Sunday, December 7, 2008

Simple Sunday & Christmas Cheer Giveaway Week 4

At Christmas play and make good cheer,
For Christmas comes but once a year.
~Thomas Tusser

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Welcome back everyone to this weeks giveaway. This is week number four in a 5-week giveaway event. I hope you are having a good time with this Holiday Cheer Event. I can honestly say, I have enjoyed myself immensely. It has been great fun reading every one's comments and little snippets about their lives and memories of the holidays. Great fun!

As promised, this week features something for everyone either in your household or perhaps on your gift list.
Many of us this year are feeling the pinch of the holiday expectations and expenses. It is my hope that one lucky winner will be able to use this package of goodies to enhance their Christmas in some way. Now, let me show you what is up for grabs this week!

Here is a list of what is included in this assortment of gifts for everyone on your gift list:

  • You will receive a cute snowman bag filled with all kinds of goodies for the bath: Powder Sugar Scent bath gel, soap, body lotion and bath crystals. Oh, the little snowman is just so cute!
  • Speaking of cute, this little snowman serving plate is perfect for serving holiday snacks on.
  • The little pink tin is filled with Peppermint Cane Tea

For the cook in your family:

  • This cookbook is titled CELEBRATE! by Betty Crocker. It is filled with wonderful recipes for Year-round holiday foods. It is a hardback book.
  • What cook would not love this seasoning set? This includes Gourmet seasoning mixes: southwestern, Asian, Caribbean, and Cajun spices. Perfect for seasoning up all types of dishes. It comes with the iron caddy.
  • Next is a Radio Control Helicopter. I'm sure kids of all ages....some not so young....would love this under the tree.

  • This snowman box is just adorable. Perfect for storing Holiday photos or keepsakes, the ideas are endless.
  • Next is two of the Santa letter know how fond of these I am. I had to add two of them to this giveaway.

Here is a closer look at the snowman bag and plate. The necklace and matching bracelet are from Mix-it from JCPenneys. They are navy blue in color, very nice.

You will also receive this cute little Chicken and Rooster mug. I think this is just adorable, and to put inside this mug are two packages of Holiday Wishes Hot Chocolate.

Now, for the one's who love to watch movies: Here is a collection of four DVD's Brand new. You will receive:

  • Christmas with the Kranks
  • It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie
  • Behind Enemy Lines
  • Wedding Crashers

I hope you find this giveaway something to get excited about. I had a great time putting this together and am very excited to offer it to a lucky reader.

Do you have a recollection of what brought you the most excitement during the holiday season? Do you remember the anticipation of Christmas coming and the excitement you felt? In the comment section, share with us what you recall as a child getting the most excited over during the holidays.

~One of the most exciting things to me personally was getting to spend the week before Christmas with my Auntie and shopping, candy making and visiting my grandmother. I have very fond memories of those days spent before the holidays
at Auntie's house, those days were the best of times and to be honest, the anticipation of what Santa was going to bring was right up there on the list too. Looking back on those days from my childhood I am so very thankful for the people who made holidays special and made heartwarming memories that will last a lifetime.

To Enter:

Leave a comment on this post. You only need to leave one, just remind me you have added my button or blogged about my giveaway on your blog. I will add the extra entries to this post for you.

Make sure you leave your email address in the following format if it is not displayed on your blog:

Santa (at) yahoo (dot) com.

You do not have to have a blog to enter, just a email address. Don't forget to put that in your entry, I need to be able to email the winner. International friends are welcome always.

Good luck everyone. Contest ends Saturday, December 13th at 3:01 a.m. and the winner will be drawn randomly and announced. The very last giveaway will Start on Sunday the 14th. I will give you a hint......the winner will experience something that is near and dear to my heart!

*wink* I saved the best for last! *wink*


  1. Well, my excitement started when the cookies were baking in the oven. That was the only time my mom did not dictate what I ate was at Christmas. I never got to eat cookies throughout the year. I was overweight as a child, because I would sneak food. Christmas was such a wonderful time for me. Excitement had no limits to the sweets.
    Enter me in your giveaway please. It is super.
    RLC_23 (at)hotmail (dot) com

  2. Another super duper giveaway!!!
    I think the excitement started
    after Thanksgiving when we would go to our local department store and look at all the stores 'holiday themed windows' decorated and then visit Santa in the decorated Winter Wonderland. Everything seemed happier
    and brighter with all the decorations through out the store. Please enter me and I have your button on my blog! Jewelgirl

  3. wow what an amazing giveaway!! i would love to win this and spread the christmas cheer around with others! i lvoed playing in the snow and would always hope for a white christmas

  4. You're being very generous with your giveaways: so many things. I remember being allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve, and I'd usually open one with clothes. Yuk.
    smilingsal55 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  5. WOW! so many beautiful things..what a great give away! :-)

    My best childhood memory, was the christmas when my father had hidden ONE present, and when I thought it was all over, and sad.. he pulled out the REAL present for me (from my parents) and I got the doll I have SOOO wanted, and cried over! :-) That made me happy, and I'll never forget it.

    I have put your button on both my blogs and this time I will do like BJ and cross both fingers and toes! ;-) hehe.

    Have a wonderful day!!!


  6. Hi!!!
    what a great give away!

  7. Wow! Amazing giveaway! I just love anything Christmas and this is like everything Christmas! So wonderful :) What I got most excited about over the holidays when I was a kid was getting to celebrate two different holidays! My mom is Jewish and my dad is Christian and I used to get to celebrate Hanukkah with my mom and then Christmas with my dad, it was so much fun!

  8. My memories doesn't include Christmas presents, because here we had another day to do that. Dec 5, Saint Nicholas day.
    I remember SO well that one year our mom threw candy in all the corners of the livingroom, but she HAD to give me something in my hand. SO she stood behind the door, with her black glove on. She handed me a chocolate crib, with a marzipan baby and a PINK blanket. It was SO cute, too cute to eat, lol.
    Even then I had a thing for Pink,:)

    Hugs from Marian and I would love to participate.
    dutchy19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  9. OOPS forgot:
    the button is on my sidaebar :)

  10. I only sorry I didn't find your blog sooner ! Please enter me in your giveaway. You have a wonderful selection of goodies in the giveaway! pick me! Also, I mentioned your giveaway in my blog today. :)

  11. I'm in! I'm in! You've got my email address....

  12. This is a great prize hope I have a chance.
    I always got excited about Christmas because even though we didn't have much money somehow my mom always managed to create the best Christmases, with very limited income she managed to have Santa bring all the gifts we wished for. Of course wishes were more simple when I was a child and Christmas stocking were always filled with candy, oranges, apples and nuts but that was many years ago and I still have wonderful memories.

  13. I loved decorating the Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving. For me that always marked the beginning of Christmas. My family would go out and pick out a real tree and we would bring it home to decorate. We lived in a two story home so the tree was always huge. It took all four of us to decorated the tree. We also made it a tradition to make our own ornaments to hang on the tree every year. Now we have memories on my mothers tree that you just can't match with regular store bought ornaments.
    hkropog [at] yahoo [dot] com

  14. This is a great contest!

    abfantom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  15. Count me in to win this great prize package! I remember being excited about Christmas Eve. We'd go to my sister's and have a big dinner with extended family. We'd also exchange presents. It's something that we've done for years and still do.

  16. I remember when mama and daddy were still married we were so poor but they always made sure that Christmas was special-

    my sisters and I slept in an unfinished attic and we went to bed with all the Christmas eve anticipation-we all snuggled together in a twin size bed then we heard it....

    Santa's bells and a LOUD HO HO HO...we lay there wrapped in each others arms our eyes sparkling so bright with the magic we were hearing... Santa was REAL!!!

    We ran to the teeny tiny attic window and peered out hoping to catch a glimpse before he rode out of site-I am pretty sure we stayed awake all night just waiting till we could run down the stairs and see what santa left....

    it was one of the most magical Christmas's ever

    Thank you mama and daddy for making that christmas the reason i still beleive to this day...

  17. Wow, your give aways are great!!! I have your button wish all luck.

  18. What I got excited about was helping to pick out the tree and decorating it.Also I loved going to the parade in our town.Your giveaways are so thoughtful.If I was to win I would share some of the gifts with others.It's been a little tight lately! monk5 (at) charter (dot) net

  19. Wow alot to go under the tree! At our home our house is decorated in Disney! We enjoy baking, doing crafts and just being with family. This is a special time of year!
    Merry Christmas!

  20. I think the thrill of snow on Christmas, and the first gaze at the presents under the tree were the most exciting parts!

    my email address is in my blogger profile.

  21. WOW love the giveaway thanks for the chance at winning enter me

    Happy Holidays


  22. My memories are special because my parents are both gone now. Christmas is still great by not like it used to be, it's missing something for me. We had the best Christmas's. We didn't have a lot but my parents made it so special. I remember my dad handing out the gifts and my mom sitting and holding the big garbage bag for the paper and garbage. My dad would be so funny when he would hand out the gifts, pretend he couldn't read the names or say a name that we didn't recognize and pretend Santa left us the wrong presents. Man the memories. I miss them. Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. Wow! This sounds like a great contest. Thanks for the chance.

  24. Truthfully, and I guess this is like alot of families- the only time we got along and acted like it was Christmas. I am trying to take it over the top with my family- of course the word might be overcompensate- but whatever. I want my son to love all the holidays.

  25. my excitement starts with my annual carmel corn baking marathon. My kids start asking for it at Thanksgiving... and don't stop until it's done, they get so excited to share our family recipe with their teachers.

  26. the excitement of the fresh snow and putting up the tree

  27. I'm so excited that it's Christmas time again. My favorite memories as a child were the parties in school and church and the music played at both. :)

  28. My best childhood memory was going to the forest and picking out a Christmas tree with my father and sisters. It was so wonderful to walk through the snow and smell the beautiful pines!

  29. Again thank you for your generousity. One of my favorite memories growing up is when my gramma would invite all the grandkids to a special Christmas shop and we each got to pick out an ornament for our gift and then we would go watch a movie and the theater which was usually free and was a muppets Christmas and at the theater they would hand each kid a large candy cane stick! I still have all the ornaments to this day and love to hang them on my tree every year. My mom was gracious enough to put the year on all of them too!
    hugs, angie

  30. I think holiday traditions make the season so special. We made Christmas cookies the day before Christmas and frosted and decorated them. Then on Christmas Eve, we would go to church and come home and my mother would make homemade pizza. My sisters and their husbands and kids and brother and wife and kids would then come and we would exchange gifts. I remeber everything feeling so magical. Little things like the homemade fudge and filled candy dishes were so great because we were never allowed too many sweets. My sister and I used to play "hide the reindeer" with a silver reindeer ornament on the tree every year. Memories of simpler times are so special.

  31. My first Christmas away from my family, My mom sent me a Christmas survival package, It had my Christmas stocking, Her homemade cookies and pictures from various Christmas years of our family's past. It made for both a happy and sad Christmas.

  32. I've always loved giving more than receiving. I'm the oldest of 5 kids and I remember when I was about 11 or so my mom let me help wrap my younger siblings presents. It was so much fun checking out all the stuff they got and talking with my mom about how much the little kids are going to like their presents. My excitement built more and more as it got closer to Christmas not just in anticiaption of seeing what I got but also in wanting to see the happiness of the little ones when they opened their presents.

  33. I've had many wonderful Xmas memories but none compare to an early one. I heard barking and there was a little trembling puppy for me. I don't think I wanted to open any packages for a long time. I just wanted to be with the puppy.

  34. My excitement for Christmas would always start when they would play that wonderful old classic movie: Miracle on 34th street with Natalie Wood. I remember as a child they would have it on every Thanksgiving. We would all watch it together while at my grandmothers house. The real excitement always started once the snow started to fall.


  35. Back in the mom used to actually make christmas cookies from scratch...the smells that used to come from the kitchen in the days before christmas and new years were since none of us kids are at home and the family has spread out..she doesn't do it now.. but the memories are still threre.. Thank you for the giveaway

  36. When I was about 5 I remember a Christmas morning running downstairs and looking outside. It had snowed! The snow was so exciting and beautiful but there was more! I saw hoof prints from the reindeers! They came straight to the sliding glass doors coming into the basement! It amazed me, and for years it excited me to think about that morning. I was a teenager before I found out a neighbor had made the prints for us. Happy Holidays Everyone!

  37. Merry Christmas to everyone! What a very fun giveaway!

    One of the things I remember as a child around Christmas time was the Sears catalog which back then was about 3 inches thick. We would each jealously guard our time with that book and spend hours and hours pouring over each and every page, dreaming about all the wonderful things we could ask Santa for. It always amazed me to find one or two of things I wanted most waiting for me under the tree Christmas morning! That Santa is really something!

    I've got you on my sidebar!


  38. Well, this is another AMAZING giveaway!!!! I am so stunned that you are including so many wonderful things each week....I'm IN FOR SURE!!! :-) Have posted about the giveaway on my blog! All my best to a very GENEROUS person!

    My best childhood memory was going to my Grandmother's House in Alabama and being welcomed into her loving arms. She always had a buttermilk custard pie because I loved them, and Christmas morning in her livingroom was magical! We children would be so excited when we were on the way, we would break into "Alabama Here We Come...." (like California Here We Come) when we hit the Alabama line.


  39. Our christmases are the most exciting when we have a little one in the family. Watching them express their excitement as they see the tree and all the presents is the best.

  40. We lived in the same building as the music store that my parents owned. The days leading up to Christmas people would bring in trays of goodies and cookies. That's when Christmas would start. With the cookies!
    Great giveaway! I have your button on my sidebar. :)

  41. I think what started the excitement for me was watching the Christmas shows and movies. Then the shopping, baking everything that followed built up to a crescendo which was putting up the Christmas tree and trying to sleep on Christmas Eve. Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway!

  42. Just reminding you that I have your button on my blog. Your giveaways are fabuous!!!

  43. Oh my are so did save the best for last!! You have been so very generous with your giveaway packages...I hope my name pops up for this one!! ;-) Bo

  44. This Giveaway is so wonderful. There is something for everyone.
    Thank You and Merry Christmas.

  45. I loved missing school for snow days. Most of the time we weren't allowed to play in it for long but it sure was fun.

  46. I think some of my most exciting times during the Christmas season as a child was when I would anticipate all the gifts that would be under the tree on Christmas morning. I found it so exciting for my siblings,cousin, and I to look in the Sears Wish book catalog,and to write down all the toys in that catalog that we wanted. Then dreaming of which toys I would receive from that book from Santa.

  47. What a wonderful, wonderful, giveaway!
    I started feeling the excitement of Christmas, during the weekend after Thanksgiving. Each year, we'd put up our Christmas tree's (we always had two, one for the family and one that the kids decorated by ourselves.) Every weekend thereafter, we'd either decorate some more or we'd bake cookies, make gingerbread houses or do something special related to Christmas. We'd visit Santa, go see gingerbread houses and train displays and stuff like that. As each weekend approached, I could feel my excitement growing more and more. Christmas eve was the hardest, not being able to sleep, with anticipation of what the morning would bring.
    Now, with children of our own, we try to bring this excitement to our children. We also start the Christmas season, the weekend after Thanksgiving, planning special activities related to Christmas for each weekend.
    Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway and Happy Holidays!

  48. My excitement always started when the house decorations started going up in my neighborhood. Then we would all pack up and head out of town to my grandmother's house. I remember my brother and myself counting the Christmas trees we saw on our side of the car. We made a contest out of it during the 2-hour trip. When we finally arrived at our destination, we would find our grandmother making hand-dipped chocolates. There are so many things that brought excitement, that it is hard to narrow it down to just one or two. The entire season was just magical.


  49. My dad always had me wrap the presents he bought for my mom, and then he added the gift tags. One year, I wrapped my own present without knowing it.

  50. One of the most exciting things I remember when I was a kid was getting a package from my Great Aunt (I am not sure where she lived but she always send a cool package). It has the usual coloring books, crayons and small toys but I remember the chocolate marshmellows. I never saw them anywhere before or after those packages. Every year that was the first thing I grobbed out of the box.

  51. growing up I used to love that my birthday was in November. Every year, when I got money for my birthday, I would go christmas shopping for everyone. I lived in walking distance to a small strip mall. Would only have enough money for little token gesture type of gifts, but it always ment so much to me to have gotten people things with my own money. It was my little secret, and made me so proud to give the gifts at christmas.

  52. Jumping up early in the morning, racing down the stairs to see what Santa left us!

  53. My most excitement over Christmas presents when I was little was receiving a piano, I love it.

  54. I do not know how you do it, but each week the giveaways get bigger and better. This should really make someone have very blessed holiday.

  55. dfinitely helping my mom bake christmas cookies, and going to bed with the light of the electric candles glowing in the bedroom windows.

  56. Getting to open one present on Christmas eve.

  57. What a great giveaway. Please enter me.

  58. i always got excited to see the presents under the tree stack up during december

  59. What an awesome are really outdoing yourself!!! My excitement started with buying the tree and the smell of pine--brings back memories!

  60. You have the BEST giveaways! As a child, my favorite memory was the year my dad built me and my sister a kitchen set (a fridge, a stove, and a sink, pink and grey, out of oak) AND a Barbie house! It was sooo great! Now, I look forward to seeing my sons face when he opens the ones I know he's been wanting!

    Enter me! I also have your button on my blog!

  61. Looks like something for everyone in the family, I hope we win this one!
    conniesgate (at) yahoo (dot) com

  62. Some of my best Christmas memories is of my Daddy taking me and my two sisters to the back side of our farm to get the best and biggest tree we could find. He brought it home and fixed a homemade stand for it. We all decorated it with all kinds of homemade ornaments. We made the wreath for the door by taking a wire coat hanger and bending it into a circle and wiring native holly (with berries) all around it.
    I still have your button on my sidebar.

    Looks like another great giveaway for some lucky person!

  63. Hi back from Colorado !!! wave wave...thank you for the wonderful opp to share the joy of Christmas! Go Snow ! I love this time of year !
    happy Holidays

  64. My excitement began as soon as the Christmas tree was up and the presents were under the tree. My sister and I were so excited one Christmas Eve, we just knew we heard Santa's sleigh bells go over our house. We quickly snuggled under the covers and was sound asleep very quickly.

  65. The excitement starts when the 24/7 Christmas radio station starts up.

  66. Excitement one Christmas morning when I was about 8 years old. My sister and I got baking sets; boy were we excited. We were up before dawn and took our bake set to the kitchen where we began cooking. We had flour everywhere - obviously we didn't read directions (smile). Boy did we ever get it when our parents came down stairs!

  67. We celebrated the twelve days of Christmas and could only open one present a day. It was so hard to wait--and we shook the boxes and felt the packages trying to decide which was the next one we wanted to open. I look back now and see what a great lesson our parents taught us in waiting and treasuring each moment instead of having one frenzied rush of present-opening.

  68. good enough comments? lol
    great give aways again!
    please stop and pick up the award I left for you in tomorrow's post!

  69. Christmas for us was always tight we were very poor when I was growing up and most of our gifts and food for the Holiday came from the Salvation Army. My neices and I would always sit in the car waiting patiently while our Moms stood in line for there turn to receive our Holiday package, sometimes Santa was there and we were able to get hugs from him and tell him all our wants and wishes. Most of the toys we received were not new but they always brought us great joy. One year I received a stffed lion and I just loved him and named him Leo, he was my best friend and I took him every where I went, I was so proud. I am not sure what happened to Leo over the years but I still think of him today and the joy he brought me that Christmas.

  70. I remember as a child, shaking, weighing and feeling each package under the tree until I "thought" I knew what was inside.

    rsgrandinetti ( at) yahoo (dot) com

  71. From the hint, I guess that the last giveaway is a trip to Colorado!
    One of the things I remember about Christmas was going to the Christmas Eve vigil mass. Becuse it gets dark so early it seemed magical as we left the house in our velvet dresses with tights, cute coats and faux fur muffs. Our neighbor had an enormous star of Bethlehem in the tallest tree on their hill and it just seemed so real and holy. One year as we left the house it was snowing and other than the radio we were all quiet all the way to church. Luckily it was only a 15 minute drive!
    It's interesting that this stands out to me because we went to the evening vigil mass every week, but Christmas Eve always felt different.

  72. Please count me in...nice giveaway for the holidays!

  73. Please enter me. I hope I win, I've yet to see Christmas with the Kranks.

  74. I start to get excited before thanks giving even rolls around, I love the holidays the lights the smells the cool nights
    andrea fernelius
    acfernelius at gmail dot com
    I have your link on my blog too

  75. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Fantastic giveaway! Please sign me up for your contest.

  76. As a Child my favourite memory would be leading up to Christmas and the posty coming we would them put the gifts under the tree. (all my family lived in another state so gifts would be posted). And then Christmas eve watching the carols on the TV with my parents and having lots of yummy treats.

    Now my fav memory is seeing the excitement in my children and doing fun holiday things with them, like going to the carols.
    This give away is amazing.

  77. Going to Midnight mass on Christmas Eve.

  78. When I was younger I was raised in an orphanage. We had 'sponsors" which were area churches that bought our clothing and gave us 1 gift at Christmas. We were allowed to ask for 2 things, but would only receive one if we were lucky. I remember the night before Christmas we would be so antsy to see if we got a present, and when we did it was like heaven on earth.

    Thanks for the awesome contest junielee at peoplepc dot com

  79. I think what brought me the most excitement at holiday time was the ability to spend time withmy family without having to rush to school or work. Nothing to do but eat and watch the numerous movies on the television.

    madamerkf (at) aol (dot) com

  80. Great contest, thanks titanicluck at gmail dot com

  81. I was a child through and through. My excitement came from the thought of Santa leaving us presents! Santa in my house. Santa eating the cookies and the reindeer eating the carrots we left out. Rudolph on my roof!

    There is such an aura of magic when you are a child. It was the most amazing time in the world.

  82. One memory when I was young .. many many many years ago was to shake the boxes or packages to see if it was a Board Game inside. Often it wasnt even though I was hoping and thinking it was. skyxsky27(at)

  83. We used to make a paper ring advent calendar and tore off a ring each day. I remember getting so excited as the chain got shorter and shorter. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  84. I always got most excited when family started arriving for Christmas Eve dinner. Part of it was being so happy to see some of them, part of it was knowing I'd be able to help in the kitchen, and the rest of it was knowing if family was arriving, Santa wasn't far behind. asthenight at gmail dot com

  85. The Big guy- Nothing else mattered as a kid. I believed in him to no end and he was the greatest guy on earth!

  86. Holiday shopping always gets me excited. The hustle and bustle of the holidays is something I look forward to , yet dread as well.

  87. When I was a child, Christmas was a mystical and magical time. We lived in a part of the state that gets lots of snow and we always looked forward to sledding on Christmas. I also remember how beautiful the tree looked and the excitement of the anticipation of Santa coming.

  88. Special Christmas excitement for me was often the Sunday following Christmas as that was the "big family christmes" where there would be about 20 adults and 30 or so children in our farm house, food and presents and most of all bisiting about the various paths our lives were following.

  89. What a great giveaway! I will never forget Christmas as a child with my grandparents, who are long gone now. My grandmother, "Maw-Maw," would make lots of special things that we had once a year like date-nut loaf, pralines, fudge, fruit cake and lots of pies and cakes, all from scratch. She would always let me help in the kitchen. I try to at least make a few of these each Christmas for my own family in remembrance of her, and because I want my kids to remember too! Merry Christmas Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw. Love & Miss Ya'll!!!


  91. I was always excited about going downtown to see the department store window displays. Too bad they don't do that anymore.

  92. My most joyful time of the year is when I know that I can make others happy, especially at the Holidays! I just get overjoyed finding the perfect gift, seeing that extra big smile, and the joy of the season!

    kristinia at lovingheartmommy dot com

  93. We have your button up!

  94. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

    rebbi511 at

  95. Great giveaway! This would definitely help with my gift giving this year!

  96. This sure would help with Christmas. Thanks for the chance.

  97. The one thing that brought me the most enjoyment when I was little and yes, even now, is putting up the Christmas tree. I always knew when I was young that that was the day we started celebrating Christmas. We started making our Christmas cookies, keeping secrets from each other, where not allowed in mom and dads room and knew we better be good for goodness sakes. I raised my own family the very same way and to this day Christmas doesnt really start for me until I have my tree up.

  98. We used one butter cookie recipe, and only used it once a year...making it really special. My parents sat at the kitchen table and wrote out Christmas cards on a Sunday in yet another sign that Christmas was getting closer. Outside decor went up the Sunday before Christmas, and then, the big event, on Christmas Eve afternoon, the tree went up, followed by the parade of presents being brought out from all the bedrooms and placed under the tree. We always had a gathering on Christmas Eve, and then attended midnight mass. Christmas morning, we did stockings first, after, a cup of cocoa.

  99. Your button is on my sidebar too, I forgot to mention!

  100. Wow, there really is something for everybody. Thanks for the chance

  101. want to win this Christmas eve was always a special day in our lives.

  102. I remember we were allowed to open one present on Christmas Eve. No matter which one I picked it was always a great present.


  103. Nice goody packages, I love Christmastime.

  104. My favorite time of the year was going to my Granny and Papa's house. We would all get together and eat and laugh and play cards. It was the best times. thank you

  105. I was always excited about EVERYTHING that made up our Christmas celebration.....helping my mom and grandma bake Christmas cookies always got me was wonderful!

  106. I loved the decorating. We used the same ones every year, and it was like rediscovering old friends, as they came out of the boxes.
    Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

  107. I had a lot of anuts and uncles on both sides one family here in NC where I now live and my other family in Washington DC. We moved here when I was 7 so I enjoyed the big city big lights and loved it for a few years. But here in Locust, NC our family would all meet at my grandparents house and it was excited seeing all my cousins and family I had not seen in a long time it was a very happy time for us all to eat and talk and enjoy being together.

  108. The excitement would really begin around the middle of December. The decorations were all up and Mom was baking up a storm. We live in the South and I always wanted to see snow for Christmas but we never did.
    Dad would take us out for long drives at night to look at all of the holiday lights and decorations.
    Thank you for the nice giveaway.

  109. Our excitement began around the middle of december when mom would start all of her Christmas baking. For weeks the house would always smell so good.
    We always opened our gifts on Christmas eve.
    But on Christmas day we always went to my grandmothers where the whole family of thirty would gather and exchange gifts.
    It's so great to remember those days.
    Thank you so much for offering this truly wonderful giveaway.
    I would LOVE to win !!

  110. During Christmas as a child I remember, how great the whole house smelled. My mom baked a lot and gave away cookies , cakes, and breads as gifts. The smell always reminds me of Christmas.

  111. I was always so very excited about the prospect of snow on Christmas Eve! The idea of sleigh riding with abandon with abandon gave me such a sense of delight.

  112. that's a huge giveaway... I would love to be entered.
    loko6 (at) peak (dot) org

    One of my favorite memories was hanging the stockings. My grandma had made each of us a stocking. they were so cute. she made each one to match that persons personality and likes. it was the true beginning of Christmas when we would hang the stockings near the fireplace. Man, I miss her!!

  113. We lived in the midwest so there was always the anticipation of a "white" Christmas. Just having that first snowfall was always so exciting. Was school going to be cancelled?? Were we going to have a "snow day". Sleds and toboggans would be ready...and if you didn't have one--heck--you would get whatever would work--a cardbox could get you down that hill in a jiffy. I remember making snow angels, snow forts, and having tons of snow ball fights. I remember making lots of snowmen. I remember being SO cold but not wanting to go in (even to have lunch or even to go to the bathroom) because it would mean having to shed layers upon layers of clothing.

    Also, I remember the anticipation of Santa Claus...putting the cookies and milk out for him. I remember one year being extremely concerened with how he was going to get access into our home as we did NOT have a fireplace (??) not sure how my parents reassured me. LOL! I remember the exhiliration in the morning seeing all of the loot that Santa had left us...

    Ah, sweet memories....

    tskrush (at) cox (dot) net

  114. I think the excitement started for me the day we would go as a family to purchase a Christmas tree and then we would come home and decorate it. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

  115. Wow, you are so generous!!! You are correct when you say that this year is very difficult for a lot of us. My kids are so good and are completely understanding!
    Regardless of this lack of $$ I feel like I have more of the Christmas spirit than I have in a long time. It started the week of Thanksgiving and it's still going strong. It's all going by so quickly though!

  116. When I was very small, my Grandmother had all those wonderful German blown glass ornaments. Santas and fruits and pinecones, they were the most beautiful things to me. I would sit and stare at the colored lights reflecting off of them. There were whole other worlds within my Grandmother's tree. Over the years, they were passed down to my Mother and then to me, but there are only one or two left.
    I still love to decorate the tree and try to recreate that fantasy feeling.

  117. My excitement was always when the cousins would come from out of state and we would all wind up at our mawmaws to spend the night a few days before Christmas. And there was so much excitement about Santa and the gifts we hoped to get. We would stay up very late sitting by the Christmas tree that lit up the living room and the other lights turned off. Another great package!! I hope I win. You are posted on my sidebar....

  118. I don't really remember much about Christmas a child but, when my daughter was little, we could hardly wait for her to wake up on Christmas morning to see all her presents.

    What a gorgeous basket! Please draw my name. :-)

  119. When I was a child from the age of about 7 to 16 my siblings and I became wards of the state because our parents no longer wanted us.
    My sister was adopted about a year later, I wasn't and never was.
    My best memory at Christmas time was that I always hoped that I would be one of the kids that was picked by a family to spend the holidays with and sometimes I was chosen. It was hard going to a nice house that the people were kind to you and you usually got your own bedroom and lots of attention knowing that it was only temporary. Thank you

  120. I remember the butterflies feeling I got in my tummy upon going to bed on Christmas Eve. I remember how excited I was and how hard it was to go to sleep waiting on Santa! Now I love watching the same excitement in my daughter's eyes!

  121. Hi, What wonderful gifts you are offering this holiday. Send some snow our way -- Georgia. :) Merry Christmas.

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. I have your button on my blog. TY

    gahome2mom (at) gmail (dot) com

  124. Christmas meant seeing Grandma and Grandpa and eating her special nut, poppyseed and apricot rolls.

  125. I have such fond, whimsical memories of my parents during the holidays(my mom, especially), both of whom died over 20 years ago. My mom liked to decorate and I would join in and still have some of our family's decorations from my childhood. The excitement began when we decorated the mantle and got the inevitable "flocked" Christmas tree. Why is it that Christmas is so much more enchanting for children? How I wish I could get that innocence and excitement back!

  126. I'd be happy with just the chicken & rooster mug! :o))

    I loved the build up to Christmas morning. I loved (what am I doing talking in past tense....) I LOVE to shake & rattle presents and try to figure out what was inside. I was always a little disappointed that I'd figured it out before hand and of course, when I actually opened the gift I was completely off base with my guess. My Mom took to booby trapping my presents with things that would rattle, adding bells, or nuts that would roll around in the box just to torment me.

    As much as I loved the gifts I got, it was a little anti-climatic because I enjoyed the suspense so much.

    I have your button on my blog and my e-mail address is:

    Happy Christmas!

  127. My sister and I would be sent to bed on Christmas eve. Mom would sneak out the back door and go to the front and ring the doorbell ( we knew Santa could not come down our chimney). Dad would give a few Ho, Ho Ho's and packages were dropped so we could hear the Ka-thunks of them hitting the floor. Then we would hear the metal blinds rattle on the front door as Santa left along with some more Ho, Ho, Ho's.

  128. I still have your button on my blog. This is a great giveaway you are doing. I remember my brothers and I counting how many presents we each had under the tree. Then we would try to guess what they were. We also could not check out stockings until both parents were up. Oh, the suspense, because my dad is slow to get up!

  129. I was excited about everything. I was easy to please!

    I loved going carolling (I don't think anyone does this anymore) because I've always loved Christmas carols and it's much more fun to sing them in a group. Later on I loved being in a choir and singing Christmas songs.

    I also always loved that first glimpse of the Christmas tree on Christmas morning. It would be all lit up and presents were piled underneath with stockings hanging nearby.

    Thank you for the very generous giveaway!

  130. When I was a kid my bothers and sisters and I were peeking out the window one night before Christmas. These two guys dressed as santa came up our walk and spotted us in the window. The proceeded to ask us how many kids lived in the house. We told them. After they left, we went down on our porch and found a candy cane for each of us.

  131. What a fantastic giveaway. I have already grabbed your button.
    My email adress is

    I wish everybody here a good day:)

  132. oh. my. word.!!! what a fantastic giveaway!

    The excitement at my house always started on Thanksgiving day with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - I don't think I've ever missed one as long as I can remember - then the day after Thanksgiving, the Christmas movies come out and the decorations go up!

    I would love to win this giveaway pack - my hubby would have a ball with that helicopter, lol!

  133. My excitement starts with Black Friday, I am in the spirit of the season until Christmas after that!

  134. Wow this is a terrific giveaway and what variety! Very exciting


  135. Wow - what a great giveaway. My kids are always so excited for Christmas and the holidays its hard to just pick one thing. But I think trying to catch the kids getting up at 2 or 3 AM with crazy things like tins attached to their doors or piles of pots in front of their bedroom doors is probably the most memorable. That and their holiday midnight movie parties, where I always hear "Shhhh don't wake mum...I have the treats. And finding them all piled in one twin bed in the morning surrounds by their "leftovers". There is no limit to our fun.

  136. My Grandparents (my Dad's Parents) were Norwegian, so my favorite memory is going to their house (EVERY CHRISTMAS) and the smell of Lutefisk and Lefsa, my Grandma always made that for Christmas dinner. When my Grandpa died, my Grandma still made Lutefisk and Lefsa, by then I was old enough to help so I learned and now my Grandma is gone and my Dad too, so our Christmas tradition is all our Daughters coming home for Christmas and we all make lefsa. No lutefisk, I can't stand the smell in the house. So that is my favorite memory and I am hoping it will be our Daughters too. :) HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOUR FAMILY AND THANKS FOR SHARING and OBTW, I am a big vintage girl too. My Sewing room Valances are old flour sack towels with embroidered edges. :) THEY LOOK SWEET!!!!!!!!!

  137. Hi, I'm here by way of SITS and saw your awesome giveaway! I most remember my mother reading us A Christmas Carol in the weeks that led up to Christmas in the evening before we went to bed. I also remember waking up on Christmas morning and waiting impatiently for everyone so we could go downstairs to the livingroom. (no one was allowed to go down without the whole family!) So many memories, but I'll stop now. :) bustables(at)gmail(dot)com

  138. I have always loved everything about Christmas. One thing I most looked forward to was that we had two Christmases- the regular one at home and the one on New Year's Eve at my grandparents.
    (Now I get so excited to see the kids that I have actually woken them up in the middle of the night to open presents.) ;)
    I have your button on my blog @

  139. as a child what I rememeber getting the most excited over during the holidays was going 'into town' to a big department store to see Santa - and shaking all the presents under the tree!

  140. I remember my dad going up to the attic to bring down the tree. My mom would run water in the bathtub...I remember them washing the branches before putting it up. There would be Christmas music on the stereo...I knew Christmas was coming when my dad brought down the tree!!!

  141. What a fabulous giveaway, you are so generous! I would love to be eneteded, I' will add you on my sidebar too! The first thing that comes to mind is decorating. My sister and brother ar 10 and 12 years older than me, respectively. So as a child, I got to do as much decorating as I wanted. We had a big open stairway that we always hung a long garland on with ribbons, I loved that soi much. ALso, the little figurine candles that we never burned...carolers and a lamppost. I fact I asaw the exact candles in a catalog this year as vintage old.)

  142. This is so much fun-what a great idea!! Also fun herebouts is that my downstairs neighbor has begun having Soup Supper/Games Gathering every month and that makes an event to look forward to. We play everything from charades to dominoes and have a lot of laughs. I was raised by women pretty exclusively and my Grandma and Mommy were both the best at making Christmas the best thing for little Cindy. Mom was a kindergarten teacher and one special perk of that was I got to try out all the craft ideas before she took them to the classroom. Guess that's where I got my penchant for fiddling with things. Went to a Fair Trade gift show recently at the local university and got some wonderful ideas for whipping up some cute ornaments and gifties for the relatives. Better get right on it... email is cindy(at)wfhb(dot)org

  143. posted your button at

    blogged -

    My favorite Christmas memory was from almost 8 years ago - After a pregnancy full of complications (I was even told I miscarried), I delivered a beautiful baby girl. We appropriately named her Noelle.

    Our Christmases are always small - me, my husband, the girls and my parents. Growing up they were a much larger affair - we would visit my aunt and uncle x-mas eve for their holiday party. Christmas day would be church, followed by Grandma M and Grandpa JZ, followed by a visit to Grandma J and Grandpa J. The day would be wrapped up at my Aunt Connie's house. The memories of tradition, of sharing the day with family and friends are what I treasure most.

    Misaacmom [at] gmail [dot] com

  144. All us grandchildren went to my grandma's house and baked cookies two weekends before Christmas and then deliver them to the neighbors

  145. I always looked forward to Santa and the stocking the next morning. I loved going to the candlelight service. I have linked your giveaway on my blog.

  146. I always look forward 2 christmas because the family gets together and has a great visit and dinner!:)ty 4 the awesome giveaway!

  147. Hello, I am new to this blog and I have really been enjoying it! What a great giveaway you have planned. So full of Christmas spirit!! My email is ASHLM85 at aol dot com.

  148. Oh I forgot to say that your button is on my blog too. ;D

  149. I remember going crazy with excitement over spending the holiday with my cousins. I didn't have any sisters, and the chance to play Barbies with the girls made me so happy!

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  150. Even as a kid, I always loved "party food" -- chips & dip, little sandwiches, cheese balls -- I love it all! My parents had a circle of friends who played pinochle and we would either host a party or I would get to go to an "adult" party with my parents during the holidays! That was always so much fun, and then riding home in the car under everyone's coat, and my dad would carry me in to bed if I pretended to be asleep.

  151. Another fun giveway! Count me in - and I have your button on my blog

  152. The most I got excited about when I was little was my family driving to the Christmas Trre farm and picking out our tree and cutting it down ourselves. Coming home and decorating it with anticipation waitning for Santa. Everyday was filled with excitement just waiting for that big day. Thank-you.

  153. My Mom loves snowmen. This would be great for her. Please enter me in the giveaway.


  154. I think the anticipation alone was exciting. christmas eve was my favorite, because it was so close to the big day, but not quite there, and the excitement was amazing. christmas eve night, i would get into bed and recite "twas the night before christmas" to myself over and over again until i fell asleep. ahhh, blissful! sugary79 (at) aol (dot) com

  155. My best memories were with my family, my five older sisters liked to treat me (the baby of the family) to trips to get pictures with Santa and the mall to shop, plus I remember baking cookies all day in the kitchen with my sister Ann and my mom and waiting up on the couch for Santa.

  156. I like watching the kids open their presents and getting so excited.

  157. I just found your blog through another linked blog. I love Christmas time and all of the Christmas goodies you have listed... especially the betty crocker recipe book!

  158. Our Christmases were never as wonderful as all the neighbors, or our friends, but I remember one Christmas, Mom told me that for once, we hadn't moved in a while, so Santa would be able to find us, I was so excited, and sure enough Christmas morning there were little foot prints coming out of the fireplace, and extra presents under the tree. That was the Best Christmas ever!

  159. Count me in once again!!!!!!!!!! Add me to that hat!!!!!!! :)

  160. For me, Christmas excitement started with decorating the tree. It was from that point on that the excitement would just build until Christmas morning. In trying to decide what to ask Santa for, I recall being given a Sear & Roebuck catalog to pick out things that I liked- it was so much fun. To this day, I like perusing catalogs.
    Your generosity with your giveaways just blows me away! I have your button and am crossing my toes!

  161. Wow! Each week the prize package gets better!

  162. I remember getting together every Christmas down at my grandparents' house. There was barely enough room for all of us but that was the fun. Tons of kids running around and the big production when Grandpa lit the plum pudding...good times.

  163. I think the excitement started the day after Thanksgiving when we would go "tree hunting" and cut down our tree!

  164. I swear I think I commented already. My brain doesn't really work as well these days!

  165. Holiday baking with mom was always my favorite. My kids now look forward to baking with me.

  166. I remember the anticipation of getting to those stockings on Christmas morning. They were almost more exciting than the actual presents under the tree. As an adult now, I long for the family gathering together and the house full of people and laughter. It was the one day of the year we got to eat different foods because the sister-in-laws would bring special dishes they made.

    mamatat1 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  167. Would love to win this prize. In these economic times I'll find it hard to give such wonderful gifts this year. I've blogged about you on my brand new blog.

  168. My father worked for a big company that every Christmas had a variety show for families. My favorite part was when the show was over each child got a large shopping bag full of age appropriate toys and candy. Wow, on the ride home my sisters and I loved going through our gift bags! Thanks!

  169. I always got excited when my favorite grandma would visit during the Holidays.

    :) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)

  170. Two thing always got me excited at Christmas time when I was a kid.
    First, Christmas Eve was a big deal at our house. We invited friends over and ate fun things like oranges, meat, cheese, crackers, apple cider and homemade goodies. We played games and talked and just enjoyed each others company.
    Second, Christmas mornig we would run to the living room and open our stockings first, then we had to file into the kitrchen to eat breakfast before we could open our presents. We always had grapefruit for breakfast but my parents would always say things like "maybe we should have a big breakfast this year," and "we should wash the dishes first." And us kids would moan and groan, "I only want half a grapefruit, not a whole one!" And then we would run back to our presents. But it was listening to my parents think out-loud about having bacon and eggs and toast pancacks made from scratch, while trying to hide their smiles, that I remember most.

    I love you blog, it's very cool, thanks for sharing!

    ashleemalloch (at) hotmail (dot) com

  171. I always got so excited when we decorated the tree as a family. It's the one thing I remember so clearly from my childhood holidays. We did a lot of homemade ornaments, and I just loved putting them on them tree. It started off the Christmas season. Thanks for such an amazing giveaway!

    Oh, and I have your button up on my blog!

  172. I remember the Christmas I was seven. I desperately wanted a pony for Christmas; I was sure I would get one. I can remember looking out the window Christmas Eve just knowing that tomorrow I would be the owner of a pony.

    That Christmas my three-year-old brother & I got up early, around 4 a.m. No pony, but Legos instead, lots of Legos. We stayed up all day until about 9 p.m. that night playing with them. My poor mother must have been exhausted; she was pregnant with twins at the time.

    Now some 40 year laters, my parents still have the Legos. They've been used by myself & my three brothers, as well as all their grandchildren & now even a generation of great-grandchildren. Legos definately have staying power!

    jwright (at) iowatelecom (dot) net

  173. My excitment always revolved around the kitchen. I remember making cookies and goodies with Mom. She would always try to make things my dad liked and would get recipies for Norwegian cookies and such. I remember making Sandbaakles with her. We were both trying to figure it out as she'd never done it before and didn't exactly know how to use the tins. About 12 years ago she gave me her tins. I made them that year and I remember the smell just blowing me over. I grew up in WI and moved to FL around 20 years ago. So it was a real treat and the first time I'd had them since I'd moved.
    I remember standing in the kitchen, I closed my eyes and could actually see the Christmas tree on the porch. I could even feel the breeze blowing through the windows that needed to be replaced (old house slight leaks). I even needed a sweater when I opened my eyes. I guess I had gotten them right.


  174. Excitement can be in a negative way as well as positive, and I think the most "exciting" Christmas ever was when I was 10. We always celebrate on Christmas eve, but we lost electric about 3 pm in the middle of a bad snowstorm. With electric we lost heat -- and the oven couldn't finish baking the turkey. We ended up having to evacuate to my aunt and uncle's house, and while they had no power, they did have a wood stove. For Christmas eve dinner we had tossed salad as that was my aunt's contribution to the dinner. A day later, power was restored and we had our dinner than. It was certainly an exciting Christmas and we still talk about it!

  175. I remember not being able to sleep on Christmas Eve. I slept on the top bunk right next to a window, and I would crawl to the end of the bed and peek out the window every time I heard a noise outside. I was convinced that one day I would actually see Santa and his reindeer arrive.

    Thanks for offering the terrific prize package!

  176. My excitement started when the tree went up. We always real trees with that wonderful evergreen scent. The excitement accelerated to a fever pitch when gifts starting appearing under the tree. But Christmas morning was the bonanza... the SANTA DROP! Toys everywhere!

  177. The most exciting aspect of Xmas when we were young was trying to figure out what was in the boxes before Christmas morning. But in reality it was the mystery that was more exciting than figuring it out. Once I shook a box so hard the radio turned on! Of course the batteries wore out by the time I opened it!

  178. The anticipation was the most exciting thing. You never quite reach that level again.

  179. I was most excited at Christmas to visit my grandmother's. All of my aunts and uncles were there and we did not see them very often throughout the year. We spent a good part of the afternoon at grandmother's and opened gifts towards the end of the evening. At that time my brother and I were the only grandchildren so it was very exciting to us to receive all of the attention!

    Thank you for the chance to win!

  180. One year my dad picked me and my two sisters up and took us to his house. He had the kitchen table full of gifts for us. Eyes wide with excitement and then he took us to the garage and we each had a new bike too. One of the very best christmases ever.

  181. My excitement started when we went with my parents to pick out our real Christmas tree. The fresh smell of the pine, us kids playfully fighting over the perfect tree, taking it home and get the decorations out of the attic, and then helping mom make the holiday cookies. Thanks for bringing back those warm memories.

  182. I remember coming back from Midnight mass and seeing that Santa had come and left us our presents, ate his cookies and taken the few pennies we left for him to get supplies for next year.

  183. My favorite memories are those of going to church on Christmas eve. We had a candlelight service and it was just beautiful. It was wonderful to be a reader of the scripture or just listen as others read. Then, to sing the Christmas Carols between each reading. What lovely memories just thinking of it now.

    Please enter me in the giveaway. and I have your button on my blog.

  184. I couldn't wait to see my cousins again. We only got to see each other a couple of times a year.

  185. When i as a kid me and my nephews and nieces (they are my age.. I'm the baby of my siblings) would wake up at like 4 or 5 am because we were so excited about christmas. We could only open our stockings that early, and we had to wait till everyone was up and we HAD to eat breakfast before we could open our gifts and the adults had to have their coffee!!! I hated that as a kid because the excitment of opening gifts but I do that to my kids now too!

  186. Just being with my family, I wish I could go back 20 years and have everyone around one more time!

  187. I would get most excited over the presents. Picking them up and shaking them, trying to guess what was inside. Begging to open one on Christmas Eve. Then the long, long wait until Christmas morning.

  188. I remember my mother didn't wrap presents but always had each child a stack under the tree on Christmas morning.

  189. Making cookies and sneaking candy canes from off the tree!

  190. My best holiday memories was when my grandmother was alive and several of my uncles would drop by to visit.Wish I could go back in time to experience that family again.

  191. Oh, pick me....I got excited over popcorn balls at my grannys.

  192. Hanging Christmas Lights always got me overly excited as a kid. You could never wait to plug them in. I love this giveaway.

  193. I loved our Christmas Eve party at my Grandma's house. We had a wonderful dinner, a family talent show, and Santa always came. Of course, Santa sounded remarkedly like Grandpa, but I was too young to notice! I loved being with my family. And running out on the porch and searching for rudolph's red nose!

  194. I remember going to my grandparents for every year for Christmas. It was a four hour drive through small rural towns. I loved seeing the christmas lights and the town decorations on the lamp posts. It was a tell tale sign Christmas was really here and soon Santa would be bringing us goodies. It was always cold and there was a lot of snow. The drive just seemed so hopeful and full of the upcoming anticipation and excitement of Christmas day.



Sometimes someone says something really small, and it's like it fits into this empty space in your heart!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your thoughts here, they really mean a lot to me!


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