudest, not necessarily the most correct. Thank-you for taking a stand and for the opportunity on Paula's Book.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your thoughts, I don't agree with using the word, but it was so long ago. The person accusing her just wants some money and does not care who she hurts to get it. I would love her cook book, thanks!
I've never been a Paula fan, but I defend her for what is happening now. This politically correctness needs to STOP NOW!
ReplyDeleteMy heart breaks for her. Thanks for doing the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteVery timely post. Why is it ok for rappers and hip hop artists to say that word and not Paula Deen? If it is not ok for her to say it, it isn't ok for anyone else either. No matter what color their skin is. As usual the media just takes over and runs with something that should have just been a blip on the daily news.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU! I am really tired of all the garbage that is out there and then she is "picked on". I am all for banning MY going to the stores that have taken this issue this far. I do hope they are fair and do not sell the music or other books that contain that word.
ReplyDeleteI just commented and it is not showing up. If this is a double I apologize. I so agree with you and am also writing some of the places that have banned her book, including Walmart!
ReplyDeleteAmen! I think this whole thing has gotten so blown out of proportion it's ridiculous. As for retailers pulling anything associated with Paula Deen, I will not be shopping at their places of business. So far I have heard Walmart, Target, Sears, Home Depot and Hobby Lobby have all pulled merchandise. Not shopping at any of these places until and unless they pull ALL products that promote racial slurs including RAP music.
ReplyDeleteGreat job Colorado Lady.....
ReplyDeleteI agree with you.. The past is the past..
I too am so tired of all the political correctness. You have said this very well and speak for many of us.
Shame on all those people who so quickly judge Paula Deen.. I am quite sure the same people who are judging her have said or have done things in the past that they are not proud of. It's amazing how the music and television industries can get away with cursing and saying slurs, but she is dragged through the mud! I hope she has the strenght to deal with this nonsense.
ReplyDeleteI think Paula will over come this. We will continue to support her. We all make mistakes and hope for forgiveness.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't have said it any better myself! Paula Deen was the inspiration for me to get back into my kitchen and to keep driving past all the fast food places! My family has loved every dish that I have ever made that came from Paula! I would love to have her newest cookbook and to continue to be inspired by such a wonderful woman!!
ReplyDeletePaula Deen was my inspiration to get back into my kitchen and to keep driving past the fast food places! I would love to win her newest cookbook! She has been so much to so many people, and to see how these big companies are treating her now is pointless!! YEAH for Paula!!!
ReplyDeleteI love Paula Deen! I would love to get a copy of her book for my sister. She and her family lost their home on Father's Day and she is a HUGE Paula Deen fan!! She had the cookware set, cookbooks, even an autographed picture from Paula!! So here's to hoping I win and that you get 2500 comments!!
ReplyDeleteI hear 'people of another color' say the n word all the time. If the word is so offensive, then why do they use it themselves so much? It is either offensive, or it isn't. Double standard here. Besides, Paula used that word decades ago. My grandparents used that word (I didn't like it way back then, but, I am a Southerner, so, I still heard it, but times have changed now). Boy, I'd hate to be judged for things I did decades ago. We'd all be skewered for something or another. I have one of Paula's skillets. I've worn the thing almost out. I'm hoping to replace it before the stores sell out of them. It's good cookware (and my favorite color).
ReplyDeleteSame here! She has been treated unfairly. I'm sure someone here has said "what about all those nasty Rap singers using that same language over & over again. Pull that nasty stuff from the shelves".
ReplyDeletePaula is an honest person & hopefully will overcome this horrid treatment of her.
i myself was wondering if smithfield ham fired EVERYONE who used that word or just paula deen....and i confess, i enjoyed the book "little black sambo" when i was a child. not sure if it can even be found nowadays, but to me it was just a children's story...political correctness is going to cause this country to crumble from within...i am not a fan of paula deen but then i never was before or after...but i don't believe she should be hung out to dry for something done years ago, as she said..
ReplyDeleteYou coun't have said it better. I too am so mad and don't plan on shopping any of the places pulling her products. I hope Paula has an on line way to buy her products and bypass the middle man.
ReplyDeleteI could be hung for saying this, but I have had black employees that used the same word all the time. What is the difference when someone not of color says it. Like Paula said, let the first one with no sin throw the first stone.
Thanks for this opportunity
I'm a big fan of hers and think she is a true Southern lady...through and through! I would love to have her latest cookbook! Thanks!