Thursday, October 16, 2008

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage Pitchers

I am back this week after taking last Thursday off. Well, not really.. I was not off, just did not get my post done, so I guess you could say...slacked off!! I'll have to admit, I missed you guys. Be sure to check in over at Confessions of an Apron Queen's blog and take a look at every one's vintage loot. Fun!

Today, I have a few of my vintage pitchers, or the like to share with you. I have a fondness for kitchen vintage items. Especially, a fondness for nature inspired or "cabin-y" is that a word? themed items. I guess by now you have figured out why that is...right? I do hope you enjoy your visit today, and a look at some of my goodies.

This is a very special gravy boat. It is cream with a gold band around the edge. Now, normally this is not my style of vintage...but this is special none the less. My father-in-law saved two pieces of vintage dishes that belonged to his mother and gave them to me after I married my husband. This is the gravy boat. The bottom is marked Le Roi and stamped 18 karat gold. F.C. It also has numbers "B 10 30" on the bottom. This piece is not used by me at all, it sits on a shelf. It is very old.

This is so sweet I think. I love the pine cone motif on the front. I would assume it is a gravy boat. I love the unusual shape of this piece. The bottom is stamped MADE IN USA. I purchased this little gem at an estate sale, the tag was still $1.00 I think it was a bargain.

Now, these next two pieces are small and I purchased them at an estate sale too. They are a set, creamer and sugar bowl. This creamer pitcher had a little damage to the pine cone, but I loved it anyway. It is such frilly, dainty looking set that the pine cone almost looks out of place. This is a very small piece, it is about 2 1/2 inches wide and about 1 3/4 inches tall. The bottom of both pieces has a black and gold sticker. It says Victoria Ceramics Made in Japan.

This is the matching sugar bowl to the creamer above. Notice, no damage to this little piece, that white spot is from the camera flash. I love the delicate look of the pine cone and needles of this set.

This one is my newest addition to my vintage treasures. My mom and aunt spend most Saturdays going shopping, eating out and spending the day together. A few Saturdays ago, my mom surprised me with this little jewel. She found this at a local antique mall on a day spent shopping with my aunt. What a find! Of course it is so very cute and the bears make it a great addition to my collection. The bottom is marked "Seltmann Weiden" Handpainted in Germany.

Here is a close up of the sweet little bears in the forest. This will be displayed in my bear room...Oh, that could be another VTT post....I will have to post about my "Bear Room" one of these keep tuning in on Thursdays. You just never know what you will find here.

Hope you enjoyed your visit today, and looking at only a few of my vintage kitchen pitchers, creamers and gravy boats. I will have more on display in the near future. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week.


  1. What gorgeous treasures...I love them all :)

  2. You certainly have some pretty ones. I'm doing Booking Through Thursday today. Come visit.

  3. The little pinecone gravy boat is so neat. I've not seen one shaped like that before.

    The bear pitcher is really pretty too! I should watch flea markets for stuff like that here since I'm right next door to Germany now *L*

  4. I love all the different shapes - certainly adds interest to a collection when you have a lot of beautiful shapes.

  5. Lovely treasures: those red bears are incredible.

  6. The pine cone gravy boat is my favourite, too. The shape is somehow happy and optimistic, like it was eager to pour some gravy on your plate.
    Could it be that the red bear scene has been painted on a pitcher with factory made (hand painted too) floral decoration?

  7. I'm always so drawn to pitchers, creamers etc. Love the one with the bears!!

  8. Those are lovely. The shape of the first pine cone one is awesome, and I love the pink bears.

  9. Those are very pretty. I really like the ones with pinecones. Great for decorating now!

  10. oh my gosh...those are so pretty!! wow...I never knew how beautiful a gravy boat could be!!! Hum....something new to start collecting??

  11. I love the pine cone motifs! My favorite is the second pitcher, such a great shape!

  12. Delightful, each and every one! The final one, with the bears...SWEET!

  13. Great collection!!!

    #2 is my fav :)


  14. I do love pinecone-themed items for some reason. I guess it's the simplicity and the nature combined. Nice pieces!

  15. Those are so very nice to own. I just love how every vintage piece has a story. A story sometimes unknown but it always makes me wonder about it's previous life.
    I can't decide which I like best. I think it's the first, it's must be very special to you.

  16. This was a very good and interesting blog. I have a passion for all kinds of glassware. These all are nice pieces.

  17. Beautiful.
    Martha collects teapots.


  18. What is it about vintage ceramics that calls to us? I love them all.

  19. Very nice kitcheny things. I especially like the first one. Love the pictures of the moon. Great photography. I keep thinking some night when the moon is full I will go take a picture, but I keep forgetting to do it.

  20. I cant wait to see more. The pine
    cone items intrigue me. Have any idea on age? I can see all your wonderful thingies in your cabin!

  21. The designs of these vintage pitchers are so appealing.

  22. Those are really pretty... I love the red bears.

  23. Wow you have so many great things! I am loving the cute bears, they look very sweet!

  24. What a visual delights... I love pitchers & do collect them...mostly creamwares & not as lovely as these pictures... Feel free to drop by & hope to hear from you dear...

  25. nothing is prettier than vintage dishes, your's are lovely

  26. I love the pinecone ones! And the bears. You've reminded me how we had "good" dishes with a gold band on them when I was a kid and I once put the gravy boat in the microwave. Nothing blew up but I did see sparks in an arc above it. It was kind of cool actually.

  27. Good Morning Suzanne,

    What a nice collection! I love these little pitchers!


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