I did have lots to do however, and was really grateful we had two weeks to complete what needed to be done. I finished all my flying geese blocks....all double count of them!
I cut and did partial sewing on the friendship star blocks. We were instructed to cut all fabrics, and only sew the blocks that make the star points. I love these colors, and had to lay them out on the table to see how they were going to look. What do you think? Do you like the color combination?

I did make a few more rail fence blocks, because I have made extras of each block so far, hopefully, I will be able to enlarge the quilt in the end a bit, at least to a queen size. I should not have a problem, as I have lots of extra blocks...especially the flying geese.
I have been working on another quilt. I branched out on my own and purchased fabric for a quilt I want to give as a gift. I can not show it here, because the person it is for, reads my blog. It is a simple nine-patch and snowball block quilt. I felt secure enough in that choice to feel like I could do it. I found a photo online, and made the pattern on a sheet of paper, and purchased the fabric....from a different quilt shop.
I have discovered that the key to a great quilt is in the fabric choice. And that is one concept we have really not learned how to do in class. I may have to find another class somewhere on this, because this is the whole foundation for the quilt and I am just having a hard time with choosing colors and fabrics.
I purchased fabric from a different quilt shop. I loved the fabric choices for the snowball,and once they were stitched, they looked wonderful. However, once I cut the nine patch and laid them out, I did not care for the look at all. I liked all the fabrics, just not together, somehow, the look was just not right for the person this is for.
So, I took the snowball block to the quilt shop where I am taking classes, and I have to confess, these guys know their stuff. Especially that Leo. He took the block, and helped me choose the fabrics for this quilt and it was just like magic. Seriously. MAGIC. It was so perfect, it totally blew me away, I really think when this is done, it will be perfect for this person.
Lesson learned here....I totally thought the ladies at the other quilt shop were going to be able to help me choose the fabric perfect for my project, but was I ever wrong. These guys at my quilt shop are really talented, amazing and can visualize the finished project far better than the ladies did. Funny huh??? I feel like I should bite my tongue. I was so appreciative of Leo's talent, I took him a jar of my homemade pickles....remember he has a massive sweet tooth, and I knew he would be happy with a jar of homemade sweet pickles....yep, was I right about that!!!
I am really looking forward to next weeks class, we are getting so close to putting the top together, it is exciting. I almost see a light at the end of the tunnel......then it will be the actual quilting part.....Oh my!!
Good read today - interesting about needing to learn how to choose fabrics for quilts - you'd think it would be easy - just choose what you like, and stick it together! Wrong, I guess - huh? Learn a new thing every day - at the end of your life, you will be a wise guy! Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteHey, Suzanne. Hang in there. There are whole classes on choosing colors. One suggestion I would give is to pick a multi-colored printed focus fabric and pick your other colors in the same proportion as are used in the focus fabric. You may not even want to use the original focus in your quilt, or you might want to use it for borders or the back. By doing this, you've let a professional designer pick your colors for you...let them do the work ;-) Take care. Lane
ReplyDeleteI suppose that choosing colors for a great quilt is much like choosing colors in decorating a room/home.
ReplyDeleteChoosing colors is always hard. I have a hard time choosing paint colors too.
ReplyDeleteI love the colors of your flying geese. You have me itching...
ReplyDeleteWow look at the progress you have made. I love the colour combo on your stars. Uh oh started another project before this one is done...the sign of a true quilter, alway have something else on the go...WIP.. works in progress. Can't wait to see pictures of that one too.
ReplyDeleteSounds like your Leo is a good salesman who knows his job, but doesn't always know his ladies. I'm happy he could help you, and I bet he will be nicer to you in class, too.
ReplyDeleteI just got a custom order to do 2 twin "broken dishes" quilt- and they supplied the fabric. I don't know if that makes it harder or easier! I can't wait to see you finished product. I'm sure it will be gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteYou better watch Leo. You will be buying that machine after all. You are doing just fine, and it will be rewarding after finished.
ReplyDeleteI had a little trick to keeping my corners exact. May sound like some trouble. But I couldn't stand it when they didn't line up right, and would tear them out. I would match up the corners of my rows, (like square to meet the next rows square; nine patch to meet the next nine patch) back to back, like one meeting up to the others edge. Then I would sew a few stitches, whipping it three or four times, to hold it while I sewed the whole rows together. Perfect every time! And it keeps your corners snug so they don't get pulled out so easily. Good luck!
I have major problems choosing fabric patterns for my quilts- so many fabrics - I kinda get lost in the shuffle. But I have never seen an ugly quilt either, I think they are all beautiful.
ReplyDeleteyour friendship star block is so bight & cheery..great choice of fabrics. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to make the log cabin block..the first quilt i made was a log cabin design and it was easy peasy!! Can't wait to see your next quilt too..fancy those guys being as knowledgable as they are!! Have a great w/e :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you've started another quilt project! I knew the quilt for the class was a great 1st quilt...look how you already can make another quilt with two of the patterns from the class quilt! Leo is good!
ReplyDeleteYour star block is great and your other fabrics look cool too!
It is hard at first to choose fabrics/colors for a quilt-its not like getting dressed in the morning (would I look nutty if I wore my quilt combinations!)Quiltfool had a good suggestions-pick a fabric (or wallpaper!) you like and match fabrics to that..its a good start.
I so much enjoy your writing. You make me smile.
ReplyDeleteI have to laugh at you taking Leo the pickles and will teasingly call you "suck up" :)
Wow! You're already starting on another quilt! You have become a REAL quilter in such a short time! I think you were very lucky to find the "shop of guys" to get you started. It's been a fun adventure for all of us in Blogville too! laurie
ReplyDeleteYour quilt will be wonderful..I can't wait to see it. A quilting friend in England told me how to choose my fabric for a Baby Sunbonnet Sue quilt. She said let Sue choose her colors..let the quilt speak to you. She was right.. :).