Monday, December 15, 2008

Inspirational Works of Art

I had to share with all of you a great giveaway going on this week. Sara from Gitzen girl has a fabulous giveaway going on each day this week, she is giving away one of her painted canvases with inspiring quotes. I know I have just decreased my chances of winning one of these works of art, but it is just too great a gift to pass up and I know you will agree.

I normally do not post about all the giveaways going on in blogland. However, this one is just too good not to share, and will surely bless each winner. So hop on over to Gitzen girl's blog and answer the holiday question for the day for your chance at winning a life inspiring work of art.

~Have a great day everyone!! I am up to my elbows in wrapping paper, bags and bows!!


  1. You might be the sweetest, kindest woman on the planet!!! Thank you for this.

    Oh, and my mom is in love with your afghans (or as I like to call them, Grandma Blankets...). She said if you ever want to sell them she'd love to carry them in her store. Just something to think about :)

  2. Hi...& bye...gotta run over to Gitzen Girl...LOL ;-) Bo

  3. Love your blog! I was visiting a blog of someone who had come to mine from BooMama's Christmas Tour of Homes. She had this black box link that asked you diffferent questions and then said that I was a match to you so I came here to check it out. Nice surprise for me! Also hope you will come by and see us!!

  4. Stopping in to say hello..and how sweet of you to share "a giveaway"!
    I'm peeking around here...then going to check it out...hope your Holidays are so far merry and Bright!

  5. Thanks for the tips...and I will for sure look...come by and see what I just got! I am almost jumping out of my skin with excitement!


Sometimes someone says something really small, and it's like it fits into this empty space in your heart!

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