Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Secret Santa Soiree Announcement

If you are my Secret Santa Soiree buddy....this message is for you ! !

Reminder: Don't forget to put in your entry for this weeks giveaway. Click HERE to enter. Have a great week!


  1. That swap partner is in for a treat, I'm sure!

  2. That is an adorable message to your SSS exchange partner!!! you are so creative-geesh all these over-achievers are makin me look bad LOL

  3. How cute! Note to self...go shopping for SSS partner. Time is running out!

  4. It isn't me, but I'm still sportin your button on my site - waiting to see if I've won the loot!!!


Sometimes someone says something really small, and it's like it fits into this empty space in your heart!

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