Sunday, December 14, 2008

Simple Sunday & Christmas Cheer Giveaway Week 5

Instead of being a time of unusual behavior, Christmas is perhaps the only time in the year when people can obey their natural impulses and express their true sentiments without feeling self-conscious and, perhaps, foolish. Christmas, in short, is about the only chance a man has to be himself.
~Francis C. Farley

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

This is the final week in my Christmas Cheer Giveaway Event. I hope you have had a good time during the last few weeks and had a chance to reflect on memories, love and family, and recall things that are near and dear to the heart of each of us.
Christmas time is a wonderful time to give from the heart. There are many ways to do that very thing. The first and foremost thing most of us think about is the giving of gifts. Gifts come in many forms....some give the gift of their time to various charities or individuals. Some give gifts of the heart, with homemade crafted items or goods from their kitchen. Some of us give the monetary gifts to organizations who help those in need.
All of these things are wonderful during the holiday season and show our love of giving and helping our neighbor. Those who give are always blessed beyond measure.

With that being said, this last giveaway I have put together a package of holiday items and something that will keep on giving to one lucky family during this coming year. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and I hope you get excited when you see what is included in this final package....I told you last week....I saved the best for last!

This package will include items that I love and hope you will too. Some of these items have a rustic or woodland feel......something very dear to my heart.

Included is the following:

  • one fleece blanket, for cuddling under on a cold night.
  • This cute little woodland snowman puzzle will be fun to put together in front of a fire.
  • Who would not feel welcome with this cute snowman sign? He is sure to bring smiles when greeting guest.

Included in this giveaway is also:

  • a coffee gift set with 5 different flavor coffees, perfect for the coffee drinker on your Christmas list.
  • This cute little snowflake shaped woodland Christmas ornament will remind you of a wonderful place.
  • I have included a tin of Holiday Spiced Tea. Perfect for those cold days in the winter.

  • A gift bag filled with an adorable polar bear on the front, this has Winter Frost fragrance soaps, gels, scrubs, bath oils. Perfect for relaxing in a warm bath.
  • I had to include these two cute Letters to Santa ornaments....Yep, you guessed it, because I think these are just too cute.

And finally you will receive a weeks stay at our cabin in Colorado. This place is so very dear to my heart and I want one lucky reader and their family to have that experience also.

This vacation includes and is limited to the following:

  • One week stay during the 2009 season for a family of up to six people. Your reservation must be made before the end of March 2009 and you will have the choice of any available week between June-September at the time of your reservation. Please keep in mind, I already have some weeks rented, so you will need to confirm as soon as you know what week you would like.
  • This is good only for the 2009 season.
  • Transportation is not included in this package. You will have to provide your own transportation.
  • All deadlines must be met in booking your reservation.

You can click HERE to view our website at our cabin in the mountains. I hope that you will find that this would be a great opportunity for your family to share my love for the mountains and all its beauty. It is my hope that this is a gift that will keep on giving long after the holiday season.

To enter:

Leave a comment on this post. Most of you have shared so many wonderful memories of holidays past and I have enjoyed each and every comment you have left. Please remind me if you have my button on your blog or have blogged about this Holiday Cheer Event.

Make sure you leave your email address, if it is not displayed on your blog. I need to be able to contact the winner. You do not have to have a blog to enter, only a email address.

Holidays always mean family, friends and food....with that being said, in your comment for this giveaway share with us the one must have food dish on your holiday table. Do you have a particular favorite? Is it a tradition? Do you make it or a loved one?

~For my family our holiday must have is Coke Salad. This is always made by my mom every year and I can not ever remember a Christmas without it. It is my favorite thing
during the holiday season. I actually think if there was one serving left in the bowl my niece and I would have to fight over it. We love this dish. I have included the recipe here if you would like to try it.

Coke Salad

1 large box cherry jello, 3/4 cup sugar, 1/2 cup chopped pecans, 6 oz. of cold coke, 1/2 cup water, 1 can crushed pineapple, do not drain, 1 can red pitted cherries, do not drain.

Mix and boil cherries, water and sugar in a saucepan. Pour over jello and mix in bowl. Add pineapple and pecans. Add 6 oz. coke last and stir. refrigerate until jello sets up. This looks very festive in a clear glass bowl.

If you do not have a holiday favorite dish, I would like to encourage you to start the tradition and find a family favorite. Like the holidays, family and food go together and lots of great memories are made around a holiday table.

Good luck everyone. This giveaway will run through noon on Saturday, December 20th. Winner will be announced soon after the giveaway closes and will be chosen by I would like to mail the box out on Saturday so you will hopefully have it before the holidays. Please be sure to check back here on Saturday when I announce the winner.


  1. wow what grate giveaway and well whats my fave dish at this time of year well i think i like all the cakes and cookies that come out this time of year and well this year will be the frist christmas dinner i have had in a long time so that should be some thing realy nice and neet

  2. My family insists on ham rolls. Not a side dish for most; but it is for my family. Just take slice ham, (drying it off makes it easy) spread cream cheese on it; wrap around a green onion and slice. Simple and easy. Even greater is the fact that my family HAS to have them. Thanks for the great contest!

  3. must have food dish on your holiday table-my 'famous homemade smashed potatoes"-made with fresh butter, sour cream, fresh garlic, salt, white pepper and a dash of hot sauce
    Do you have a particular favorite-this is everyone's favorite!
    Is it a tradition-yes
    Do you make it or a loved one-oh, I do...
    thanks for entry

  4. Hmmm. We have several. In the cookie category - coconut buttons and this date/nut/coconut thing my Mom and Grandma always made called Christmas Casserole Cookies. Candy? Oh yeah. Butterscotch fudge and rum balls. Christmas Eve would not be complete without crab dip, and Christmas Day will include either a beef tenderloin, or a rib roast with all the fixins. :)

    Lovely giveaway. The cabin is beautiful.

    Lalycairn (at)

  5. You are so very generous! Your cabin looks lovely too, I can imagine spending a week there, even my husband would enjoy that!
    Christmas is my favorite time od the year, so many traditions amd joys. Well, my favorite food is the ham. Whoever is hosting cooks it. We also have it at Thanksgiving but that's it for the year becuase, sadly, my kids don't really care for it. We take turns with all the holiday dinners, me, my parents and my in-laws. We are actually thinking of doing a progressive dinner this year, between our 3 households. I've also posted you on my sidebar with a link.

  6. What a great giveaway you've saved for last! Somebody will be VERY fortunate. Our tradition is a Happy Birthday Jesus cake. We actually light the candles and sing the song.

    smilingsal55 AT yahoo Dot com

  7. I admittigly am not a fantastic cook. I was always doing outside chores on our farm while my sister did and mother did most of the cooking.
    When it came to holidays, I think my mother and sister took pity on me and my lack of cooking skills. To help me feel like I fit in, they would give me the RELISH TRAY chore. Hey! I mastered that. I would add artistic flair to it. One year I surrounded the vegie tray with small pinecones for decoration. Mom was delighted and that made me feel good. So, every year, I would try to get more and more creative.
    In my adult years, I must admit, I never did catch on to cooking much. (I married a cook so lucked out there)
    I can make one eye-pleasing-tasty relish tray though. So, in conclusion...the relish tray is a MUST HAVE holiday dish!
    geneveve2 (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. The retreat looks heavenly.
    We always have prime rib at Christmas, but my favorite is the sugar cookies.

  9. Oh my goodness...what an absolute Christmas gift this last one will be...I sure hope it's me! I always make fudge at Christmas and only at Christmas...too many calories but oh so good! ;-) Bo

  10. WOW! What an amazing giveaway; I've always wanted to visit Colorado, and a mountain retreat must be gorgeous in the summer.
    We have several traditional foods. On Christmas Eve we always have bacon and egg sandwiches on Kaiser rolls, and on Christmas Day we have to have my mom's hotdog and meatball appetizer. Our must-have dessert is my sister's apple pie.

  11. what a amazing giveaway! you are a wonderful lady:) my family would love to win this; we are in desperate need of a vacation,lol! maybe i need one more** something our family loves to eat every year is poppy seed noodles that my mom makes; my grandmother made these for years and they are so good! when my grandma passed away 3 years ago, my mom took on the tradition.

    i love your blog and will frequently visit!

    happy holiday!


  12. oops, my email is!


  13. Great giveaway and wonderful cabin! Every year I bring the Buche de Noel cake. Complete with meringue mushrooms.(Cousin Gina's favorite part!)One year I left it in the cold garage with a few extras and when it was dessert time, it was covered in ants! Everyone felt so bad for me but it made great memories! :)

  14. You have outdone yourself this time-

    Oh how i would love to win this-so i could take my daddy away for a break from all the stuff he has been going through-

    we go to so many homes during the holidays but the one item i look forward to is prime rib at my FILs home

  15. Dear Random Bot picker thingy:

    I beg of you, please please please draw my name/number. I have never been to Colorado, and have always wanted to go. It would be the perfect place to take my son to celebrate his 18th birthday and graduation! And not to mention, an incredible opportunity for me to "get away from it all" with a few girlfriends, should my son not want to go. Please, Random Guy...pick me. (If I need to throw in the option of sexual favors to sway this in my direction, I'm not above it).

    As for favorite Xmas dishes, actually our thing is just making cookies. My sisters and I get together and spend an entire day baking. We have specific ones we make...Snickerdoodles, Peanut Blossoms, iced sugar cookies, thumbprints, fudge and of course, Buckeyes.

    Thank you for this incredible giveaway!

  16. Oh, and my email is


  17. Oooh, I have another idea! We could have a blogging girls getaway here, including YOU, Miss Coloradolady! How fun would that be??

  18. At our house it's scalloped corn.

  19. Something that we have everyyear at the holidays is my Grandmother's date pinwheel cookies. The holidays just wouldn't be the same without them. She is 83 years old and still makes them every year. I've told her she needs to pass the recipe along, but she keeps saying not yet- so I wait. Hopefully she'll pass it along before to long, It would be a wonderful experience for me to be by her side while she's sharing her recipe. Who knows- maybe we could even do it in Colorado!thanks for the opportunity to enter your fabulous giveaway!

  20. mmmmmm homemade caramels!!! MMMMM!!!

  21. I took for granted the many holidays my family spent at our grandparents house. Now I wish we had just one more. My grandmother made the best Martha Washington Candy and placed it on the table with all the other sweets she baked from scratch. When my grandmother advanced in her Alzhemiers my mother took on the tradition of the sweets baker, but still can't compare to my grandmothers.

    2 boxes of powdered sugar
    1 can condensed milk
    1 stick of butter
    1 1/2 boxes of semi-sweet chocolate squares
    4 cups of finely chopped pecans
    1/4 block of paraffin wax

    Combine powdered sugar, softened butter, condensed milk and pecans together. Roll into 1 inch balls and place onto wax paper for two hours. Melt chocolate and wax in a double broiler. Insert toothpicks into candy balls and dip into chocolate mixture. Place onto wax paper to cool.

    Share this great treat with everyone you love and make sure you never take for granted the people who join you in celebrating holidays.

  22. Because we never really vcelebrated Christmas with "lavish" food, there is no long-time tradition in our family. BUT a few years ago I started making my now famous Cranberry Chutney. It is SO yummo and everyone I give a jar to as a gift love it.

    Here is the recipe, if you would like to try it:

    • 1 cup water
    • 3/4 cup white sugar
    • 1 (12 ounce) package fresh cranberries
    • 1 cup apples - peeled, cored and diced
    • 1/2 cup cider vinegar
    • 1/2 cup raisins
    • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
    • 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
    • 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves

    1. In a medium saucepan combine the water and sugar. Bring mixture to a boil over medium heat. Add the cranberries, apples, cider vinegar, raisins and spices. Bring to a boil, then simmer gently for 10 minutes stirring often.
    2. Pour mixture in pots and let cool, the store in fridge

    Hugs from Marian

  23. Hi, Finally I won't miss this posting. The giveaway items are lovely. TY We usually can't enoy the holiday without Sweet Potato Souffle. Our meal usually consists of the following: Ham/Turkey, Sweet Potato Souffle, Green Beans, Rice, Broccoli Casserole, Strawberry Congealed Salad and Pumpkin Pies. Although, we are considering having BBQ Ribs this year just to mix it up a bit. :)
    When visiting the mountains in TN, we love staying at the cabins with our children. Your cabin is lovely and the scenry is awesome. Merry Christmas.
    I have your button on my blog.

  24. A favorite Christmas dish is devilled eggs, baked ham, and cherry fluff for dessert!

    We also have your button up!

    kristinia at lovingheartmommy dot com

  25. How wonderful!
    My must have dish is roast beef, and for something sweet- Peppermint bark and pumpkin spice bread.
    ashlomb at yahoo dot com

  26. This give-away is so fabulous!! I would love to go to Colorado this summer. We moved to central Texas five years ago from the panhandle of Texas and I miss the opportunity to pick up and go to the mountains on the weekend. It is so beautiful and smells so wonderful. We were closet to the New Mexico mountains, but did go to Colorado many times also. Your cabin looks absolutely fabulous.
    Absolute must haves, there are many. My husband and son-in-law, must have deviled eggs. My daughters must have cinnamon rolls. Other must haves are turkey, dressing, gravy, pumpkin and pecan pie, and a special salad that I have been making for about 8 years now. I will leave the recipe on GB Ranch grub one of my blogs, so check it out. I believe we will have to have coke salad this Christmas, can't wait to try it. Also, I love to have a rum cake that my Aunt Wanda makes every year, but we don't get to get together so I make her recipe for our family. I love to have my mammaws fudge and I make a mean iced sugar cookie.
    Your give-aways are so wonderful and I'm so glad I've met you in blogland.
    I have a secret, and you may have figured it out by now. Love always, GinGin
    I have your give-away button on my blog.

  27. Thought I better leave my e-mail just in case. bginny81 at yahoo dot com

  28. Well, my family likes honeybaked ham for Christmas. I also make holiday cookies, esp. the nut cresents which it sure wouldn't be Christmas without.....everyone comes thru the door and says "where's the cookies".... thank you for a great giveaway.

  29. I MUST have the homemade chicken and green chili tamales from Nana.

  30. hi! just wandered through from the 7msn blog :)

    Candied sweet potatoes ~ never have we been without that one dish.

    And if you count the other oddity, we do a huge breakfast ~ Always Eggs Benedict with homemade hollandaise. My oldest is a wizard in the kitchen!


  31. We always have mashed potatoes and/ or sweet potato casserole.

  32. Thank you for such a generous giveaway! Our new favorite dish that we made last year for the first time, and are making again this year, is Paula Deen's gingerbread trifle. It contains gingerbread, whipped cream, pumpkin, vanilla pudding ... it is so decadent and delicious.

    ceevegnashville at gmail dot com

  33. Another great giveaway. hate to see them end. Our must have is stuffing and a newer addition sausage balls.
    Thank you for the wonderful giveaways

  34. there is only one Colorado -what a gift

  35. Suzanne,

    What a fabulous and generous give away. If I won my husband would never believe it.

    A dish we have to have on Christmas morning is Breakfast Pizza, it just wouldn't be Christmas without it. Then for cookies we have to make thumb prints and pizzelles (my mom even gave me her pizzelle iron because these cookies are a MUST). The rest of the day is whatever we decide to do, we have had hot sit down dinners to finger foods.


  36. Ham...and any kind of even!

  37. Since we live in Kansas, it is certainly possible to drive to Colorado for a week! And I am a teacher, so summer is perfect for family reunion time. Wow--what a fabulous group of prizes to finish up your 5th Giveaway week. You are TOO generous!

    My Mom's Christmas cookies are our family's most cherished tradition. My sister, brother and I have followed suite.

  38. My father-in-law makes his own bread. He'll make two or three different kinds. It just isn't a family meal without homemade bread for me now.

  39. WOW! What a wonderful giveaway! I really need to win this! That week at your cabin would be great! I have your button on my sidebar and have an entry about your giveaway on my blog! It would really make my Christmas if I were to win this.
    My Christmas favorite has been Red Velvet Cake. Christmas was the only time of the year that I made it and family always expected it.

  40. Wow, wow, and wow.....what a very generous giveaway indeed!
    Our Favorite is our holiday breakfast of Eggs Benedict.
    To give it extra zing, we use Taylor Ham...
    Thanks so much and Happy Holidays to all!

  41. Ham, mashed potatoes, and fresh-baked dinner rolls are always staples at our Christmas meal. The other sides and desserts vary but we always have those three main things :)

  42. rocky mountain high.

  43. Hmm... what a very generous giveaway and one that we would love to win!
    Our Christmas dinner traditions always include my mothers Scalloped Potatoes and my White Chocolate Cheesecake.
    Since my mother is now living in heaven, making her favorite on that day brings her to the table with us in a way. And the white chocolate cheesecake? Everyone loves it and asks for it the year through but I only make it at Christmas for that very reason!

  44. First let me say, this is such a wonderful gift for you to give to someone not as fortunate. Your cabin looks breathtaking. I have never been up in the mountains before. We are from Texas! My favorite holiday dish is my Mother's banana pudding. She makes it for all of our special occasions. It is so good that I have to fight tooth and nail to get some. My brother in law can be fierce!! One year I was pregnant with the twins and I asked for it for my birthday. Everyone wanted to eat it and I was so mean and wanted it all to myself. You can imagine how big I got with them!! Good luck to everyone and have a wonderfull holiday season.

  45. Gotta have giblet gravy.

  46. Very lovely giveaway again! Our favorite dish is broccoli/rice/cheese casserole. I always make it, my daughter is making it this year - her first married year! My kids have loved broccoli their entire lives. So we have to have it every holiday! And your button is on my blog sidebar.

  47. Well, I would truly love this getaway. Lovely.

    As to the one thing my family insists on...pumpkin pie. It is the favorite of all the one, who always wants buttermilk. Funny thing is, at Thanksgiving, the buttermilk was eaten first, and the daughter who asked for buttermilk didn't get any!

    So...maybe it's just PIE in general!

  48. YOU must be related to SANTA!! Those are some great gifts!!

    Our christmas dinner is a MUST have for the holidays.. we eat this only twice a years. It's made from lamb ribs, salted and hung to dry for weeks.. then put in water over night.. and steamed in a pan for hours on christmas eve day. It's is soooo good!!


  49. My family makes Monster Cookies every year. They are the best when eaten for breakfast. :-)


  50. This is my first visit to your blog and it will not be the last! What a wonderful giveaway. You asked about our must-have holiday food....well first my family MUST have honey-baked ham on Christmas Eve and for Christmas day breakfast, Little Smokies, wrapped in bacon, covered with brown sugar and baked for 2 hrs in low heat oven...mmmm!! The smokies are served with either a Chile Relleno Casserole or French Toast Souffle!! Yummy!
    I wish you and your family a wonderful, blessed Christmas!
    Grandma G's

  51. I always make a Dutch Apple Pie for my daughter. We'll have baked ham, rolls, mashed potatoes for our Granddaughter. I enjoy making candy & cookies for Santa and friends.

  52. My must have dish is the Turkey! We only have it once a year and I love it!
    We always have cheese fondue on Christmas Eve, also!

  53. The yummy & simple green bean casserole is always welcome at the table during the holidays!
    My aunt makes the best sugar cookies with icing too. Think it has something to do with lemon?
    We have been to Hartsel but it was back in the 80's. Love to visit that area again! Thanx 4 the chance :o)

  54. Wow another WONDERFUL giveaway...I hope I win!! :) FUDGE--my Mom's recipe!

  55. I make homemade scones for Christmas breakfast every year. My husband and son like to drizzle butter and honey on them. I read that you collect black bears,have you checked out Jeff Fleming's or Big Sky Carver's website, I buy my black bears from him.

  56. Wow ,what a giveaway !! I can't even imagine winning this !! I'm just sorry I missed the other weeks !! I have never been to Colorado !!!I hear it is beautiful,retired now ,maybe now we will get there !!How generous of you !!
    We always,have to have Blueberry delight ,pumpkin roll,snickerdoodles.
    Thank you so much,come over to my blog & enter giveaway ,but it is nothing compared to yours.
    Prim hugs & Blessings,

  57. Oh how exciting. I love sharing Christmas traditions with friends. My favorite and most requested dish is broccoli & cheese casserole. I thought that people would get tired of it but they always ask me to bring it. My sister-n-law always makes my hubby her homemade fudge and I eat more of it than he does *giggle* Please enter me in your give away and I must say it is a really nice one. My email address is Please visit my blog and I will post about yours.

  58. All the frills of an elaborate holiday dinner are minimal unless they accompony a great cheese ball with crackers. Here is a simple recipe that I use:

    2-3 packages of cream cheese
    4 green onions chopped
    3-4 pkgs of Budding lunchmeat
    1 garlic clove
    splash of Worshtershire
    pinch of garlic salt

    mix ingredients in a bowl. save 1 package to use on the outside of cheeseball. Refigerate for as long as you can without devouring it first.

  59. When we think of all the Christmas memories that we have had as a family we remember many great times. The best Christmas we ever had has to be the next one. We always look forward to the next celebration as a family.

  60. You are a very giving person! My favorite dish is cookies or my Dad's meatballs. He's been single for 20 years and always makes me meatballs on Christmas day and I look forward all year to it.

  61. We always have to have these 2 different kinds of jello. One is strawberry with bananas and pecans with sour cream in the middle. And the other is lime with pineapple, pecans and cool whip mixed together.

  62. Thank you for that great recipe. I am going to try it this Christmas. My kids have to have chicken and noodles, dressing (cornbread) my granddaughter has to have deviled eggs, and my grandson has to have cherry delight. There are many other requested dishes, and I cook for two days. Thanks!

  63. I just love this giveaway so I am crossing my fingers and I have your button on my blog by the way.

    My fav. food would be all of them, he... he......But I must say that my ex-mom n law, still mom to me, makes biscochito cookies and tamales only at Christmas and I just love both of them. Don't get them much anymore now that I am her ex daughter n law, but still get together with them when I can and I always have my share of her goodies, so this is to her, Thanks mother for always keeping our bellies full, I love you always.

    Merry Christmas

  64. Your giveaways are amazing! Thanks for the opportunity!

  65. This is truly amazing! I had to read it twice to see if I was reading it correctly. I would truly truly love this opportunity! My best friend of almost 20 years moved to Colorado last year and I miss her dearly. This would be a wonderful way for our families to see one another! Thanks again forthe opportunity & I will definately been keepiny my fingers crossed! WOW! :)

  66. Sorry - not trying to make a duplicate entry, but I got excited and forgot to add my have to have dish! I don't think Christmas morning would be the same without my mom's pound cake and sausage balls. Greetings from VA!

  67. PIES , PIES N PIES!LOLI make tons of them during the holidays.My favorite is pumpkin !Happy Holidays!!

  68. My milk chocolate, marshmallow fudge is a staple for my hoiday table. I would love to visit Colorado again. Was born there and haven't been back for 10 years.

  69. Mashed tatoes & ham are my favorites. Your cabin looks like a great place for my small family to get away to someplace special!

    buhbye509 {at} aol dot com

  70. Even with the incredible trip I still think I got the best giveaway package :)

    Christmas isn't Christmas without the holiday cheesy hashbrown potaotes. NO question :)

  71. I love making bread dip (with beef, dill and sour cream) it just isn't the holidays without it!!

  72. wow what a great giveaway!! i would love to be entered! mny family loves to do a turkey dinner and i love the day after because we have yummy turkey sandwiches and yummy turkey soup!

  73. There are so many! My family loves the ham rolls with cream cheese and dill pickles inside. But - I think my personal favorite is the green bean casserole with the crunchy onions on top!

  74. I'm all about the sweet potatoes! I could give up anything else, but not that!

  75. Thanks for the Coke salad recipe. Had forgotten the name, but am glad you posted. While we eat them all year long, there is something about mashed potatoes at Christmas day lunch. Doesn't seem to be a complete meal or gathering without a big bowl.

  76. For me and my family there is a 3 must have food stuff.Firstly potatoes then jellied meat,secondly blood sausage and the pickled cabbage and the good old home made beer

  77. Your cabin sounds heavenly.

    Our favorite dish is an orange poundcake made in a Christmas tree bundt pan and sprinkled with confectioner's "snow". Thanks for the chance to win!

  78. we visit with my parents during the holidays and my father insists that I make his favorite cranberry sauce with pears and cardamom. I make a very large batch and he eats it for a long time after.

    thanks for the amazing giveaway. the cabin looks amazing.

  79. My favorite food is a tradition, too. When you have a large group together, the kids are always in need of a diversion so we've made it a tradition through the years, to wrangle all the kids and make candy and decorate cookies. They love getting their fingers into the chocolate, fudge, peanut butter and icing. They get so proud when folks eat their creations and tell them how good it is.

  80. All the giveaways have been very very nice. However, the winner of this one, gets the icing on the cake. The gifts are great, but to get a week at the cabin is an outstanding, generous gift. The winner will be truly fortunate.

  81. What an awesome cabin site.
    How sweet of you do give a week away. My favorite dish is honey baked ham. Just love the flavor.
    thanks for the enty.

  82. The ONE food I can't do any holiday without is my Mother's coleslaw. Having learned to make it it's now also the ONE thing my husband's family now cannot do without on holidays too!

  83. lol...I got such a kick out of reading some of the responses:)
    must have at Christmas...Pies!!! Pumpkin and French Holiday silk from Bakers Square.
    Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize...especially the chance to stay at the cabin...We love Colorado

  84. What a wonderful vacation this would be. My sons must have my special mac&cheese

  85. My must-have holiay dish is sweet potato casserole with toasted marshmallows! This year will be a little sad, because my dad-in-law and I were the only ones who liked this dish. Dad passed away 6 weeks ago, so he will not be with us for the holidays for the first time. I am going to bring his favorite sweet potatoes with marshmallows anyway, so that I can think of him as I enjoy them. gosh...I am getting tears in my eyes as I remember how his eyes lit up when he would see that his 'second daughter' brought the sweet potatoes. He always asked if I brought them, and he always ate second helpings. Thank you for this contest and for bringing me back some special memories!

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. great giveaways, i can't get enough of the fun goodies, pigs in a blanket, mini cinn. rolls, cookies, chocolate covered cherries, divinity, ALL OF IT is so delicious-especially this time of year.

  88. Here is one of my family's favorites:

    This recipe goes way back to my great grandmother. We have this every Thanksgiving and it has a lot of sentimentality behind it!

    Cranberry Relish

    1 c. raw cranberries, chopped very small
    1 c. unpeeled raw apples, chopped very small
    1/2 c. sugar

    Mix these top three ingredients and let sit.

    Mix 1 small package of lemon Jello with 1 1/2 c. of hot water. Chill until partially set.

    When Jello is partially set, mix in cran/apple mixture along with 1/2 c. chopped walnuts and 1/2 c. of seeded green grapes (that are quartered).

    Refrigerate until firm and serve with a dollop of Miracle Whip in the center.



  89. Gotta have turkey, ham, and green bean casserole!

  90. My favorite holiday dish is my mother's homemade noodles. I have a picture of her rolling out noodles. As kid, we always loved to grab a raw one while they were drying on the kitchen table. They were cooked in the broth from the wonderful tasting turkey my mother made. I have since learned to make them myself but they just don't seem to taste as good as hers. It makes me feel good that my daughter is learning to find delight in home baking and is sending out goody trays to her neighbors this year. I have your badge on my blog site and don't mind sharing my email address.

  91. There is nothing I don't like about Christmas--I LOVE IT ALL--the music , the lights ( I love driving around looking at the lights) all of the beautiful decorations, the giving attitude, and the spirit of love and compasion people have for each other(too bad it does not last all year), and of course the FOOD--- I like it all especially my daughters(Coloradolady), dressing---I am a traditional type person so I like the traditional turkey and dressing and all that goes with it. I was going to mention the Coke Salad but Suz beat me to it---it really is GREAT and may end up as a tradition at your house but another favorite is my CHEESE ROLL that my son and nephew and niece love so much and think it would not be Christmas without it.
    1 Lg. Veelveta Cheese
    1 Lg. Cream cheese
    1 cup finely chopped pecans
    garlic buds (mashed very fine--use to taste---I use about 4 lg. ones,
    cayenne pepper(to taste) taste as you go---WARNING ( it will get hotter as it sits in the refrig. so just go light on the pepper if you don't like hot stuff---however we like it hot. Mix all together and divide mixture up and make rolls out of the cheese (make any size)---roll in paprika---sprinkle paprika on waxed paper and roll the cheese roll in that---refrig. and cut into slices and serve on crackers. VERY GOOD !!!
    The best of Christmas is having the family all together for some special time---we are all so busy we don't have much time toghether as whole family and I miss that--we need each other and time together is So Special!! To all who read this I hope you have A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A BLESSED NEW YEAR !!!! The winner of this give away will be blessed as the cabin in Colorado is very nice and you will love--good job Suz.

  92. I just posted and forgot to mention my favorite dish. It would definitely have to be Prime Rib on Christmas Eve. My mouth is watering! Thanks again!

  93. Ham, mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, veggies and rolls. Then fudge, cookies, and assorted holiday candy!

  94. I was sitting here thrying to think...what is my favorite dish? My Mom mentioned her Mom's homemade noodles and I'll have to agree with her. I love grandma's homemade noodles and mashed potatoes! *mmm* I just learned and made noodles from scratch for the first time this year. No, they weren't grandma's but it felt good to make something from scratch and eat 'em up! :o) I love baking cookies from scratch too. I've add your button to my blog. Thanks for sharing this wonderful give away. I love God's beauty that He has created in the mountains and nature for us to enjoy. I can only imagine what peace and joy your cabin would offer. :o)

  95. My favorite memory is running down stairs to get my stocking and them taking it to mom and dads room to show them my treasures and wake them up! My favorite Holiday treat is of course Home Made Sugar Cookies !

  96. Our favorite food on our table is a ham. We usually buy a large ham and eat it for three or four days until it's gone.

  97. I love the cabin having been there twice already but to have a second week maybe this time also? What a treat. Please sign me up and I have your BUTTON on my site.
    Our favorite food is just about anything that won't eat us first. We have a Christmas fudge that we make each year (already made one batch so far) and we love baked ham with cheesy potatoes...

  98. Garlic mashed potatoes are a must!

  99. Oh my goodness! What a wonderful gift to giveaway! My husband adores my mother's baked cheesy garlic potatoes, so they make their appearance at every holiday dinner. We reserve them for special occasions only because they are not so healthy :) Boil potatoes, mash with sour cream, butter, garlic, shredded cheese, bake and voila! YUM!

  100. A "must be" on our holiday table is cottage potatoes. THey are made with diced potates, cream of chicken soup, sour cream and chedder cheese, The top is sprinkled with crushed cornflake crumbs and baked. Great with baked ham

  101. A dish that our family always needs to have is green-bean casserole. It's delicious, healthy, and very traditional. Not to mention the fact that it always hearkens back to Christmases past.

  102. Cherry Coke Jello

    1 large package of cherry jello
    1 can any size cherry pie filling (My family likes lots of cherries so I always use a big one.)
    2 cups Cherry Coke Jello
    Make jello as package directs, but instead of water add the cherry coke.

    We love this jello salad, the red color fits right into the theme of Christmas.

    hollyblanco at gmail dot com


  104. my favorite holiday dish must be the one with all the cookies and candy on it. You know the one with the home made fudge, mint bars, sugar cookies, rum balls, peanutbutter balls, etc.

    I've blogged about you on my site.

  105. For Christmas breakfast we always have "Oatmeal Cake," a special recipe of my mother's that I now make for my daughter.

  106. a great family vacation: Grandpa and Grandma and the whole gang

  107. My favorite dish was the jello salad
    made with cottage cheese, pineapple
    and lime jello. Is the cabin near
    Monument, Colorado? I have a friend
    I would love to visit while I was
    there. I also have the button on my
    side bar! WOW! What a giveaway!

  108. What a wonderful give away! It just kept getting better and better! One dish that always gets served is that great tradtional green bean casserole. Of course now that there are so many people in our family that seem to not like green beans, the newest traditional side dish is Gulliver's corn.

    2 (20 ounce) packages frozen corn kernels
    8 ounces whipping cream
    8 ounces whole milk
    1 teaspoon salt
    6 teaspoons sugar
    1 pinch white pepper or cayenne pepper
    2 tablespoons melted butter
    2 tablespoons flour
    1. Combine all ingredients except last two in a pot and bring to a boil.
    2. Simmer 5 minutes.
    3. Blend butter with flour.
    4. Add to the corn.
    5. Mix well and remove from heat.
    6. Put finished corn in heat proof casserole, sprinkle with parmesan cheese and place under a broiler until evenly brown.

    I have your button on my blog and have really enjoyed all the fun these last few weeks. Thanks!

  109. What a wonderful give away! It just kept getting better and better! One dish that always gets served is that great tradtional green bean casserole. Of course now that there are so many people in our family that seem to not like green beans, the newest traditional side dish is Gulliver's corn.

    2 (20 ounce) packages frozen corn kernels
    8 ounces whipping cream
    8 ounces whole milk
    1 teaspoon salt
    6 teaspoons sugar
    1 pinch white pepper or cayenne pepper
    2 tablespoons melted butter
    2 tablespoons flour
    1. Combine all ingredients except last two in a pot and bring to a boil.
    2. Simmer 5 minutes.
    3. Blend butter with flour.
    4. Add to the corn.
    5. Mix well and remove from heat.
    6. Put finished corn in heat proof casserole, sprinkle with parmesan cheese and place under a broiler until evenly brown.

    I have your button on my blog and have really enjoyed all the fun these last few weeks. Thanks!

  110. Chocolate covered strawberries and champagne.

  111. Great gift items Thank you!
    My favorite dish beleive it or not is stuffed prunes
    Prunes stuffed with softened cream cheese abd topped with a walnut half. Looks cute on a plate for your Christmas meal and is good for you.

  112. I love to bake all kinds of Christmas cookies and candies. This year I made: biscochitos, chocolate covered pretzels, gingerbread men, gumdrop cookies, holly cookies, peanut brittle, peanut butter balls, pinto bean fudge, rocky road fudge, sugar cookies,
    and beef jerky!!

  113. Wow! I'd love to visit my neighbor to the north! (We live in New Mexico.) Your cabin looks beautiful!

    Must have food:
    Stuffing. We start with the box stuff. But we use broth from the turkey (or a can) and add chopped olives and chopped pecans.

    I've been proudly displaying your button on my blog.

  114. Not trying to enter a second time...

    Just had to tell you I told hubby about the cabin. We LOVE Colorado Springs area. It would be great if we could stay in the beautiful cabin.

  115. Always want my husband to make homemade dinner rolls.

  116. Since I am Italian we always have a pasta dish either Lasagna or ravioli and a meat dish and lots of desserts.

  117. Lovely Cabin. We always work a jigsaw puzzle on Christmas Eve. When it is completed it is time for the kids to go to bed.

  118. The coke salad sounds delicious; I'll have to try it soon. I'd never heard of it...thanks for sharing the recipe. We have family favorites, and they are from all over the world: Peking duck from China, kimchi from Korea, chicken coconut soup from Thailand, sashimi from Japan, saurbraten from Germany, fish and chips from England, and... everything from Italy! Did you guess Military Brats? Close. Thanks for the chance for living in one of the most gorgeous spots in the U.S. for a week, and sharing your all of the other fun prizes. Cool!

  119. We always make a special salad and pumpkin with syrup and walnuts in new year.

    annabell_lee_dk (at)

  120. Wow, that is so generous of you! I hope somebody very deserving wins. I'll be back to find out who. ;-)

  121. Wonderful giveaway! I can't live without Pillsbury crescent rolls at the holidays!

  122. Oops! my email is!

  123. My sister makes Penoche candy every year that I LOVE! I start reminding her about it in October. This year she told me she didn't know if she would have time...and then I made my "boo boo" face! YAY! She's making it.

  124. Wow, what a generous giveaway! We have several favorites that we have every year! One would be Wedding Soup, my uncle would make it then my mom made it when he passed on. I have yet to try to make it but would love to one day. Other staple items during the holiday would be layer dip, spinach quiche, and nut roll. I do make layer dip and spinach quiche every year. Boy this post is making me want a snack!
    I still have your giveaway link posted in my right margin too.
    Have a wonderful day!

  125. Our must have dish are the pies. Cherry, Apple and pumpkin.


  126. This is such an amazing giveaway!! My favorite dish would have to be Prime Rib. We have it on Christmas Eve and I love it. My mom makes it and she puts a mixture of cracked pepper, sea salt, and rosemary on the outside. Simple but good! Thanks for the great contest!!!!!

    My email it littlebugscc (at) aol (dot) com

  127. We have to have our Black cherry jello with apples and walnuts. It has whole cranberry sauce in it as well. Very yummy!

  128. I love pecan pie and my mom's scalloped tators

  129. Christmas is not complete until we get a bite of great grandma's divinity. It truly lives up to the name, and she only makes it at Christmas time.

  130. I am just amazed at the giveaway you are hosting ... simply amazing.

    Christmas isn't the same without Peppermint Meringues for me. My mother-in-law made them a few years back and I fell in love love love with them. Now I have to beg her for them...but it just isn't the same without them.

    Everything else is yummy and whatever we eat is fine...but I really love those meringues.

  131. Wow, what a wonderful giveaway. From a wonderful heart! It's not Christmas at our house without Raspberry Nut Pinwheel cookies and Lemon filled cookies. One year I mentioned forgoing them and was chatized severly by the kids. Never did that again. It's the only time we have them

  132. Wow what an amazing giveaway!! I would love to be entered!
    Our MUST HAVE at Christmas dinner is a Honey Baked ham from well, of course HONEY BAKED HAM CO.!! ha!ha! We love it and half of the fun is ordering it and standing in line on Christmas Eve to get it!
    Our other MUST have EVERY year is a birthday cake for Jesus. We light the candles and sing happy birthday every year. This is probabally the kids favorite tradition each year.

    So thanks for the opportunity to enter ssssssuch an awesome giveaway! I hope you have a fabulous Christmas!

  133. I will mention this contest on my site with a link to your site and your mountain cottage. It sounds really nice. My DH went to college at the USAFA in Cos. Springs. Love to go back and visit.

    Favorite dish? Pasties, moose roast, sticky buns, brunch, gingerbread..

  134. It would not be a holiday meal without Mom's Cream Corn. It is the easiest recipe ever. You use 2 blocks of cream cheese four sticks of butter with two large bags of frozen corn into a crock pot and cook until heated. I never go to a holiday meal without someone requesting my Mom's Cream Corn.

  135. This is an awesome giveaway!! I think the main things that HAVE to be on my table are the real mashed potatoes, homemade macaroni and cheese and dinner rolls.

  136. this is a great sweepstakes for the holiday. thank you so much for coming up with this. good luck to everyone and happy holidays.

  137. A joyous Christmas to all of you!

    Christmas dinner wouldn't be complete at our house without my Grandma's (passed away in 1984) English Trifle. I am now a Grandma and continue to make it for my mom, my husband, the children and the grandchildren. If we know of someone who is going to be alone at Christmas, we invite him/her/them for Christmas dinner. We have a townhouse that accomodates 12 people comfortably but we've had as many as 30 people for dinner. No one deserves to be alone on this special day - the birth of the Christ child. email -

  138. Thank you for offering such a nice present from your heart. You are truly a thoughtful, amazing lady, and I hope that you are rewarded for your kindness, karma and all.


  139. I'm still reeling over here with the announcement of the cabin giveaway. The other stuff in the goodie bag was great, all on its own. You are an amazingly, generous woman.

    I don't have just one must-have dish. They all kinda go together, although, I could probably sit down and eat a bowl of mashed potatoes with gravy all on its own. *slurp*

    I have your button on my site and my e-mail address is

    Happy Holidays to you & your family!


  140. I'm still a big fan of the ole' Green Bean Casserole! I just have to have it for the holidays! And what a great prize for us Colorado gals!

  141. The recipes all sound delicious!!

  142. My favorite Christmas treat is Mounds Bars..graham cracker crust, coconut, sweetened condensed milk, and chocolate!

    And what an outstanding giveaway!

  143. Our "must have" on the table is mashed potatoes and yes... they are homemade. I make 5 pounds of mashed potatoes so that we have plenty of leftovers. I use lots of butter too so they are sinfully delicious. This is a great contest - thank you.

  144. It's not Christmas without Peppermint Bark.

  145. Wow! What a generous giveaway!! The one thing we must have, beside spritz cookies, is hot apple cider. We always have have, with fresh cinnamon. LOVE it!!
    I have your button on my blog!! Thanks for all the fuN!

  146. We love the Olive Dip from Racheal Ray. It is now our fav and a must.

  147. I love your little blog, its too cute! I would like to say that the best food is Mac & Cheese with corn, that or a dessert! Which is also the best memories from Christmas too! Thanks.

  148. The place looks amazing. We always have cabbage rolls as part of our Christmas dinner.

  149. We always have pie. Lots of pie. It doesn't matter what kind it is, as long as there are a bunch of many different varieties. Key lime pie is always a favorite, though.

  150. I would love to win this contest especially since my daughter has never seen snow! Great for the Holidays. Well, my Grandma used to always make Potato Salad and then she passed away in 98 and then my mom woull always make it. My mom had Emphysema and she passed away last Feb so since she started getting real sick and couldn't make it I started it.My family loves it and would go crazy if it wasn't there for the Holidays and also to try and keep their memories alive I carry on the tradition (we also have it on Thanksgiving) The funny thing is I can't stand it. I have never liked it but I know it makes my family happy so I will continue to make it (especially for my younger sis). Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!



  152. My home-made clam chowder. Its so rich and filling.

  153. A must have is sugar cookies and homemade candy....they are sweet reminders of time spent with my Mom and Grandma, rolling out cookies and dipping chocolates. Both of these wonderful ladies are now celebrating Christmas with Jesus, but always bring a smile of the time we spent laughing and sharing. What a fun giveaway~ Merry Christmas

  154. Hiya Suzanne...maybe I've signed up before, but hey...I want to win sooo bad! so if I can't register again, please register my dear DH, Sonny, in care of my email address on my blog...fingers are crossed!
    ♥ Bo

  155. what a nice giveaway.....I see myself and hubby in the colorado cabin, under the fleece blanket, enjoying the goodies....(ok quit dreaming Dianne, have to cook dinner!)

  156. We have to have spinach dip. My sister makes it every year, and we have it at our family Christmas party.

  157. My favorite holiday food is ham... any way, any type, just ham!

  158. My family's favorite holiday dish is what we call "Goop". Goop is like a jazzed up party mix, and it's my grandmother's adaptation of the regular chex mix. Every year at our Christmas weekend, we have a family "Goop Off", where we compete to make Goop that is most like Grandma's. It's delicious and makes great snack and gifts! Here's my (secret and Goop Off winning, so don't let my brother know!) recipe:

    2 sticks Butter
    1/2 cup Worcestershire Sauce
    3 Tsp Lawry's Garlic Salt
    6 cups each of Rice, Corn, and Wheat Chex
    2 cups Cheerios
    2 cups pretzel sticks
    2 cups mixed nuts

    Melt butter, worcestershire sauce, and garlic salt. Dump cereals into a large, deep baking pan, or a roasting pan. Pour half of butter mixture over cereal and stir to coat evenly. Dump in Cheerios, pretzels, and nuts. Pour in the remaining butter mixture and mix well. Bake at 250 for 15 minutes, then stir. Repeat baking process 3-4 times, or until cereal is no longer soggy.

    The smell of this stuff baking is amazing! For my family, it is never really Christmas until we can smell the Goop baking!

  159. Great prize! Desert is always the most importmant to I'd say pumpkin pie is the best food for the holidays!

  160. There is a haft to have at our holiday meals. It is prepared by my step daughter and it is a Cheesy Chicken and Brocolli Casserole. It is the best one I have ever tasted and we almost fight over it ! She says it is quick and simple to make. All we know is that it is delicious and
    it wouldn't be a holiday meal without it! This giveaway would sure make a great getaway for me and my husband. Thanks and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

  161. Among our favorite holiday foods are cornbread dressing, sweep potato casserole, and pecan pie served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Thanks for the great giveaway; your cabin is lovely. More than 30 years have passed since my last visit to Colorado, but another trip there to see the majestic views is on my "Bucket List".

  162. Thanks for offering such a great
    giveaway! I think that our favorite Christmas table treat
    is actually not a food but rather a beverage ~ sparkling 100% grape juice that we serve as a special holiday tra-la!
    Our children love it and so do
    us grown-ups :)

  163. What a soothing retreat for the soul a stay at your cabin will be for some lucky winner!Plus all the other wonderful items!
    My must have dish is a cranberry orange relish jello salad that my Mom & I used to make together since the late 1950's. My Mom passed away a year ago yesterday- I made it last year & I will make it again this year & every year that I am able to do so. The memories this dish gives to me are priceless.

  164. This would be like a dream come true!

    Thanks for this great promotion! ! ! ! !

  165. my wifes sour cream mashed potatoes,the best........

  166. I am expected to bring Artichoke Dip to every family event, the Christmas feast is no exception. I rejoice at the fact that it is the ONLY item I'm expected to bring. This is because it is so darn easy to make. Mayo, sour cream, parmesean cheese, cream cheese, artichoke hearts... bake for 20 min at 350* and voila! Simple. Fattening, but simple (hey, its the holidays). I usually do it a half hour before we leave for the family's house and grab it out of the oven on our way out the door!


    I can remember growing in my parents home. my dad always went all out. he would wait till we went to sleep and decorate the whole house with lights, the tree and even one year he had this train set he decorated as well. it was beautiful. now with me having my own kids i try to give them as much joy during the holidays as i did. it's always a joy to see their faces on christmas morning.


  168. Our "must have" food item on our Christmas table is my mom's "famous beef brisket". She is a wonderful mom and grandmother now and we are honored to cook her brisket every year. This year is even better because we are all going to be together and she is bringing her dish. Thanks for the chance to win this great prize.

  169. I love the homemade candy! My sister in law makes super carmels and my Grandma made stuffed dates to die for. My mom's fudge is the richest in the world. All tasty and special.

  170. My mother always makes the best oatmeal cookies. Everyone looks forward to them around the holidays. Although this year has been tough for her and my sister and I are going to be making them to help her out.

  171. What an awesome giveaway you have going here.
    On Christmas we have to have the turkey. It is just not Christmas in our house without it.

  172. What a beautiful location! It's just what we need to get away from it all!

    My family is Ukrainian and I can't get through Christmas dinner without perogies! We make them with feta cheese instead of the classic cottage cheese...I supopse now they are Greek perogies!

    Richelle Gregg
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    krgregg (at) eastlink (dot) com


    Wonderful giveaway!! My constant is homemade mashed potatoes with garlic salt a bit of vegi broth milk and butter a yummy treat.

  174. WOW!!! This is a great giveaway. I am new to your blog and absolutely love it. My favorite holiday recipe has got to be ham roll-ups. Super silly I know, but I always fill up on them :) You basically just take a slice of deli ham, spread cream cheese on it, put a sweet pickle in the middle, roll up, and slice. Delish! Thanks again!!!!!

    ASHLM85 (at) aol (dot) com

  175. My mom makes the best rolls in the state of Alaska, so that is a must have for our family!

  176. Wow what a lovely gift you are giving,and the cabin area looks so beautiful,not to mention the fantastic nostolgic gift package.
    I Think ginnger cookies are my favorite item at this time of year,wouldn't seem like Christmas with out the old fashoned ginnger cookies,now would it.
    Merry Christmas to all!
    Peace& Joy in the new year

  177. I must have the cherry pie on the table!

  178. WOW great prize. My must have at Christmas is either stuffing or Christmas cookies!

  179. I gotta have a variety of desserts
    on the table. So every time I walk by it I can eat something sweet. LOL.

  180. Everyone must have my potato salad and my husbands deviled eggs.

  181. simple...mashed potatoes...mmm mmm good

  182. My favorite holiday dish is a ham and potato dish that my mom makes every year when we get together with the extended family on Christmas day. It is really yummy!

  183. We have to have Grandma's Orange Rolls for breakfast Christmas morning. The good thing about them is they can be prepared the night before, so it makes for a less hectic Christmas morning.

    rblanco915 at gmail dot com

  184. My hubby makes homemade au gratin potatoes which are amazing. Those have to be on the table!

    I have your button too!


  185. Dirty Rice is a must have as well as the Green Bean casserole.

  186. My favorite dish is ravioli

  187. Wow what a fantastic giveaway. A stay in that cabin would be heavenly. This time of year our have to have food would have to be homemade christmas cookies, decorated with the help of the kids of course. It's a tradition I would hate to have to do without.

  188. I find that now that my son is here - he's two now, the magic of Christmas is starting to return. I'm actually looking forward to starting the whole Santa tradition.

  189. We love my grandma's traditional Norwegian Christmas cookies. :)

  190. Wow this is an awesome giveaway, my favorite dish is my moms homemade pecan pie, its not a holiday unless she make it :)

  191. This is the best giveaway I've ever seen. :o
    Where I'm from (New Zealand) we always have a BBQ on Christmas day because it's summer over there. Here in the states we have baked ham.

  192. Can't sit down for a holiday meal without a big bowl of mashed potatoes at the table :-)


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