Last Sunday, was my Birthday, and as much as I would like the day to pass without much fanfare, sometimes it just does not happen like that. This year, was full of surprises, and some of the best gifts I have ever received....and I don't say that lightly. I don't measure a gift by monetary value, sometimes, it is the things that cost very little or no monies at all that mean the most. I want to write about how wonderful this year was so in case my mind fails me in the years to come, I won't forget......because for me, it has been that special.

I have never had a Birthday cake for my birthday that was my favorite flavor. Some years, there was no cake at all, and others there was a chocolate cake....because that is what most of my family prefers. I am a white cake kind of girl, and this year, my husband
made me the most
perfect white cake...I told him Cake Boss better watch out!! Seriously, my husband does not bake....
a thing.....and well, this was most special. Every year I secretly wish for a white birthday cake, and this year...that is exactly what I got. I am still smiling at the thought behind my cake!

We all know about my computer issues and whining of late....well, my husband and kids decided enough was enough....they purchased a new computer for me, and well, if this is not can view two web pages at once...
.my blog and, if I can only remember how to use it! This is way high-tech for my taste.....I was using a computer from the stone ages, my son says. If I had picked one out, I would have been so much more frugal, and tried to find something similar to what I had....but it is fast becoming a friend that I don't want to live without!! This year, being on facebook was extra special, with all the Birthday wishes from friends and family, it really made my day.

Lots of vintage goodies that have fast become a favorite of mine....look at these great needle

These vintage hankies are waiting to be turned into a quilt. I just need to order the book on how to do this and I should be set after I buy a few more. Have you noticed how expensive these are now, seems like lots of folks are looking to buy these now.

This is the table set with my vintage tablecloth and dishes. It was a surprise when I got home from work, that my daughter and husband went to so much trouble.
But perhaps the best gift of all, was the story told to me by my friend....and of course it involves Goodwill. It also involves her daughter and shopping for my is such a delightful story, I don't want to ever forget how it made my
heart smile....I hope you enjoy it as much as I did......

The week before my Birthday was Spring Break, and my friend and her daughter were planning their shopping trip that week. On their way home one afternoon, my friend tells her daughter she wants to stop in this store and look around.
Mom: "I have one more stop to make, I want to stop at this store and look around."
Daughter: looks around and frowns: "What store?"
Mom: "This Goodwill store....."
Daughter: " Huh????"
My friend pulls into the parking lot to park, all the while her daughter is looking around wondering what is going on......
Daughter: "Can I stay in the car?"Mom: "No.......come with me, it won't take long."Reluctantly, my friend's daughter gets out of the car and looks around the parking lot, eyeballing the potential Goodwill customers. Wondering just what exactly her mom is up to......
Daughter: "Mom, are we poor?"Mom: "What did you say?"Daughter: "Are we poor?"Mom: "No, we aren't poor! I am here to look for treasures for Suzanne's Birthday."Daughter: "Are you going to buy your friend a gift from Goodwill?!"Mom: "Well, if I find a treasure I am."This is about the time the daughter looks at her mom like she is crazy. Just as they were approaching the glass doors, the daughter turns to her mom and exclaims.....
Daughter: "Oh, my gosh, mom....are we really going in here?" Then once inside, very quickly, states,
"Oh, my gosh, it smells...... OLD.....I can't breathe.......there is nothing in here, let's go."My friend, bless her heart, was on a mission and tried to stay focused and not laugh at her daughter as she combed the isles of trinkets in the housewares department. She said she tried to remember markings and what types of things I had posted about on my blog.....she was intent on finding the perfect treasure. A gift she was sure I'd love.
In the middle of this treasure hunt, my friends young teenage daughter became the object of much
unwanted attention by a group of....
shall we young men. Oh, I remember those days when Alisha started noticing the stares from...
shall we young men. It does not matter that the young girl is pretty and that these young guys can not help but stare,
even if it is a bit rude.....Those unwanted stares do make a young girl feel so uncomfortable...and throw in the fact the pretty girl is not comfortable combing the isles of Goodwill on top of it all. Let's just say, she told her mom, "
it was time to go, that there was nothing there they were going to buy.....and they needed to go!"My friend having drawn the conclusion that there were no treasures to be found this day, and while making their way to the door, she spots a sign that states that they sell gift certificates...and makes a statement to her daughter of that fact.
Daughter: "You are NOT going to buy your friend a gift certificate to Goodwill.....seriously.....what kind of a gift is that?"Mom: As she is exiting the store this mom tells her daughter,
"Well, I bet Suzanne would think that was a good gift."And with that, they leave through the glass doors with a little faster pace then how they entered them just a short while ago.
Now, I have to tell you I laughed at this story of the gift shopping experience they had. I asked my friend, had they never been to Goodwill? Oh, she said they went to Goodwill to drop things off at the donation line, never to go inside.
Never go inside???? unimaginable to me!
I was floored that they had never gone there to look around, to buy clothes for dress up days at school, just to friend said,
"no, we have not gone there..." I can not imagine that myself....
but most of all.....I can not imagine what my friend's daughter must think
about me.....I might be a little scary to her now! And let me remind you, this is the same friend I wrote about reconnecting with after all these years apart, so her sweet daughter really only knows me get the picture!

And just to clear things up, (for my friend's daughters sake) I did get a gift certificate for my Birthday, and it has already been spent....
Please, don't think I am scary! Yes, I got some of the most amazing gifts this year, but the
gift of laughter over this shopping outing, really tops it all. I smile every time I envision my friend walking into Goodwill, not knowing what to look for, but determined to find a treasure, only to leave empty handed and with a daughter wanting to run for her life......
man, I tell ya'....
.that is the good stuff.
I feel so blessed that so many people went to so much trouble to make my day special.....they certainly did make it most special. Thank you!