Monday, October 31, 2011

Secret Santa Soiree - UPDATES

Sign-ups for the Secret Santa Soiree ends tonight....We have 62 secret Santa participants as of this morning. I am excited...this is going to be a lot of fun!!

I still have a few swappers who have not emailed me. Please check your emails and spam folders. I have emailed everyone who has signed up, so if you have not received an email from me, check your spam folder. If I could not locate your email address, I have left messages under comments on your blogs.

ALL participants who have not received the questionnaire or have not emailed me their mailing address needs to contact me today. If you are one of the ones who have not contacted me and have not answered my email, I will have no choice but to delete your link from the list. The cut off was the 30th but I am giving one extra day. We have a lot of participants and I need to start working on swapping partners. I don't want to have to do that so PLEASE contact me today!! In order for me to meet the deadlines I have imposed on myself, I need the information to me by the deadline today.

If you have emailed me and I have forwarded you the questionnaire, please get that back to me completed by tomorrow or the earliest.....I need that information asap.

I am really excited about hosting this this year. We have lots of great participants and now would be a good time to start visiting a few who might be new to you!! I hope we all meet lots of new friends during this upcoming holiday season!!

Don't forget...check your emails, check your spam folders...but most importantly, I need to hear from you today....if you have already received all the questionnaire from me and have sent the information back to me
....well, then you are set!!!

I'll do my best to get the work on my end done quickly and get your secret Santa partner to you as soon as possible...but for sure by the 10th of November!!

Thanks everyone.......Have a great day!!!


  1. Dear Suzanne,
    I feel bad that there has been a communication gap between us =(. I did send you an email with all my answers yesterday about 3pm. Your first email to me was in my spam folder, but, I found it. I'm soo sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you. =(


  2. Yay! Thank you so much for doing all this coordinating stuff! :)

  3. ok...sigh =( I just sent two more emails to the address you gave me (3pm mt time)...I'm so sorry for all this trouble on your part.


  4. I'm so excited about this!!! Thanks for taking it on -- I know it's got to be a HUGE undertaking!! :)

  5. Looking forward to this swap!! Thank you so much for all your hard work in coordinating it!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  6. Oh I'm so excited. It's going to be great fun!

  7. You deserve a pat on the back for organising this! Well done ! :)

  8. I signed up late last night but can fill out the questions ASAP! I'll be looking for them in my email soon. Super excited.


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